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Definition of ‘good’ versus ‘evil’
Unlike the tradition of all the holy books that require the reader to
read hundreds if not thousands of pages of difficult to read antiquated
language or cryptic text that is open to multiple interpretations,
Oneism endeavours to present The Creation’s truth as clearly and
precisely as possible.
It will introduce a new methodology that helps differentiate good
from evil with a very simple comparison system that is set in a pure God
created environment.
One needs to evaluate human behaviour to see whether it is
constructive (good) or destructive (evil) in an environment that is not
filled with confusing man made surroundings. This measurement of human
behaviour in a pure environment will be called 'The Eden Principle' and
it follows in more detail below.
Imagine an environment with only that which is natural, flora and
fauna, beautiful landscape and vegetation… and humanity. Lets refer to
this as the 'Eden Principle' since it has a pure beautiful sensitive
environment very close to the garden of Eden at The Tree of Life. This
is a 'mental' concept where one can compare any human behavioural
pattern to see if it is either constructive to this environment and its
people dwelling there or destructive and at risk of harming anything
there. More on the Eden environment, referred to as the Eden Principle
follows in the next chapter below.
Quite remarkably all the teachings of perfect constructive human behaviour all fit onto one page.
Good is a constructive behavioural pattern
that is in harmony with The Creation.
Evil is a destructive behavioural pattern
that is NOT in harmony with The Creation
It is important to reason that it is very unlikely that there is a
‘magical’ force of evil permeating the universe, or a ‘Devil’ to blame
one’s destructive deeds on. Reasoned more simply, Evil is the act of
ones own destructive behavioural patterns which are of opposite human
behavioural patterns to that of Constructive good ways. Destructive
behavioural patterns are the fault of the individual. It is a way that
one would have chosen with their own mind and hence would need to be
held accountable for such ways.
How does one know what is good
and in harmony with Creation?
Good and ‘Evil’ defined
Each human behavioural trait shown below can be measured in ones mind
with the new 'Eden Principle' concept that measures it not in our man
made environment but in one ‘naturally’ created by The Creation. It is a
method of evaluation within ones mind and more detail of it follows in
the next chapter below. There are 12 powerful positive human traits that
outline all the characteristics one can develop in life defining pure
and good constructive behavioural patterns – one’s character. There are
also exact opposite behavioural patterns that are destructive. It will
follow after the 12 traits of purity:
Here are the ‘traits’ that identify
constructive and positive human behaviour:
Good behavioural traits are constructive, harmonious, they create
order, and nurture the ‘Eden’ environment seen in the next chapter
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Here are the ‘traits’ that identify
destructive negative human behaviour:
Below are words that define the opposite of the words that define
‘good’. They are discordant, create disorder and can be regarded as
‘negative’ habits that disrupt order and harmony, easily recognisable in
the mental concept of the ‘Eden Principle’.
‘Evil’ is perhaps too strong a word
to defining all negative human behaviour patterns
The word ‘evil’ is perhaps far too strong a word to use for some
words identifying behavioural patterns that are less destructive (see
two bottommost lines in the ‘pyramid’ below). It would therefore be more
appropriate rather to refer to the behaviour described here as negative
destructive behaviour:
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Here is where these ‘pyramids’
of good and 'evil' reveal wisdom:
Firstly … compare any human behaviour only in the Eden environment seen on the page below.
Think of yourself in terms of what traits your personality displays as a ‘habit’.
In an instant you will be able to analyse the extent of your
constructive or destructive habits. In other words, if acknowledged,
this will give you a good idea of how good and constructive you are,
hopefully not destructive. By the same token, these are the parameters
whereby you can choose any association in all walks of life. People with
whom you can walk the constructive path of life!
Memorise these words in the 'pyramids' … they offer wisdom… live by
constructive ways so that they become habits and you will earn a place
of paradise in your next journey of life.
(Note: The star symbol on the top of each pyramid is as old as
humanity itself. The star in the blue pyramid shows the union of man and
woman with sacred geometry. The star is in upright position denoting it
is sacred. The star in the red pyramid is a symbol that has always had
destructive connotations. By virtue of this symbol for life portraying
the union between male and female being upside down, it shows disrespect
for the gift of human life and this sacred bond. Through time the
upside down pentacle has come to resemble a goat with horns… a symbol of
Knowledge is food for the soul
Learning and knowledge hold one very important secret: Great knowledge naturally feeds and develops the soul constructively
It is less likely for someone of great knowledge to resort to destructive habits.
It is more likely for one starved of knowledge to resort to destructive behaviour.
Our minds are our thoughts which are the essence of our souls, and
with great learning you can naturally reason and see the good and order
of all things, particularly in the sciences. The sciences are the
secrets of The Creation and something we should all have access to. In
truth, the sciences are sacred subjects, something not at all recognised
in learning today. Societies starved of knowledge and learning will
naturally become frustrated, bored and feel trapped in a life that
supposedly has little meaning and no value. Societies that have very
destructive histories were once more often than not the unwitting
subjects to tyrannical leaders. Society exercising their powerful war
machines for their own personal gains, at the expense of a people left
with a life devoid of comforts or any aspirations... and more often than
not a complete lack of learning and knowledge.
Society has also put a very high price on learning and knowledge when
it should be something as free as the air that we breathe. The author
is involved with a movement that is setting out to change this.