Sunday, April 28, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Healing the Shadow.Explanation what the shadow is.Rising the level of your vibrations
Facing our shadow is a difficult process because it appears suddenly, out of the blue, throwing us off track forcing us to face our fears, insecurities, past mistakes and poor decisions. Our shadow reminds us where we need to focus for a deeper level of healing. It shows us our repressed emotions, feelings, dysfunctions, history, denials, weaknesses, addictions and patterns. We do not need to fear our shadow; in fact, we need to learn how to embrace it. Our shadow will only show up when we are ready to truly move into wholeness, gain our highest soul’s potential and become the master of our lives. We must move through our darkness before we will truly be able to fully step into the light of our divinity. When we acknowledge the information our shadow provides and accept its teachings, our shadow becomes the bridge between the darkness of our fears to the light of redemption and unification. Our soul knows when it is time to clear our energy and begin to live our life in a different way. When our soul feels we are ready, our shadow will be brought forth and each of us will be called to find the inner strength to face it so we can transform it. This part of ourselves can no longer be denied, it must be acknowledged, transformed and integrated into our being before we will be able to raise our vibrations to our highest potential.
When things in our life take a turn for the worst and we can’t figure out what we are doing to create these circumstances, we can be sure that our soul has decided that it is time for us to meet our shadow. Our shadow is held in place by the unconscious parts of our mind that need healing. These unconscious parts are like sub personalities that were created from our unwillingness to fully feel our negative feelings because we perceived them to be bad. Since we have not been taught how to deal with these negative feelings, in a healthy way, we stuff them in our subconscious mind creating our shadow. This part of our self gets disconnected from our conscious self because we only want to deal with what makes us feel good. Unfortunately, the human experience does not always feel good and our uncomfortable feelings must be dealt with or we will continue to stuff things in our unconscious mind creating a darker, larger shadow moving us further and further away from the light of our God self. Denial of our negative feelings does not make them go away. In order to transform them they must be fully experienced so they can be acknowledged and healed. If we continue to avoid these unpleasant feelings they will continue to influence our behaviors and will be like little magnets that continue to attract people and situations into our life that we would rather not be involved with. When we feel like there is something outside of ourselves creating our life circumstance, and we want to blame others, we need to stop and realize that it is our shadowy sub personalities that are magnetizing these events into our lives. These parts of ourselves have been disowned and they are drawing attention to themselves so they can be welcomed back into our being and healed. This can only occur if we choose to receive the gift our shadow is trying to show us and acknowledge the emotion, feeling and behavior as part of our being. If we deny our shadow consciousness it will continue to persist. Bringing our conscious awareness to it and accepting it as part of our being shines light on it, transmuting it into love. Once all of these disowned aspects of our being are integrated, we will no longer need to draw unpleasant situations into our lives.
The unwillingness to look at ourselves honestly and make the changes necessary to evolve our souls is the essence of hypocrisy. We must accept accountability, responsibility and ownership of our own darkness and misqualified energy. We all have a shadow and the only way to transform it is to shine light on it through our increased awareness and willingness to stop rejecting those parts of ourselves that we don’t want to own. Be aware that your shadow and negative ego support each other because they are both disowned aspects of ourselves that we have separated from the light of our God self. Healing means to make ourselves whole. By disowning and rejecting our ego and our shadow we fragment ourselves into separate beings keeping us from reaching a state of unification and wholeness. In order for us to re-member ourselves bringing us into a state of healing and wholeness we must recognize and own our shadow so we can transform our ego bringing more of our true divine essence into our being.
Both the ego and the shadow support each other because the main job of the ego is to keep us in separation, fragmented from our God self. In fact your ego will deny that your shadow is a part of your being, in any way. The ego knows if we recognize and heal our shadow, our shadow will be integrated into our God self which means the ego will be out of a job and integrated as well. In order to keep the shadow from being acknowledged, the ego will assist the shadow by helping the shadow to distance itself from its source of discomfort which creates further separation and denial within our being. For example, when we see someone misbehaving or being “bad” we pass judgment (ego) and immediately label it as “not us” (shadow). We blame (ego & shadow) and point fingers at everyone else for their inappropriate behavior projecting (ego & shadow) those parts of ourselves we have denied (ego) onto them making ourselves superior (ego) to all the other people out there (ego) who could never, never be reflections of ourselves. The ego loves to reinforce its sense of separateness by making us feel justified and self-righteous in our blaming. The egos basic premise is that of victim hood and a victim must always have someone to blame. Because our shadow avoids everything unpleasant, it will avoid taking responsibility for the co-creation of the circumstance and stuff it in the subconscious mind simply wanting it to go away leaving us alone. Unfortunately, this perpetuates and intensifies our darkness keeping our rejected parts inside the shadow and away from the light of our God self.
The shadow holds all the darkness from every traumatic event we have ever endured and not cleared from our subconscious mind. In order for us to fully step into our light, resolve our karma and raise our vibrations we must face and clear all of those things we refuse to accept about ourselves. This is why our relationships are often referred to as mirrors. Whatever we see in another person “that provokes an uncomfortable reaction” is usually a good indicator of a characteristic or sub personality within our own being that needs to be accepted and healed as well. We tend to see in other people all of the qualities that we have personally disowned. They are mirroring back to us our own shadows. Anger, hatred, jealousy and bitterness can only hurt us if it is denied. When we suppress our emotions and feelings, because we have been taught they are wrong, our shadow enlarges keeping us from accessing greater amounts of light. Once our feelings are embraced and we learn what they are trying to teach us they will no longer be stored in our shadows demagnetizing the charge they once had on us. For example, if we see someone overreacting and it doesn’t provoke a reaction, emotion or feeling within our being, then we can be sure we have owned this aspect of ourselves because it will no longer have a charge within our being. We will be able to have compassion for this person knowing that a part of their shadow has risen up to the surface to be acknowledged and healed. Neutrality, not denial, is a good sign that you are integrating those aspects of your self that use to enrage you. However, if you continue to attract repetitive situations with people who keep demonstrating a similar type of behavior, that provokes a reaction in you, then you can be sure the Universe is trying to show you a disowned aspect of yourself that needs to be owned and integrated within your being. The Universe is lovingly bringing situations to each one of us helping us to heal and step into wholeness. When we have demagnetized all of our shadow consciousness, we will no longer attract relationships to show us our hidden aspects that we have been in denial about. We will no longer need another person to mirror our shadow back to us and we will naturally move towards those relationships that reflect back our light. Before we can be healed of any condition - body, mind or soul - we must be willing to take ownership of our creations before we can truly let them go releasing them into the light of God.
Each of us are affected by our own level of shadow consciousness and ego distortions. For the most part, this is not intentional, it is usually an unconscious act of self-deception that our shadow and ego thrives on. However, raising our vibration, merging with our God self and entering the Kingdom of God requires us to bring everything we have been avoiding unconsciously into our conscious awareness so it can be transformed. Energy never dies; it must be transformed! If we do not face our shadow, feel it and clear it we will not be able to raise our vibration high enough for our God self to merge with our being. We have to transform our darkness into light and the only way to do that is to bring it into our conscious awareness and look at it with brutal self-honesty. We need to clear out our energy fields and face our lies, shame, blame and anger. We must stop denying the negativity that lives within our being and face it so we can heal ourselves and become whole and authentic. These negativities are the very things we are here on Earth to heal. We are in a constant state of being refined and our ego and shadow work will not end until we have purified ourselves enough to be completely absorbed back into the light of the Creator Of “All That Is”.
Shadow Reactions
Anything that feels like it isn’t you.
Feelings and Emotions “others” provoke in you that you just want to go away. Your shadow is all of your rejections.
All feelings and emotions you don’t want to own.
“Out of character” emotions or reactions that are showing up in your life. These are the hidden sub personalities, stored in your subconscious, that want to be healed!
Aspects of your self you don’t want others to see so you wear a mask.
Our deepest, darkest and most terrible secrets.
Our resistances. What we resist, persists.
Ego Reactions that Support the Shadow
Blames others for their current situation. Refuses to accept responsibility for their own life / circumstances / creations / behaviors. We blame someone else when they exhibit a part of our shadow that is trying to be healed.
Projects their disowned sub personalities onto others because they don’t want to acknowledge their hidden issues. Finger pointing! Our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality. Whatever we see in another person, that provokes a reaction, is a reflection of something within our own being that needs to be owned.
“ You are angry ”
“ You are obnoxious ”
“ You are over reactive ”
“ You are hateful ”
“ You are emotional ”
“ You have a big ego ”
The ego creates the distance (separation) the shadow wants from its uncomfortable feelings. This creates separation / fragmentation within our being keeping us from reuniting with all of our parts, which keeps us from being whole.
Denial! Denies that the shadow is a part of you:
“ I don’t have a shadow ”
“ I don’t have negative feelings ”
“ I don’t have any darkness”
“ I don’t wear a mask.”
“ I don’t have issues”
“ I don’t need healing”
Signs that You are Integrating Your Shadow and Ego
You notice behaviors in others but have no need to react or respond.
Other people’s behaviors no longer create a feeling or an emotion in you. They do not trigger an internal alarm or create negative head chatter. You are becoming neutral.
You no longer blame the other person or berate yourself when a shadow aspect shows up. You acknowledge and accept the disowned parts of your being, shining the light of your consciousness on them so they can be transmuted and healed. You are pulling yourself out of blame and denial.
You are able to fully embrace and fully love all parts of yourself, even the parts that aren’t so great. This is self-love!!!
You embrace your humanity with determination and acceptance knowing that when your shadow consciousness arises this is a positive sign that shows healing is occurring in your life. You are allowing all of your disowned shadowy sub personalities to be demagnetized through your acceptance and healing of them.
Your life has become more peaceful and your circumstances, relationships and interactions are becoming more positive.
Questions to Ask Yourself
What judgments do you have about other people? These judgments show us our hidden aspects that need to be healed. Once we own them, other people’s behaviors will not bother us.
What scenarios in your life are repetitive? Do you keep attracting the same kind of negative people in your life? What are they trying to show you?
Be really honest with yourself and make a list of all the things about yourself you try to hide from others. Recognize that it takes twice as much energy to hide these aspects from yourself and others than it does to own them.
Where are you being inauthentic in your interactions? In what situations do you put on a “mask”? What are you hiding?
If we do not confront the darkness within us we will meet it as fate. Carl Jung
Because the sage confronts his difficulties he never experiences them. Lao Tsu
The gold is in the dark. Carl Jung
When you can say, “ I am that”, to the deepest darkest aspects of yourself, then you can reach true enlightenment. Debbie Ford
The unexamined life is not worth living. Plato
Saturday, April 13, 2013
What is Ascension and how do I get there?
On planet earth and in a physical body one can easily assume that the totally of who you are is limited to the edge of your physical vessel. This is so far from the true for you are an infinite and endless being who limits extends outside of time and space. Your physical body is the densest expression of an endless series of bodies moving up and down an infinite dimensional scale of possibilities. You are vast, but the seduction of the five senses keep you locked and anchored in the reality of the three dimensional world. In an altered state of consciousness, like dreaming or meditation, other worlds and possibilities begin to challenge this perception and can cause some to begin to realize they are much more then their physical body.
In truth, you descended from divine stock into physical expression so that you can help the uncreated first cause become self realized. As singular, individual and physical expression of an endless series of possibility of the divine nature, you will eventually become self realized by waking up to the true that you are God and goddess incarnate. When this happens, God, Goddess is reflected back to the uncreated like someone seeing their reflection in a mirror for the first time. This marks the beginning of your ascension and your climb back up the endless dimensional scale of existence. The ascension process is the realization and expression of your divine nature, by the alteration and expansion of your consciousness. It is the continual re-adjustment of your self awareness to approve or disapprove all internal and external contents that are presented to our consciousness. It is a continual act of will and self awareness: 24 hours a day, seven day a week, even while you sleep.
The time frame for this process can be accelerated if you have the will and discipline to submit yourself to a series of mind and consciousness expanding routines that others who preceded you in the ascension process have left behind. In this site you will find this body of knowledge, wisdom, routines and teachings. These first one, teachers or ascended masters preceded you and have walk the same path that you find yourself in today. Their wisdom, love and support imbue their teachings with filial guidance to help you avoid the pitfalls that plagued them. Upon achieving their ascension some of the masters made a pledge to stay behind and help guide, tutor and mentor those who are not yet God, Goddess realized. This is the pledge of the “Bodhisattva”: to remain behind and help mentor humanity until the last man, woman has merged with God.
Once you have mastered life, your soul and consciousness become so vast that you can now take planetary responsibility for the evolution and growth of humanity. As such these beings have organized themselves as a spiritual government often referred to as the spiritual hierarchy. The current offices and positions of the spiritual hierarchy are being occupied by the flowing masters:
The Spiritual Hierarchy
The energy of the Office of God is being directed by Allah Gobi. He is the President of the Spiritual Hierarchy and is often referred to by the other Masters as the “silent one”. He is a master of very few words. His will is formidable.The energy or the Office of the Christ is currently held by Lord Maitreya. He is the Buddha of the future that all Buddhist believe will come to rule the world. Lord Maitreya overlighted Jesus/Sananda during his mission on earth more then 2,000 years ago.
The energy or office of the Holy Spirit has recently being held by Saint Germain who left the 7th ray to take this new planetary position.
The Seven Rays of God
Enters now the seven rays of God. Just like light going through a prism and separating into seven different colors or aspects; the white light of God separates and diffracts into seven attributes or aspects that are in true seven pieces of the personality of God.The First Ray: Will and Power
Master El Moria is the Cohan of the first ray or the being that directs this energy of will and power toward the planet. The color of this ray is red and this master was an East Indian prince in his last incarnation and helped Madame Blavasky, Kuthumi and Djwhal Khul ascend.The Second Ray: Love and Wisdom
Master Kuthumi is the Cohan of the second ray. He is the being that directs the energy of love and wisdom toward everyone on the planet. He lived in Tibet in his last human incarnation and works every closely with Master Djwhal Khul. The color of this ray is blue and it the energy of love, wisdom and education.The Third Ray: Active intelligence
Master Serapis Bey is the Cohan of the third ray. He directs the energy of active intelligence or manifestation toward the planet. This Master was the chief initiator at the temple in Luxor, Egypt. The color of this ray is yellow and this energy helps manifest God’s plan on earth.The Fourth Ray: Harmony and Beauty
Master Paul the Venetian is the Cohan of the fourth ray. He helps us create and perceive harmony and beauty in everything in life: the arts, music and even in nature. He was a renaissance man in his last incarnation on earth. The color of the ray is green and this energy creates harmony and beauty.The Fifth Ray: of Concrete Science
Master Hilarion is the Cohan of the fifth ray. All scientific practices whether physical healing, remote or touched healing, natural, psychological, new age or extra terrestrial studies fall under this department. The color for this ray is orange. Master Hilarion was St. Paul in a past life.The Sixth Ray: Devotion and Spiritual Idealism
Master Sananda / Jesus is the Cohan of the sixth ray. This ray is the embodiment of power and transformational energy of spiritual idealism to polarize one toward God. It is extremely devotional. Master Sananda who was Jesus during his last earthly incarnation is working on the inner plane to bring to manifestation the merge and acceptance of all faiths and belief systems. The color of this ray is indigo.The Seventh Ray: Ceremonial Order and Magic
The Master of the Violet Flame is the Cohan of this ray. This ray is the energy of transmutation, change, order and organization. This is the ray that is being anchored by God and the spiritual hierarchy on earth for the next 2,000 year cycle. Formerly Saint Germaine held this office, but has since assumed the position of the Mana Cohan office of the Holy Spirit. This ray is being managed by “the master of the violet flame” who is currently incarnated on planet earth, but whose identity is not to be revealed at this time.The Planetary Logos
Lord Buddha and the six Buddha’s of activities have
since the harmonic convergence of 1989
replaced Sanat Kumara and the six Kumara as the Soul and chakras that animates the body of planet earth. Sanat Kumara and his friend after 18.5 million years of service ascended to their next galactic position while Lord Buddha and his fellow bodhisattva stood up to assume the newly vacated position.
Lady Gaia
She is the womb or body that permits the experiment we call life to occur. She is the totality of everything that is alive on the planet. If Lord Buddha is the soul of Logos of the planet, she is the body of physical vehicle that allows this reality to exist.Source
Thursday, April 11, 2013
There is a very good Guide for your spiritual path of awakening and raising your consciousness
Starseeds. Indigos, BlueRays, Crystal and the Rainbow children
Children of the Light are born to help us see the way. ~Rumi
Also at this time of acceleration, it is required for some humans undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field. The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic “switchboard” for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be calibrated easily to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring occurs to hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual’s body with minimum discomfort. This will be a new career, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time.
Many of these Indigos are the teachers of the New Energy and will emerge to discuss openly about the Ascension Process and it’s meaning for the evolution of the human species. Some will be recruited to create Wellness Centers with various holistic healing technologies based on spiritual-energetic principles. These groups are the bridge between the Old Energy world and the New Energy world. They are the way showers for embodying the principle of “Unification” and “Integration” and serving as the example of how to live in harmony with all things. They will teach by being this example.
These are the Polarity Integrators. These groups of Indigos have a very challenging task indeed. We need to honor these beloved ones with the gift they bring humanity. Indigo 3’s are soul essences that are assisting in the evolution of the less evolved, often aggressive, soul with whom they may share within the same body. They are incarnating in this way to heal the vast levels of distortion between a genetically enhanced soul and a less evolved soul. This way as they integrate these two extreme soul aspects within the same bio-energy field, they are creating the unification of these two poles that allow a template for polarity integration. This template, when created in this realm, can then more easily heal and unify the love and fear polarities. This is a way to fully integrate the levels of mental-emotional polarity humans have experienced for many time cycles. Over time, these levels of imbalance created huge amounts of karmic patterning held within the bodies of all humans, including the planetary body.
Also, these Indigo level soul contracts were needed as the human lineage has experienced great levels of pain and fear resulting from the original “separation” imprint from source. This pain and fear over many evolutionary cycles created distortion in the cellular memory of the planet and within all of the collective consciousness. Additionally there has been genetic manipulation or hybridization that has created damage to the Divine Human’s 12 Strand DNA blueprint within certain soul groups. As we journey back into the light in this Ascension Cycle, this soul purpose helps assist the planet in dissolving the fear and its related distortions into the higher vibrations of love.
In some Indigo 3’s, the huge chasm between the two soul essences sharing the same body sometimes disrupts the natural balance of the bio-energy field. These two or more soul essences may create a conflict within the DNA instruction template that disrupts or limits certain physical functioning. This then can manifest in the physical body as imbalances in the neurotransmitters of the brain and the endocrine system. The endocrine system is our glandular system which is responsible for secreting hormones into our blood stream to normalize certain bodily functions. Everything within the body’s system of metabolic regulation is due to hormonal production from our glandular system.
These hormonal or chemical disruptions in the body can create intermittent or chronic extremes of mental and/or emotional detachment from the 3D reality. In the more severe cases of this chemical disruption, impairments of the brain and other physical neurological functions become evident. In recent years, we have seen a huge acceleration of cases of childhood Autism, ADD and other learning or behavioral disorders. These soul groups are largely Indigo 3’s.
What are the behavioral patterns of Indigos?
Are you or your children an indigo?
As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. You were not recognized for your unique divine light and had to recognize yourselves. It was tricky spiritual business as you were super sensitive beings, though you had the spiritual power tools to be victories in your mission.
For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and you, the Blue Rays, have been incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher dimensions. You the Blue Ray Beings are the overlooked and forgotten ones, and have been essential in clearing and setting the stage for humanities ascension. Because of you, Blue Ray Beings, earth will be able to take her rightful place in the galactic and universal councils of oneness and peace.
We Wish to 'Thank you', from the ones that can't articulate your divine presence, all of humanity, your star sisters and brothers of light and the sacred higher realms. We are in constant praise and support of you!
Remember! Blue Ray, there is much more coming for you, for your time has come.
The Blue Ray Mission:
Infiltrate the system in a normal capacity, always remembering who you are and where you came from, planting the seeds of peace, love, light and higher awareness. No matter how painful, long or arduous the job was, it was your mission and you had the spiritual tools, insight and divine light to see it through.
Blue Ray Traits:
· 'Transformers', using alchemy you naturally transmute lower energies.
· Average age range: Late 30's to 50's
· Tend to be water and air signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra with Virgo influences.
· Have similarities with the Indigo, Crystals and Rainbows Beings. Ultra sensitive, intuitive, can easily communicate with the higher realms. You have sacred knowledge and wisdom.
· Often mistaken for an Indigo.
· Very adaptable and empathic.
· Blues are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.
· You are about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit. It is very important for you to express yourself. It's part of you mission.
· May have taken many years for you to be able to speak up and be seen.
· Have blue in your aura or have lots of blue around you. You will also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.
Work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.
· Most are energy or spiritual healers as you wish to heal and help others.
· Are water types. Flowing, emotional, not static and associated with the divine feminine traits and archetype. Music, sound, movement, dance and nature is very important to you.
· Learned how to hide your supernatural abilities and gifts, stood in the background waiting, watching, observing and always in the knowing.
· The Waiting, Star Seed Time Line Encodement, the blues have been preparing for when events and an inner knowing will activate you to reset your course to take a higher path. This activation will attuned you to your core essence and will affect your career, hobbies, goals and relationships.
· Most of you were not born to enlightened consciousness spiritual parents. You had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma and dysfunction first.
· Feel connected to the terms Light Worker, Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the esoteric studies and the evolved races of earth. Are more energetic aligned to Lemurians then to the Atlantians.
· Have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talent that are not fully activated.
· Feel out of out place in your family, feel your biological family is not your true origin. Feel you are from the stars, another planet or evolved race.
· Are the peacemakers with your family and with friends.
· Have great inner long-term persistence. You get to your destination.
· Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity.
· Need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it, and be connected to the deva of water.
Challenges for the Blue Ray
· Escape tendencies, being in the other realms or being alone to much, feeling lonely and different.
· Addictions or addictive tendency in earlier years.
· Chronic fatigue from always transforming energies or leaving the body to often and to long.
· Learning disabilities
· Difficulty and frustration in communicating.
· Were told: You were different. You're just imaging things. Get real.
· Can have entities, spirit attachments and negative thought forms come to you, because the Blue Ray transforms and shows them the light.
· Had genetic damage to transform.
· Are very adaptable and empathic, and therefore can stay in a dysfunction relationship, situation or environment to long.
· Need to maintain energetic boundaries and awareness and learn how to stay connected in the body.
Shekina is Divine Messenger for Mother Goddess and the Angelic Star Tribes in the 'Language of Light', transmissions that activate your 'Divine Original Blue Print'. She works with the Blue Ray and ultra sensitive beings in clearing and balancing their energetic field that aligns them to their divine power.
Shekina has a special gift of opening to the higher realms and transmuting negative blocked energy instantly, many have experiences this at her "Concerts of Souls" and performances in the" Language of Light".
She is also a artist, visionary, spiritual performer, Priestess of the Light teacher, energy and sound healer, founder of the Goddess Code Point Activation and 13 Gateways.
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the
Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms
to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God
consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker
Star children are different, thank God. As of now, our Star children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities. So if you are a parent of a child you know is different, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. How lucky you are to be the chosen parent of one of these incredibly gifted souls here to help this earth.
The most wonderful aspect of Star children is their willingness to take on the world and learn to make their own way through it. Star children will get to the point where they are able to mold society into something that reflects their energies and values. The truth that they hold and defend so well will reflect their integrity and spirituality.
Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messangers…Brenda Ueland
The rainbow children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal children, Rainbow children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. In some cases, there might also be a few scouts that came to earth before 2000. The few Rainbow children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s.
As the name implies, the Rainbow children come to earth with a few more other spectrum of ray color. They are born on the ninth dimension of consciousness, the dimension of collective consciousness.
As many people might have experienced it, the Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal children, the Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness.
The Rainbow child generally recovers from the state of negative emotion quickly. This is also an important key that they hold, emotional mastery. Rainbow children are psychic and have the ability to read people’s feelings. This gift is usually revealed, as they grow older.
Rainbow Children are psychic. Beyond this and perhaps more so, they have strong wills and strong personalities. Their gifts do not stop there. They are known to be natural healers and instant manifesters. It is said that whatever they need or desire they can instantly manifest.
As would be expected, they have a connection to color. In fact they resonate with the colors around them. They are drawn to color, colorful surroundings and brightly colored clothes. Their energy is expressed in other ways too, as they are high-energy children. Their enthusiasm is demonstrated in their creativity. The Rainbow children are thought to be the builders of the New World, using Divine will.
Doreen Virtue describes characteristics of Rainbow children:
Very few currently incarnated.
Parents are crystal adults.
Never incarnated before.
No karma.
Do not choose dysfunctional families.
They are all about service.
May have big eyes like the crystal children, but they are totally trusting.
Entirely fearless of everybody.
Bringing in the healing rainbow energy previously brought through Reiki, QiGong, and Pranic healing and other hands on healing.
Crystal children can also be very high energy, have strong personalities, be creative, and can instantly manifest anything they want or need.
At a young age, the Rainbow children are able to express their needs and wants. These children actually own a great deal of personal power. Rainbow children may be misinterpreted as stubborn. However, that is our misconception. Rainbow children are born with knowledge on proper character integration. This will develop depending on their parents because the character integration will change if there is negative programming given to the child. As a Rainbow parent, the idea is to recognize what positive traits your Rainbow child holds.
Rainbow children will also have immunity against junk food. Most Rainbow children are able to handle mutated cells and food products, which may result in poisoning. This is considered a very important ability, as most people may not recognize the toxins contained in junk food and the Rainbow child can take and process these types of foods with no problem. This is because of the blood that the Rainbow child carries, which has the ability to cleanse the toxins and unwanted bacteria in the food and air. So a Rainbow child may have a lot of physical clearing in the beginning stages of life. This will change once they grow older and learn how to clear ethereally or spiritually.
Astonishingly, the Rainbow children come with no karma. Rainbow children will enjoy the life on earth learning with absolutely no strings attached to their past. This is because they do not really continue from any previous cycle of reincarnation. This is also why they have a very high-energy frequency and physical energy.
The rainbow child is very hyperactive. They can run the whole night and really tire you out. This is a problem that parents of Rainbow children might face.
The purpose of the Rainbow children is to complete the final stages of the foundation that the Indigo and Crystal children have made. The three children, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow each have a specific task. The Indigo children are to break down the paradigm of the traditional thinking. Then the Crystal children will build their foundation on the broken paradigm. Finally, the Rainbow children are here to build on to what the Indigo and Crystal children began.
Few writers have written on the Rainbow children because of their current status as toddlers. However, it is important to know that these children will play an important role in the earth’s evolution.
Parents of Rainbow children should understand that their children are special and parents should appreciate the gifts they have. These gifts will help you evolve as they evolve with you.
The rainbow children are just starting to show up on this planet, although there are already some scouts around. More Rainbow children will arrive as children of the Crystal children and also when humanity raises their vibrational frequencies and universal consciousness of the concept of oneness.
Doreen Virtue says, “the Rainbow children are perfectly balanced in their male and female energies. They are confident without aggressiveness; they are intuitive and psychic without effort; they are magical and can bend time, become invisible, and go without sleep and food. The Crystal children’s sensitivities make them vulnerable to allergies and rashes. The angels say that the Rainbow children will have overcome this aspect… Rainbow children have no karma, so they have no need to choose chaotic childhoods for spiritual growth...The Rainbow children operate purely out of joy, and not out of need or impulse. The babies will be recognized, because their energy is one of giving to parents, and not of neediness. Parents will realize that they cannot out-give their Rainbow children, for these children are a mirror of all actions and energy of love. Whatever loving thoughts, feelings, and actions that you send to them are magnified and returned a hundred-fold.”
A Message from Celia Fenn on the Rainbow Children
This message was received on the Venus Transit (8th June 2004) via Daniel Barnard:
Dearest human brothers and sisters, we bring you this message of Joy and Power at this time, because we are now bringing a powerful new energy to the planet. It is the power of the HEART, and as Venus transits your sun, the male and female energies blend into a prism of Rainbow light, and we, the Rainbow children, begin to radiate our power into the collective consciousness.
Our message is simple - but it requires of you, our elder brothers and sisters, to make a deep shift in your way of thinking, feeling and living. We want you to realize that we, the Star children, have been coming to your planet in waves of incarnation since the 1970s. We have been coming to show you how you have shifted out of balance and how you need to return to balance so that your planet can return to balance.
The Indigo children showed you how rigid and inflexible and destructive you had become. The Crystals showed you how closed and unfeeling you had become, and we, the Rainbow children, are here to teach you how to open your hearts and truly feel the Great Heart that beats at the center of the Universe. With each radiant pulse the Universe shimmers with the energies of the Divine Father/Mother and each of you receives these waves of Gold and Silver light. These waves of radiant energy are the keys to opening your heart to the truth of who and where you are.
A Message from a Rainbow Parent
My daughter, who is two, is very much a Rainbow child. The word passionate does not even begin to describe her personality, she enters the world every day with a powerful energy, exerting her will, creativity, and energy into everything she does. While her older Crystal brother is laid back and patient, she is charging forward with her voice on extra loud volume, doing this, doing that, she hardly ever stops to sit down for a moment or two! She even eats on the run, taking little bites here and there in between jumping on the trampoline or running by with a doll stroller at full speed.
She LOVES clothes and COLOR, and will spend a lot of time changing clothes every day, and her clothes have to be clean and neat, or she removes them and chooses new ones, throwing the soiled ones at me and exclaiming loudly, “Wash them, mama, thank you!” She will also spend a lot of time picking through the crayons, and selecting every hue of her favorite colors: pink and purple and then drawing with those hues.
She seems very sensitive and attuned to color for a two-year old. She even describes things in her life by what color they are as in pink sparkle shoes, pretty purple shirt, my yellow cup, baby’s blue cup and so on. She names colors all day long and if she discovers a new color she does not know a name for, like a hue of another color, she will ask me, “what’s this?” and I better answer RIGHT AWAY, because if I am on the phone or at the computer and do not immediately stop what I am doing to address her needs, she will shake my arm and her voice will repeat, “what’s this, Whats THIS, WHHHATTTTS TTTTHHHIIISSS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Until I answer. Then she says quietly, “oh” and runs off to play with her new color discovery.
We have not seen the same psychic abilities as her older brother has, but she has her own gifts, healing seems to be one of them. She is very aware of other peoples “owies” and is always ready to kiss them to make them better.
Her strong will and passionate creativity make her very fun to watch as she scampers about. She will create elaborate costumes out of feather boas and velvet fabrics and talk or hum to herself as she acts out her little world. She is a true joy to be around most of the time, as long as I make sure she gets my full attention if she needs something, because patience does not seem to be a very big Rainbow child quality.
Rainbow children are already attuned to the world we are moving towards when things will instantly manifest. Humanity as a whole is not there yet, so the mass consciousness grid holds back instant manifestation from being commonplace. A toddler has a hard time understanding that. They feel if they “think” juice, well then juice ought to naturally appear instantly. In higher dimensions this may be true and it will be true here on Earth as well, thanks to the Rainbow kids making it so.
Rainbow Children tend to:
Have very strong wills and personalities.
Be very high energy.
Be very attuned to color and color vibrations around them.
Have passionate creativity.
Love bright clothing and colorful environments.
Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life.
Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need.
Have healing abilities.
Have telepathy.
The Rainbow children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will and they will use their strong will and energy to build the New World on the foundation of peace and harmony the Crystal children are laying down. The Crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the Indigo children have already forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers. They are all-important and have to come in this sequence to accomplish their goals.
Rainbows are highly sensitive, loving, forgiving, and magical like the Crystal children. The difference is that the Rainbows have never before been on earth, so they have no karma to balance. The Rainbows, therefore, choose entirely peaceful and functional households. They don’t need chaos or challenges to balance karma or grow.
As the other Crystal children grow older, they will be the peace-loving parents who birth the new Rainbow children. The Rainbows being born right now are the scouts, and the large influx of Rainbows will occur during the years 2010 through 2030.
Rainbow children are absolutely open hearted, love unconditionally, and have no fear towards any stranger. Unlike the Crystal children who only display affection to people warranting their trust, the Rainbows are universally affectionate. They heal us with their huge heart chakras, and envelop us in a blanket of rainbow-colored energy that we so sorely need. They are our earth angels.
No on forgives with more grace and love than a child…Real Live Preacher
The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.
They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.
Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.
The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.
The Crystal child is incredibly sensitivity, which stems from the ability to feel universal consciousness. You won’t be able to hide anything from these children. You won’t be able to lie to them either, as they will know immediately what the truth is. It is important to mention that Crystal children know what is in your thoughts and even more importantly, what is in your heart. This is another reason why they are so sensitive.
Children with a crystal vibration have the ability to reflect things back to the universe that are of no importance to them. Not only will they reflect this energy back, they will reflect it in such a way that it is stronger than when it was taken in.
Special Note
If you are the parent of a Crystal child, it is crucial that your child take in good energy at all times or as much as possible. Your role is to help these children reflect harmony, peace, and oneness into the Universe. This, in turn, will help all of us raise our vibrational frequencies and help spread peace around the world.
Just as Indigo children don’t react to guilt, you will find Crystal children do not react to fear. Fear is prevalent in almost everyone. The collective consciousness of our earth and universe magnifies this emotion. With terrorism on the rise, it is important now more than ever to let go of this age-old emotion. There is nothing to fear in this life, as all is unfolding as it should. Not even death should be feared, as there is no such thing.
Most importantly, do not fear star children. These gifted youngsters will feel fear and magnify it back. If you have a lower vibrational energy, you may react strongly to these children with such a high vibrational frequency. Remember that the energy in the universe is changing for the better. As our vibrational frequencies are raised, a collective consciousness of peace and love are emanating into the universe.
Crystal scouts that arrived decades ago came to test the waters for future Star children. These scouts had much grief. They were different and possibly psychic. It has taken our society a long time to start recognizing these types of people and accepting them. We are all becoming crystalline bodies whether we realize it or not. The continued energy shift that is happening is supporting this energy pattern and moving us all in that direction.
This change in energy or energy shift is definitely wreaking havoc in the world. The many natural disasters that are occurring will continue to occur in the years to come as a result of the energy shift. This is part of the shift. It is important to remember during this time that we all must be good and kind souls. Always help others in need, be honest and kind, and remember your good karma piggy bank.
In time, Crystal children will help us achieve our goals and understand the concept of oneness. Fear and greed are becoming emotions of the past and will be replaced by peace, harmony, and this sense of oneness.
Doreen Virtue, noted author and expert on Star Children, has written about the characteristics of Crystal children. She says these characteristics may include:
• Have large, communicative eyes and an intense stare.
• Are highly affectionate.
• Begin speaking later in life, but often uses telepathy or self-invented words or sign language to communicate.
• Love music and may even sing before talking.
• Are extremely connected to animals and nature.
• Are often very interested in rocks, crystals, and stones.
• Are extremely artistic.
• Are highly empathic and sensitive.
• Are forgiving and generous to others.
• Draw people and animals near them and love attention.
• Often have good sense of balance and are fearless when exploring high places.
• Often see or hear angels and spirit guides - both their own and others’.
• Dislike high-stress environments with many distractions.
• Dislike loud/sharp sounds.
• Dislike bright, unnatural lights.
• Often enjoy choosing their own meals and/or when they eat them.
• Often speak about universal love and healing.
• Sometimes show healing gifts at young ages.
• Don’t react well to sugar, caffeine, or unnatural foods/chemicals.
• Dislike fighting or refuse to keep an argument going very long.
• Often show strength in telekinesis (or Psycho kinesis).
• Often amplify emotional energies they gain from their environment (such as negative energies).
• Can become uncomfortable when around electrical devices too long (watching TV, computer, etc.), sometimes resulting in a trance-like state.
• Sometimes seem ‘clingy’ to their parents until 4 or 5.
• Often stare at people for long periods of time (this allows them to read a person and find out more about them through their own personal memories and energy).
• Can sometimes be manipulative and throw tantrums if they cannot create a reality that is good for them.
• Are easily over-stimulated and need to meditate/be alone often to replenish themselves.
• Don’t usually have trouble with fear or worry.
• Enjoy discussing spiritual or philosophical topics.
• May appear to be looking at nothing or talking to no one (sign of clairvoyance and/or clairaudience).
Indigos and Crystals work together to tear down archaic systems and build up new ones. Again, parents of these special children need to realize that they agreed to bring these wise and powerful children into the world whose mission reaches out to the globe as a whole and not just individuals or individual families. They are also here to work on the energy grids, raising vibrational frequencies to help facilitate global changes for a more peaceful earth.
It is important to support these gifted young children and to be cautious not to stress them or put them in busy environments. Like Indigos, Crystal children will also help raise the vibrational frequency of their parents. Crystals have a way of drawing other people with the correct energy to interact in a family’s life. Parents of a Crystal child will benefit greatly from these incredible children through their powerful, loving, and creative energies.
These children, with their higher level of consciousness, should be considered equals in families. They should be involved in family issues and be allowed to give options and solutions to problems. Don’t forget that they are on a much higher vibrational frequency than many of their parents.
Vibrational Frequencies
Vibrational frequency is the rate at which atoms and sub-particles of a being vibrate. The higher this vibrational frequency is, the closer it is to the frequency of light. Your words and thoughts send out a vibration that attracts an experience of a similar vibration. If you send out fear, you attract fear. If you send out love, you attract love.
Everything in the universe is energy and energy vibrates at different rates. You have a unique vibration, which is the product of all of the influences you have encountered. The influences you focus your attention on are those which determine your vibration. Negative vibrations are associated with the lower chakras. Negative vibrations include hatred, anger, doubt, fear, jealousy, envy, judgment, impatience, disharmony, imbalance, and insecurity. Positive vibrations are love, harmony, peace, balance, kindness, understanding, and compassion. The negative emotions are not “bad.” We all, at one time or another, experience emotions of a lower vibration. These emotions only become harmful when you base your words or actions upon them. You can feel anger about something and still make a conscious choice to act out of love. When you do this, you are raising your vibration from one of anger to one of love. Changing your thoughts and actions will help raise your vibrational frequency.
Another phenomenon associated with Crystal children is delayed speech patterns. The fact is not surprising that delayed speech is rising in children that are incredibly psychic. Why would they need to talk when they can communicate with their minds? It is not uncommon to see Crystal children that don’t really speak until they’re 3 or 4 years of age. Most parents are in touch with their children and know what they are communicating. These children may use sign language, sing, or make specific sounds to communicate.
Like Indigo children being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, the medical profession will also label Crystal children. They will say that they have abnormal or delayed speech patterns. Parents should remember to look at the big picture. If children are successfully communicating at home and not having any problems, the medical profession should not try and make it a problem.
The new generation of children of the 21st century cannot be labeled and stuck into a box. Most people are on the old energy grid. It is difficult to try and keep up with the energy and higher vibrational frequencies of the new souls coming here to help us. Some of their characteristics will seem abnormal, but rest assure they are not.
It is important that health care professionals update their diagnosis and become more aware of what is happening around them. It may be difficult to understand energy and realize that we are moving past medicine and things that will pull our vibrational frequencies to a lower level. People have been healing themselves with their own energies for quite some time. This trend will continue and even become more common in the decades to come.
The medical profession should also understand why autism is on the rise. It is thought that the new Crystal children, with their higher vibrational frequency, are unable to handle vaccinations. These souls have loose ethereal bodies and the poison from the vaccines literally pushes them out of their bodies.
You can protect these children by keeping their meridians balanced and purging these toxins from their bodies by whatever alternative medicine you agree with. This may include getting their meridians balanced, chakras balanced, energy work, Reiki, or whatever you are comfortable with. It is important to purge toxins from your body within 24-48 hours after giving medicine, especially after giving your children vaccinations. This time frame is when it is easiest to purge toxins and do the least amount of damage to the body. After 48 hours there may be some damage and it will be more difficult to eliminate the toxins.
It is important that both Mom and Dad get their meridians or energy balanced before they have children; however, it is never too late to get energy work done even if you are 70, 80, or 90 years of age.
Crystal children are among the most connected, communicative, caring, and cuddly of any generation. They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. They display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world. Crystal children spontaneously hug and care for people in need.
In the past, the vibrational frequency of the world has not been high enough to support these special souls. The energy shift that is occurring is changing the vibrational frequencies and these frequencies have finally become high enough to support these children.
As mentioned earlier, Steve Rother ( has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who very fittingly call themselves The Group. They speak of the new planet earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about Crystal children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the “children of crystal vibration.” At the beginning of their messages in 1996, the Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward experiences, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter.
The children of Crystal vibration are what you would consider to be the magical children with abilities that you may have yet to understand. The attributes of Crystal children are simply two-fold, they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They are highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple energy really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like child’s play to humans carrying the crystal vibration. You will begin to see magical abilities in human children that you have never seen before. Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways.
Many Crystal children can levitate inanimate objects with their minds. They also have problems with electricity. Your Crystal child will go through many watches, phones, and clocks next to the bed. This is because their vibrational energy is on a much higher frequency and it effects electrical objects.
At first, Crystal children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for each other. They form groups and grow together, supporting each other energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not need to worry about finding the best environment for their children. Expect to see groups of magical children with abilities that exceed far beyond the norm. As time goes on you may see an acclimation of this energy and will become more accustomed to the odd stories that will circulate about the strange new abilities of some children.
The Group goes on to say that what we are beginning to see so far is only the scouts who have been sent ahead to test the waters, and that powerful as they are, they are carrying only the first hints of the energy that is to come. They will be able to read our minds and also our hearts. There will be no more secrets among people. They will have a sensitivity beyond our comprehension, but this sensitivity will be a gift as well as a challenge. The Group continues, saying:
“Unlike the children of Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so sensitive that they may feel threatened by the harshness of what people are holding in their hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and going within. There are some people who will think this is a sign of weakness and may even attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set your mind at ease when we tell you that exploitation will not be possible. The children of crystal vibration are powerful beyond your understanding. Even though they may have great difficulty understanding and interacting, they will always know their true power and who they are.”
According to the Group, their biggest challenge will be their inability to deal with other people’s fear. Fear is based on a belief in lack, and these children will enter with a belief system that knows nothing of lack, and therefore nothing of fear. They will need help in dealing with the general fear around them, which means that we will need to start dealing with our own deeply ingrained habits of fear, separation, limitation, and lack.
These Crystal children and scouts will know how to heal. They can also do this for other people. They know of others like them, because they can sense them within their own minds, but sometimes feel isolated physically. They are in touch with fairies, angels, and multidimensional cosmic beings. They have a hard time finding people they can trust and have learned that it is not always safe to share too much of their world with adults around them. They have great difficulty relating to the self-centered and limited perspectives that human society operates within. Most people find them very threatening in their vulnerability and directness. They feel frustrated because they know they are here to help, but feel that if they unleash their powers to assist the world, it could leave much chaos in its wake.
Story From A Crystal Mom and Daughter
When my daughter was first born the most amazing thing about her were her eyes. She has these eyes that look straight into the depth of your soul with such happiness and understanding.
As she grew older she cared for her dollies, put the spiders safely from the inside of the house to the outside and gave all kinds of gifts and food to her fairy friends outside.
At 3 years of age she began laying her Dad and I on our tummies and pinching our backs. She would then roll us over and pinch our tummies. I know now that this was some kind of energy treatment she was giving us.
She would often say someone’s name and the phone would ring and it would be that person. She would also say things like, “when is my little brother coming Momma?” Or, “I was your Momma once but now you’re my Mommy.”
Her Dad and I know how special she is and how important it is for us to bring her up much differently than the ways we were brought up. Some days we don’t know what we are doing, we just do what feels right and make the rest up as we go along. We hope we can help her achieve her life’s purpose and be happy, things that all parents want of their children.
The difference between Indigos and Crystals lies in their vibrational energies and their auras—Crystals have an even higher frequency than Indigos and their auras contain unique colors never experienced before, or at least not that we have ever been aware of. These children have strong emotional and spiritual needs and their high vibrations make it difficult for them to participate in the world as it exists. When things get too tough for them, they simply cannot cope and they retreat to the peace and safety of their own inner world.
Our school systems, social structures, families, and ways of life have followed patterns that have not changed for many generations. And yet, they no longer serve our needs. These children will make it very clear to us where we need to make changes and what needs to happen next.
One aspect of the Crystal energy is that Crystal children require a great deal of physical attention, which involves being held and touched in loving and nurturing ways. Crystals are so loving and gentle and they need a lot of love from their parents, families and caregivers. Their needs include a great deal of physical contact that is more than just touching and holding. There is a strong energy exchange with physical contact and from that they get the reassurance that they need to know that they are here at the right time, there is love for them, and they will be safe. This will help meet the Crystal children’s needs so that they can be prepared for their journey when it is time for them to begin their work here to teach us the ways of love and peace.
Around 2000, the first true Crystal children began to incarnate. This was because, as mentioned earlier, the new energy grid on the planet could now support these clear and powerful beings who have a higher vibrational frequency. Each Crystal child that is born is born on the new energy grid, and has the potential to be a fully awakened and conscious master at the level of the Christ Consciousness. Crystal children are spiritual masters in their own right.
The Crystal children are beautiful. They generally have large clear eyes that seem to look into your soul, because in fact, that is what they are doing. They are often calm and are focused, but they can become hyperactive when their energy is out of alignment. They are very loving and nurturing and enjoy sharing their energies with others who might have need of them. They are powerful, and often have no fear at all. They can be very sensitive to food and to the environment, as they are born with the clear systems needed on the new energy grid.
They are clairvoyant and psychic, they see angels and spirit guides, and they can often feel and see the future. They know about past lives, and can often talk about who they were in past lives.
They are also very connected as a group, and much of their work for the planet is done on the levels of the higher consciousness as a group. This is one reason why Crystal children are sometimes tired and irritable and grumpy. They have often been working very hard on the higher energy levels to help the shift.
The Crystal children are moving into our hearts and upgrading our energy systems. The Crystals are helping us to claim our power and open our hearts, and to anchor ourselves firmly in the new energy grid. They are teaching us to accept our spiritual gifts as our birthright, and to see the creation of miracles as a normal activity. They are teaching us to honor our planet and ourselves and to see the beauty and the wonder and the joy of all creation.
We are learning to live as they do, in the present moment, not influenced by past or future. We are learning to live from the heart, to forgive and exercise tolerance and unconditional acceptance.
Indigo Children
Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change…Malcolm X
Star children are different, thank God. As of now, our Star children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities. So if you are a parent of a child you know is different, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. How lucky you are to be the chosen parent of one of these incredibly gifted souls here to help this earth.
The term Indigo Child was coined 17 years ago by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist who developed a system for classifying people’s personalities according to the hue of their auras described in her 1982 book, Understanding Your Life Through Colors. According to her, auras have been entering and exiting Earth throughout history. For example, aura colors such as fuchsia and magenta disappeared from the gene pool 100 years ago and new colors began making an appearance.
Indigo children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to be born up to about 1970-1992, with outstanding and amazing abilities.
Indigos that started arriving during the 1970’s have distinct warrior personalities. They will stand up and fight for what they think is right and what they believe in. They also know when they are being lied to and manipulated and will not comply with any system that may be limiting or dysfunctional. Indigos also have little or no tolerance for dishonesty. They are here to show us that the archaic systems in schools, government, parenting, and healthcare are not healthy and must change or we will continue to fail globally as a civilization.
Larger numbers of Indigo children started arriving around 1992. In fact, if your child was born after 1992, there is a good chance you have an Indigo child. Remember that this isn’t a bad thing, you are blessed to have a Star child, so feel honored that you have been given this incredible gift.
Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to clairvoyance and healing abilities, and have indigo blue in their auras. This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the fourth and fifth dimensions of consciousness, while most humans have access only to the third and fourth (see chapter 9 on dimensional consciousness). This higher dimensional access, together with the Indigo Ray soul gifts, means that Indigos are naturally more intelligent, more sensitive, and more clairvoyant.
They are also creative and often able to access the left and right brains with ease making them artistically gifted, technologically competent, and adventurous. Their gifts also include psychic and healing abilities.
Remember that your Indigo child has chosen you for their parent or parents. It may be a difficult task, but you have important roles. In turn, your Star child has undertaken the task of raising your consciousness to a higher vibrational frequency.
The Indigo children are passionate in their beliefs, whatever they may be, and it can often be overwhelming for them. These children want to know the truth and want to break down the patterns of traditional thinking. The Indigos have a specific purpose. Their purpose is to seek out the truth and change archaic systems of thought on the old energy grid. They are creating a path and unveiling lies and secrecy to help Crystal children who will see the world from an elevated platform of spirituality and a highly evolved viewpoint with complete and unconditional love. The Crystal children then make the path for the Rainbow children who will help instruct us on how to live in love and abundance in the ages to come.
Many Indigos battle depression in their young lives. They are such beautiful and brave souls. This is because they see through everyone with great intensity. What happens is these young children are told how wonderful life is. Once they hit puberty, they have hormones coursing through their bodies, changing who they are. They may not make straight A’s, they don’t get scholarships to prestigious colleges, and they don’t feel like they fit in, they fight with their parents, and then they fall into a depression. There are no rose-tinted glasses on these children.
Note to Indigos
To all Indigo children suffering from depression, this advice is offered. Never lose sight of who you are. Draw strength and courage from just being able to be yourself every day of your life and know that things will get better, and they WILL get better. Every second of every day know you are beautiful and worthy of being. Know that you are a blessing to humanity and are here for a purpose, to help us. Draw strength in knowing what your purpose is and be proud of that special purpose and who you are. Your path is a hard one but you have been chosen because you are a soul who has the strength and the wisdom for this task. This earth and the people on it are lucky to have you here helping us. Never give up on your purpose and keep hope and faith always on your side.
On behalf of parents everywhere, we are sorry that our world energy parenting skills are falling dismally short when connected to our children of the 21st century.
With the energy changing, we need to fine-tune our parenting skills and understand our psychic children. This means venturing into new territory that we are unfamiliar with. It is uncomfortable for us and we may be scared. Please be patient, we will try to face our fears and try to help you with your purpose in life. We are not perfect and we are trying hard to do what is best for you although it won’t always be right. Find love and forgiveness in your heart and bear with us.
Indigo children have incredible specific attributes. They may act like royalty because they have feelings that they deserve to be here. They have great self worth and have difficulty with authority. They may be unwilling to do certain things and often see a better way of doing these things. They can get very frustrated with rigid systems with no creativity. They may feel alone, different, or even anti-social unless they are with others like them. Indigo children don’t fall for the guilt trip and are not shy in letting you know what they think or need. They don’t care what others think of them. They may also be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
It is critically important that if your child gets diagnosed with ADD or ADHD that you don’t run out and join the medicated child bandwagon. Medicating these special children will severely inhibit their abilities. This is a really easy option for many parents who just aren’t patient or can’t handle their Indigo children. Try to look at the bigger picture. You and your child have both previously agreed to your arrangement before you even set foot on this earth. Know that children can be handled without medication. This may be very difficult for some parents so consider joining a support groups or even better, order up an angel to help you! It’s a difficult journey but one that can be made through together. The problem with medicating Indigo Children is that it lowers their vibrational frequency. They will be unable to or find it extremely difficult to fulfill their life’s purpose at this lower energy level.
There are many ways to help your Indigo child. First and most importantly, respect them. Treat them like you want to be treated and you will have a great start to a good relationship with your special child. Practice unconditional love. In fact, we should practice unconditional love with family members, friends, and all people by opening your hearts. Give your child choices and give them reasons and explain why you have made specific decisions. Never say “just because” or “because I said so” to you child. Let your child make his own rules and fair consequences for breaking them if you think it is appropriate. Don’t talk down to them and always be honest. Remember that they will know if you are lying. Don’t use guilt when talking to them and don’t try to manipulate them in any way.
Provide emotional support and really listen to them when they are talking. Respect their privacy and teach them to respect others. Admit when you make mistakes and apologize. Be involved in their lives and use rewards to help them get through frustrating times. Give them responsibilities, choices, and natural consequences. Lastly, appreciate their strengths and be open and willing to learn from them.
A Mom’s Story
by Mary Foster When my son Nathan was in the first grade, he was not doing well in spelling. His teacher took me aside one day and told me that I needed to go over spelling words with Nathan to help bring up his grade, which at that point was failing. That evening, I told Nathan to go get his spelling book. He asked me why and I explained to him that we needed to go over his spelling words. He told me that he didn’t like going over spelling words. I told him that he needed to do it so that he could pass spelling. He said he didn’t care whether or not he passed spelling. I tried to use some guilt with him and asked him, “You don't want to fail spelling, do you, Nathan?” He then looked at me and said, “Mommie, I can fail spelling and I'll still be a good person." --- this floored me, but I was able to land on my feet, and I replied, “Yes, you'll be a good person, Nathan, but you’ll be a good person in 1st grade next year.” His eyes got wide and he sighed. He looked and said, “You mean I can't go to 2nd grade if I fail spelling?” and I replied, “No.” Then he said, very matter of factly, “well, why didn't you tell me that.” We then went over his spelling words.
That same year, I was in a minor auto accident and was about 20-25 minutes late picking up my children, Sam and Nathan, from school. I was still a little bit shaken up, and was concerned about how they'd feel, since I was always on time. I was also concerned that they might be worried about me. I drove up to the side of the school and Sam and Nathan were there waiting. I parked the car and got out. Sam came and hugged me, and asked me where I was. I could see he was upset (Sam was in 2nd grade). Nathan hopped off of the bench he was sitting on, stormed up to me, stood in front of me, hands on his hips and asked, “Where in the hell have you been? I’ve had to wait on you.” My jaw dropped. Another mother who was walking by looked at me and asked me if he was always like this and I said no. I told him I was in a car accident, and he wanted to see the proof. He told me never to be late like that again. I asked him if he had been scared. He told me that he wasn't scared, he just didn’t like having to wait.
Parents who agree to support and nurture a child of the Indigo vibration have agreed to be the caretakers of a soul that carries a new form of energy to the planet. Indigo children are soul pioneers and their parents have contracted to join them in displaying new ways of seeing things and evolving new energy levels. The Indigo soul’s mission is to question and challenge old ways of doing things and create the pathway for new manifestations. Parents of these children have undertaken the task of finding ways to nurture this sensitive and beautiful energy these children have and to assist in developing the advanced gifts and talents of the child as far as they can.
The Indigo children, in turn, have agreed to be the teacher in new ways of doing things. But to do this they must challenge and undermine the old and outdated authority. They can do this in two ways. First, they will question and challenge every belief system or rule that you or anyone else seeks to impose on them. In this way they will show you what works for them and what does not. It is up to you as parents to listen and to learn, and not to try to force your will on them. It is important to recognize that they are trying to teach us something new and we may try and resist it, as it may be scary for us. It is important to remember that we need to let our children pave the way for us and accept the changes that will be happening in the years to come. It is for our highest good to let these changes occur.
Indigo children will also be a mirror for their parents. They will take on the dysfunctional patterns that the parents have. These patterns are usually related to low self-esteem and non-acceptance of self. This is why so many Indigos move into self-destructive patterns of drug abuse and sexual promiscuity. They are reflecting back to their families and communities the self-destructive patterns they have learned from people around them. Remember the old expression that what you give out comes back to you. If you have an Indigo child that is displaying self-destructive patterns, look deep within yourself and understand what is going on in your own life. Consider therapy to help break any bad patterns you may be dealing with.
This is also why so many parents of Indigos struggle with destructive behavior patterns of adolescent Indigos. Such parents should examine their own destructive patterns and begin to live out more loving and life-giving patterns that support themselves and their children. How many parents fill their minds and bodies with toxic thoughts and substances and spend their time in work they dislike, suppressing their true feelings, and not dealing with their issues? Your Indigo child will make you aware of this and will be your guide in releasing your self from these unhealthy habits. They may help you to wake up to who and what you are and what you are capable of when you are true to yourself.
Remember that there is a “good karma” piggy bank and a “bad karma” piggy bank. Every bad action and thought puts a coin in your bad karma piggy bank. Reflect on how many good and bad thoughts you have during the day. Make your thoughts as positive as you can. This pattern will be reflected in your Indigo children that are mirroring your thoughts and behavior. Positive thoughts and actions will bring you good karma in this life and many more to come so if you are kind to everyone, especially to those who are unkind to you, you will find true happiness.
There should be a tag that you have to tear off your child after they are born before you can hold them. This tag should read: Caution: This is not a vulnerable soul that needs to be controlled and shaped. Please learn from the wisdom and gifts this child brings you. Can not be returned or exchanged. May the force be with you.
An Indigo Case Scenario
“A Mother’s Dilemma”
By an anonymous mom on a message board.
Hi all. I have a 15-month-old son that I believe is one of these “new kids.” I love my son completely and could never hurt him or anyone else. But my son is driving me crazy! I have been around children my whole life and I have never encountered such a busy child. I can not get anything done with him. I can’t get him to nap. I can’t get him to eat anything except bread, yogurt, tropical fruit, and cookies. He won’t drink any milk. I can not get him weaned. He can not/will not sleep through the night.
I know these things I mentioned above are characteristics of just about every “normal” child, but my son takes all of these things to the extreme. None of the parenting advice that I have read, been told, or observed applies to my son. I have tried everything short of running away! I am a Reiki II practitioner (a form of energy healing) and I use it on my son all the time. I even had my son attuned to see if it would help and it hasn’t. I have spent hours at a time beaming him with my hands on him while he is sleeping. I have tried all the sleeping methods. I have tried letting him scream. I have let him wake up for an hour or two hoping that he may sleep in and he never does. I have tried rushing to him to pat him back to sleep. I have tried letting him sleep with my husband and I and none of these things worked for us.
I am dying for a stretch of sleep longer that 3 hours. After 15 months of napping I need some more sleep. I also need to get a job out side of my home to help support my family but I can’t with the way my son is and not being able to get enough sleep for myself to have a coherent thought puts that idea to a halt.
He is super intelligent. He has a vocabulary of more than 60 words. He willingly brushes his own teeth and does a fairly good job of it. Once he masters something he never bothers with it again. I have tons of “obsolete” toys, like shape sorters and duplo blocks. He understands Spanish (his father is Hispanic but rarely speaks Spanish to him). He will follow 2 or 3 part instructions (Where is the remote? Turn the TV on and give it to me). He can open anything. And he sees things that no one else does, if you know what I mean. He has never been sick. Never taken an antibiotic. He has all of his baby teeth short of the 2-year molars. He had his first tooth at 3 months and hasn’t stopped since. And he has eyes that can melt your heart.
I am near the end of my rope. Sometimes I have to sit him down and go off to blow off steam. I get so frustrated trying to figure him out. I know he understands not to do something because of the way he looks at me. I have tried explaining why not to do something, smacking his hands, yelling, crying, and removing him from whatever. Nothing has helped us.
I am desperately in need of advice from Indigo parents and other Indigos. I need to learn other ways to deal with these issues. I have read the Indigo Children book by Lee Carroll but it didn’t really resolve anything for me.
Steve Rother ( has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who call themselves The Group. They speak of the New Planet Earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about Star children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the children of crystal vibration. At the beginning of their messages in 1996, The Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward appearances, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter.
The following selections are drawn from Steve Rother’s internet site, where the unabridged version is available at
“Those that you call the Indigo children have already shifted the focus of humanity. Because of their work and sacrifice you are learning to make space in your reality for empowered humans. They have done well and will now begin to move into adulthood. As they do, they will shift the paradigms of all that is to follow. The Indigo children have begun the change of your systems that relate to children. Now watch the miracles that take place as they move into adulthood and change those systems as well. Imagine what the world will be like as the first Indigo world leaders take their place. As this unfolds, the New Earth will become firmly rooted in the balanced Crystal energy. You will see space created for empowered humans on Earth no matter their beliefs, sex, or origins.
The work of those you call Indigo will be known forever as the great shift. They have come into a harsh world, shaken it up, and are making you re-think everything. These beautiful beings are direct and therefore may have appeared to you as abrasive. Enduring boredom is their greatest challenge. Blessed be the Indigo children for they are opening the door.”
Is Your Child an Indigo?
This list compiled by Wendy H. Chapman from her own experience with children and information in The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll.
If you have more than 10 yes answers, your child is probably is an Indigo. If more than15, almost definitely.
To find out if your child is an Indigo, ask yourself these questions:
1. Did your child come into the world acting like royalty?
2. Does your child have a feeling of deserving to be here?
3. Does your child have an obvious sense of self?
4. Does your child have difficulty with discipline and authority?
5. Does your child refuse to do certain things they are told to do?
6. Is waiting in line torture for your child?
7. Is your child frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity?
8. Does your child see better ways of doing things at home and at school?
9. Is your child a nonconformist?
10. Does your child refuse to respond to guilt trips?
11. Does your child get bored rather easily with assigned tasks?
12. Does your child display symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder?
13. Is your child particularly creative?
14. Does your child display intuition?
15. Does your child have strong empathy for others?
16. Did your child develop abstract thinking at an early age?
17. Is your child very intelligent?
18. Is your child very talented (may be identified as gifted)?
19. Does your child seem to be a daydreamer?
20. Does your child have very old, deep, wise looking eyes?
22. Does your child have spiritual intelligence?
Jennifer Hoffman with the spiritual advice Uriel Heals website talks about Indigos and their struggle with thoughts of suicide. She says that Indigo children, among other children, follow through with suicide, leaving a trail of grief behind them. They have trouble accepting things and since many Indigos have had difficult childhood experiences, their wounds are often painful and deep. Their empathic abilities serve to amplify the pain that they feel and add to it the pain of those around them. Her son had many Indigo friends, many of whom were struggling with their own problems. She felt that he was processing his friends’ emotions as well as his own. They struggled for three years with this problem, going through counseling, drug therapy (briefly), and spent much time talking. The drugs seemed to make things worse. In many cases Indigos can have unusual reactions to drugs or be intolerant of them. Since they are prone to addiction, they can also become addicted to many types of medication.
While her son did not commit suicide, he had several friends who did. It was a very sad and difficult experience for everyone. Each parent whose Indigo child goes through emotional issues and painful experiences needs to understand that their children are unable to turn off their emotions as we have learned to do. They process the emotional energy around them, which they can believe is their own. Since they are highly empathic and intuitive, teaching them how to channel their empathic energy more effectively will help them to understand which emotional energy is theirs and which belongs to others.
Effective communication between children and parents is helpful with Indigo children because they may imagine all sorts of things and have trouble distinguishing between reality and their beliefs and fears. Although they are highly intelligent, they also tend to be emotionally immature and need much more support than they will acknowledge. Through several years of talking, working through issues, teaching her son how to focus his empathic energy and letting him know that she was there for him, her son was able to get through this difficult period and is now doing well. It is a challenge that many parents of Indigos face but one that they can, with effort, help their children through.
Pain, confusion, and frustration are a common theme for Indigos. Indigo children who are in the 18-20 year old age range notice a particularly difficult time. Indigo children, who are supposed to be leaving home and entering the world at this time can’t because many of them are stuck and afraid to leave. They may be depressed, drinking and/or using drugs, or have simply dropped out and are not doing anything at all. Many of their parents were either in college or married at that age and are frustrated with their children’s behavior. Parents are overwhelmed by and frightened at the depths of their children’s depression, anger, and apparent inability to move forward or to move out of the black hole that they seem to be in. Can these children be helped?
Some Indigos are intimidated by what they see as a challenge to meet or exceed their parents’ successes. Their parents may represent a very successful generation. Others are afraid that they will not measure up to society’s heavy expectations of this generation. Some just want to do exactly the opposite of what their parents are doing, not because they are trying to be difficult, but because they want to create their own path in life. Still others simply do not know what they want to do and are overwhelmed by the vast range of options that they have and the challenge of choosing one thing and being successful at it, as their parents may have done.
What if they don’t like it? Will they be stuck with it?
As a generation, Indigos are a very creative, intuitive, motivated, and they do everything with purpose and intention. When they get stuck, they do it well. But they can be moved out of their black hole, with help. One noticeable thing is that many Indigos were bullied by their peers as children and they may have suffered for being different. Whatever emotions they felt at the time they are carrying with them into their early adulthood. The fear of being bullied or of being persecuted for who they are, how they look or act seems to have re-awakened in many of them. The solution most often proposed for parents of Indigo children is to communicate with them, to talk about their fears, learn where their interests lie, to reassure them and to help them learn to be comfortable with their differences.
The Indigo energy will not conform to rules and regulations. They may not be able to work at jobs or careers that they do not like or that are not suited to their gifts and talents. However, they are creative enough to find alternatives that suit them, if they are supported in their efforts. Rather than being frustrated with them, although their behavior is frustrating, ask them why they feel the way they do, instead of asking them what is wrong with them. This is a challenging situation for any parent but it can be made less difficult by making an effort that starts with communication. The situation will not be resolved overnight, but it will improve over time. You can help your Indigo child climb out of the black hole, find their path, and blossom into their creative energy.
Indigo children, many now in their late teens and early adulthood, are reaching a crisis point.
They are struggling with their purpose in the world, their ability to carry out their mission, and dealing with their gifts and talents. Many Indigos who contemplate suicide do so when they are deeply depressed. They can no longer make sense of their lives or themselves and see no future past their current situation. They do not know how to get from where they are to the next step in their lives. This is a generation that grew up on video games where they had to die to get to the next level. Are they taking that concept into their reality, not understanding its implications?
While the Indigo energy is wonderfully creative when expressed positively, it can be very destructive in its negative expression. That extends not only to the Indigos outer world, but also their inner world. They are often their own worst enemies, creating a host of problems and difficulties for themselves (and their parents). Indigos are a generation that requires involved parenting, where the parents need to be present in their lives in every sense, including emotionally. Most parents are stressed with demanding jobs and lifestyles and do not have time to be there for their children. This is when Indigos get into trouble. They seem to deliberately push their parents away at the time when they are in greatest need of their insight and attention. When an Indigo says, “I can handle this” it usually means that they are over their heads and desperately need help, even though they won’t ask for it and will accept it very reluctantly.
The tragedy of a child suicide is unthinkable, not only to the family but also to society in general. These children have much to contribute and teach us and parents and families need to be an active presence in their lives. When Jennifer’s Indigo son finally came out of his suicidal period, he wrote her a letter in which he expressed his gratitude at the unwavering love that she gave him, even when he was at his most unlovable. He told her that he probably would not be here if it weren’t for her efforts. She had convinced him that his place was here and that moving to the next level meant finding the best outlet for his skills and gifts. Together they worked on discovering what that was.
Parents of Indigos can help their children make the decision to stay by teaching them that the next level is attainable by becoming who they are, finding or creating their path, and living it with passion, no matter what it looks like. They also need to learn to accept the love and help of those whom they chose as their parents and spiritual teachers by knowing that they are there for them when they need it the most, whether or not they are willing to accept their help. These children eventually will accept help and the world will benefit from their experiences. They will also teach other Indigos how to get to the next level in their spiritual path by staying on this one. Parents of Indigos can help their children and help them get past this difficult period and make suicide an option that they do not even consider.
The Indigo children are the first generation to help humanity and are now represented in today’s teenagers. Indigo children are wise beyond their years. “I know that” is a phrase that they frequently use and while it can be frustrating to parents, the truth is that they do know many things. They are also very perceptive about others and are prone to saying the most politically incorrect thing at the most inappropriate moment. But social conventions are not part of their understanding. They know what has to be said and they are not afraid to say it.
Indigos are having a difficult time here on earth. They are called the Ritalin generation, because there are times of extreme behavior problems in these children that created mass prescription of pharmaceutical products such as Ritalin, Wellbutrin, and Adderal. But does the problem lie with the children or with the system that they cannot adjust to? These children were and still are unable to cope with the existing low-level energies and so did what they did best, they rebelled and created a revolution. The generations before them were accustomed to accepting the status quo. Not the Indigos. They represent the calm before the storm so to speak, because they have prepared us for the next generation of even more evolved children, the Crystals.
Indigo Children
Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change…Malcolm X
Star children are different, thank God. As of now, our Star children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities. So if you are a parent of a child you know is different, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. How lucky you are to be the chosen parent of one of these incredibly gifted souls here to help this earth.
The term Indigo Child was coined 17 years ago by Nancy Ann Tappe, a parapsychologist who developed a system for classifying people’s personalities according to the hue of their auras described in her 1982 book, Understanding Your Life Through Colors. According to her, auras have been entering and exiting Earth throughout history. For example, aura colors such as fuchsia and magenta disappeared from the gene pool 100 years ago and new colors began making an appearance.
Indigo children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to be born up to about 1970-1992, with outstanding and amazing abilities.
Indigos that started arriving during the 1970’s have distinct warrior personalities. They will stand up and fight for what they think is right and what they believe in. They also know when they are being lied to and manipulated and will not comply with any system that may be limiting or dysfunctional. Indigos also have little or no tolerance for dishonesty. They are here to show us that the archaic systems in schools, government, parenting, and healthcare are not healthy and must change or we will continue to fail globally as a civilization.
Larger numbers of Indigo children started arriving around 1992. In fact, if your child was born after 1992, there is a good chance you have an Indigo child. Remember that this isn’t a bad thing, you are blessed to have a Star child, so feel honored that you have been given this incredible gift.
Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to clairvoyance and healing abilities, and have indigo blue in their auras. This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the fourth and fifth dimensions of consciousness, while most humans have access only to the third and fourth (see chapter 9 on dimensional consciousness). This higher dimensional access, together with the Indigo Ray soul gifts, means that Indigos are naturally more intelligent, more sensitive, and more clairvoyant.
They are also creative and often able to access the left and right brains with ease making them artistically gifted, technologically competent, and adventurous. Their gifts also include psychic and healing abilities.
Remember that your Indigo child has chosen you for their parent or parents. It may be a difficult task, but you have important roles. In turn, your Star child has undertaken the task of raising your consciousness to a higher vibrational frequency.
The Indigo children are passionate in their beliefs, whatever they may be, and it can often be overwhelming for them. These children want to know the truth and want to break down the patterns of traditional thinking. The Indigos have a specific purpose. Their purpose is to seek out the truth and change archaic systems of thought on the old energy grid. They are creating a path and unveiling lies and secrecy to help Crystal children who will see the world from an elevated platform of spirituality and a highly evolved viewpoint with complete and unconditional love. The Crystal children then make the path for the Rainbow children who will help instruct us on how to live in love and abundance in the ages to come.
Many Indigos battle depression in their young lives. They are such beautiful and brave souls. This is because they see through everyone with great intensity. What happens is these young children are told how wonderful life is. Once they hit puberty, they have hormones coursing through their bodies, changing who they are. They may not make straight A’s, they don’t get scholarships to prestigious colleges, and they don’t feel like they fit in, they fight with their parents, and then they fall into a depression. There are no rose-tinted glasses on these children.
Note to Indigos
To all Indigo children suffering from depression, this advice is offered. Never lose sight of who you are. Draw strength and courage from just being able to be yourself every day of your life and know that things will get better, and they WILL get better. Every second of every day know you are beautiful and worthy of being. Know that you are a blessing to humanity and are here for a purpose, to help us. Draw strength in knowing what your purpose is and be proud of that special purpose and who you are. Your path is a hard one but you have been chosen because you are a soul who has the strength and the wisdom for this task. This earth and the people on it are lucky to have you here helping us. Never give up on your purpose and keep hope and faith always on your side.
On behalf of parents everywhere, we are sorry that our world energy parenting skills are falling dismally short when connected to our children of the 21st century.
With the energy changing, we need to fine-tune our parenting skills and understand our psychic children. This means venturing into new territory that we are unfamiliar with. It is uncomfortable for us and we may be scared. Please be patient, we will try to face our fears and try to help you with your purpose in life. We are not perfect and we are trying hard to do what is best for you although it won’t always be right. Find love and forgiveness in your heart and bear with us.
Indigo children have incredible specific attributes. They may act like royalty because they have feelings that they deserve to be here. They have great self worth and have difficulty with authority. They may be unwilling to do certain things and often see a better way of doing these things. They can get very frustrated with rigid systems with no creativity. They may feel alone, different, or even anti-social unless they are with others like them. Indigo children don’t fall for the guilt trip and are not shy in letting you know what they think or need. They don’t care what others think of them. They may also be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
It is critically important that if your child gets diagnosed with ADD or ADHD that you don’t run out and join the medicated child bandwagon. Medicating these special children will severely inhibit their abilities. This is a really easy option for many parents who just aren’t patient or can’t handle their Indigo children. Try to look at the bigger picture. You and your child have both previously agreed to your arrangement before you even set foot on this earth. Know that children can be handled without medication. This may be very difficult for some parents so consider joining a support groups or even better, order up an angel to help you! It’s a difficult journey but one that can be made through together. The problem with medicating Indigo Children is that it lowers their vibrational frequency. They will be unable to or find it extremely difficult to fulfill their life’s purpose at this lower energy level.
There are many ways to help your Indigo child. First and most importantly, respect them. Treat them like you want to be treated and you will have a great start to a good relationship with your special child. Practice unconditional love. In fact, we should practice unconditional love with family members, friends, and all people by opening your hearts. Give your child choices and give them reasons and explain why you have made specific decisions. Never say “just because” or “because I said so” to you child. Let your child make his own rules and fair consequences for breaking them if you think it is appropriate. Don’t talk down to them and always be honest. Remember that they will know if you are lying. Don’t use guilt when talking to them and don’t try to manipulate them in any way.
Provide emotional support and really listen to them when they are talking. Respect their privacy and teach them to respect others. Admit when you make mistakes and apologize. Be involved in their lives and use rewards to help them get through frustrating times. Give them responsibilities, choices, and natural consequences. Lastly, appreciate their strengths and be open and willing to learn from them.
A Mom’s Story
by Mary Foster When my son Nathan was in the first grade, he was not doing well in spelling. His teacher took me aside one day and told me that I needed to go over spelling words with Nathan to help bring up his grade, which at that point was failing. That evening, I told Nathan to go get his spelling book. He asked me why and I explained to him that we needed to go over his spelling words. He told me that he didn’t like going over spelling words. I told him that he needed to do it so that he could pass spelling. He said he didn’t care whether or not he passed spelling. I tried to use some guilt with him and asked him, “You don't want to fail spelling, do you, Nathan?” He then looked at me and said, “Mommie, I can fail spelling and I'll still be a good person." --- this floored me, but I was able to land on my feet, and I replied, “Yes, you'll be a good person, Nathan, but you’ll be a good person in 1st grade next year.” His eyes got wide and he sighed. He looked and said, “You mean I can't go to 2nd grade if I fail spelling?” and I replied, “No.” Then he said, very matter of factly, “well, why didn't you tell me that.” We then went over his spelling words.
That same year, I was in a minor auto accident and was about 20-25 minutes late picking up my children, Sam and Nathan, from school. I was still a little bit shaken up, and was concerned about how they'd feel, since I was always on time. I was also concerned that they might be worried about me. I drove up to the side of the school and Sam and Nathan were there waiting. I parked the car and got out. Sam came and hugged me, and asked me where I was. I could see he was upset (Sam was in 2nd grade). Nathan hopped off of the bench he was sitting on, stormed up to me, stood in front of me, hands on his hips and asked, “Where in the hell have you been? I’ve had to wait on you.” My jaw dropped. Another mother who was walking by looked at me and asked me if he was always like this and I said no. I told him I was in a car accident, and he wanted to see the proof. He told me never to be late like that again. I asked him if he had been scared. He told me that he wasn't scared, he just didn’t like having to wait.
Parents who agree to support and nurture a child of the Indigo vibration have agreed to be the caretakers of a soul that carries a new form of energy to the planet. Indigo children are soul pioneers and their parents have contracted to join them in displaying new ways of seeing things and evolving new energy levels. The Indigo soul’s mission is to question and challenge old ways of doing things and create the pathway for new manifestations. Parents of these children have undertaken the task of finding ways to nurture this sensitive and beautiful energy these children have and to assist in developing the advanced gifts and talents of the child as far as they can.
The Indigo children, in turn, have agreed to be the teacher in new ways of doing things. But to do this they must challenge and undermine the old and outdated authority. They can do this in two ways. First, they will question and challenge every belief system or rule that you or anyone else seeks to impose on them. In this way they will show you what works for them and what does not. It is up to you as parents to listen and to learn, and not to try to force your will on them. It is important to recognize that they are trying to teach us something new and we may try and resist it, as it may be scary for us. It is important to remember that we need to let our children pave the way for us and accept the changes that will be happening in the years to come. It is for our highest good to let these changes occur.
Indigo children will also be a mirror for their parents. They will take on the dysfunctional patterns that the parents have. These patterns are usually related to low self-esteem and non-acceptance of self. This is why so many Indigos move into self-destructive patterns of drug abuse and sexual promiscuity. They are reflecting back to their families and communities the self-destructive patterns they have learned from people around them. Remember the old expression that what you give out comes back to you. If you have an Indigo child that is displaying self-destructive patterns, look deep within yourself and understand what is going on in your own life. Consider therapy to help break any bad patterns you may be dealing with.
This is also why so many parents of Indigos struggle with destructive behavior patterns of adolescent Indigos. Such parents should examine their own destructive patterns and begin to live out more loving and life-giving patterns that support themselves and their children. How many parents fill their minds and bodies with toxic thoughts and substances and spend their time in work they dislike, suppressing their true feelings, and not dealing with their issues? Your Indigo child will make you aware of this and will be your guide in releasing your self from these unhealthy habits. They may help you to wake up to who and what you are and what you are capable of when you are true to yourself.
Remember that there is a “good karma” piggy bank and a “bad karma” piggy bank. Every bad action and thought puts a coin in your bad karma piggy bank. Reflect on how many good and bad thoughts you have during the day. Make your thoughts as positive as you can. This pattern will be reflected in your Indigo children that are mirroring your thoughts and behavior. Positive thoughts and actions will bring you good karma in this life and many more to come so if you are kind to everyone, especially to those who are unkind to you, you will find true happiness.
There should be a tag that you have to tear off your child after they are born before you can hold them. This tag should read: Caution: This is not a vulnerable soul that needs to be controlled and shaped. Please learn from the wisdom and gifts this child brings you. Can not be returned or exchanged. May the force be with you.
An Indigo Case Scenario
“A Mother’s Dilemma”
By an anonymous mom on a message board.
Hi all. I have a 15-month-old son that I believe is one of these “new kids.” I love my son completely and could never hurt him or anyone else. But my son is driving me crazy! I have been around children my whole life and I have never encountered such a busy child. I can not get anything done with him. I can’t get him to nap. I can’t get him to eat anything except bread, yogurt, tropical fruit, and cookies. He won’t drink any milk. I can not get him weaned. He can not/will not sleep through the night.
I know these things I mentioned above are characteristics of just about every “normal” child, but my son takes all of these things to the extreme. None of the parenting advice that I have read, been told, or observed applies to my son. I have tried everything short of running away! I am a Reiki II practitioner (a form of energy healing) and I use it on my son all the time. I even had my son attuned to see if it would help and it hasn’t. I have spent hours at a time beaming him with my hands on him while he is sleeping. I have tried all the sleeping methods. I have tried letting him scream. I have let him wake up for an hour or two hoping that he may sleep in and he never does. I have tried rushing to him to pat him back to sleep. I have tried letting him sleep with my husband and I and none of these things worked for us.
I am dying for a stretch of sleep longer that 3 hours. After 15 months of napping I need some more sleep. I also need to get a job out side of my home to help support my family but I can’t with the way my son is and not being able to get enough sleep for myself to have a coherent thought puts that idea to a halt.
He is super intelligent. He has a vocabulary of more than 60 words. He willingly brushes his own teeth and does a fairly good job of it. Once he masters something he never bothers with it again. I have tons of “obsolete” toys, like shape sorters and duplo blocks. He understands Spanish (his father is Hispanic but rarely speaks Spanish to him). He will follow 2 or 3 part instructions (Where is the remote? Turn the TV on and give it to me). He can open anything. And he sees things that no one else does, if you know what I mean. He has never been sick. Never taken an antibiotic. He has all of his baby teeth short of the 2-year molars. He had his first tooth at 3 months and hasn’t stopped since. And he has eyes that can melt your heart.
I am near the end of my rope. Sometimes I have to sit him down and go off to blow off steam. I get so frustrated trying to figure him out. I know he understands not to do something because of the way he looks at me. I have tried explaining why not to do something, smacking his hands, yelling, crying, and removing him from whatever. Nothing has helped us.
I am desperately in need of advice from Indigo parents and other Indigos. I need to learn other ways to deal with these issues. I have read the Indigo Children book by Lee Carroll but it didn’t really resolve anything for me.
Steve Rother ( has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who call themselves The Group. They speak of the New Planet Earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about Star children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the children of crystal vibration. At the beginning of their messages in 1996, The Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward appearances, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter.
The following selections are drawn from Steve Rother’s internet site, where the unabridged version is available at
“Those that you call the Indigo children have already shifted the focus of humanity. Because of their work and sacrifice you are learning to make space in your reality for empowered humans. They have done well and will now begin to move into adulthood. As they do, they will shift the paradigms of all that is to follow. The Indigo children have begun the change of your systems that relate to children. Now watch the miracles that take place as they move into adulthood and change those systems as well. Imagine what the world will be like as the first Indigo world leaders take their place. As this unfolds, the New Earth will become firmly rooted in the balanced Crystal energy. You will see space created for empowered humans on Earth no matter their beliefs, sex, or origins.
The work of those you call Indigo will be known forever as the great shift. They have come into a harsh world, shaken it up, and are making you re-think everything. These beautiful beings are direct and therefore may have appeared to you as abrasive. Enduring boredom is their greatest challenge. Blessed be the Indigo children for they are opening the door.”
Is Your Child an Indigo?
This list compiled by Wendy H. Chapman from her own experience with children and information in The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll.
If you have more than 10 yes answers, your child is probably is an Indigo. If more than15, almost definitely.
To find out if your child is an Indigo, ask yourself these questions:
1. Did your child come into the world acting like royalty?
2. Does your child have a feeling of deserving to be here?
3. Does your child have an obvious sense of self?
4. Does your child have difficulty with discipline and authority?
5. Does your child refuse to do certain things they are told to do?
6. Is waiting in line torture for your child?
7. Is your child frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity?
8. Does your child see better ways of doing things at home and at school?
9. Is your child a nonconformist?
10. Does your child refuse to respond to guilt trips?
11. Does your child get bored rather easily with assigned tasks?
12. Does your child display symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder?
13. Is your child particularly creative?
14. Does your child display intuition?
15. Does your child have strong empathy for others?
16. Did your child develop abstract thinking at an early age?
17. Is your child very intelligent?
18. Is your child very talented (may be identified as gifted)?
19. Does your child seem to be a daydreamer?
20. Does your child have very old, deep, wise looking eyes?
22. Does your child have spiritual intelligence?
Jennifer Hoffman with the spiritual advice Uriel Heals website talks about Indigos and their struggle with thoughts of suicide. She says that Indigo children, among other children, follow through with suicide, leaving a trail of grief behind them. They have trouble accepting things and since many Indigos have had difficult childhood experiences, their wounds are often painful and deep. Their empathic abilities serve to amplify the pain that they feel and add to it the pain of those around them. Her son had many Indigo friends, many of whom were struggling with their own problems. She felt that he was processing his friends’ emotions as well as his own. They struggled for three years with this problem, going through counseling, drug therapy (briefly), and spent much time talking. The drugs seemed to make things worse. In many cases Indigos can have unusual reactions to drugs or be intolerant of them. Since they are prone to addiction, they can also become addicted to many types of medication.
While her son did not commit suicide, he had several friends who did. It was a very sad and difficult experience for everyone. Each parent whose Indigo child goes through emotional issues and painful experiences needs to understand that their children are unable to turn off their emotions as we have learned to do. They process the emotional energy around them, which they can believe is their own. Since they are highly empathic and intuitive, teaching them how to channel their empathic energy more effectively will help them to understand which emotional energy is theirs and which belongs to others.
Effective communication between children and parents is helpful with Indigo children because they may imagine all sorts of things and have trouble distinguishing between reality and their beliefs and fears. Although they are highly intelligent, they also tend to be emotionally immature and need much more support than they will acknowledge. Through several years of talking, working through issues, teaching her son how to focus his empathic energy and letting him know that she was there for him, her son was able to get through this difficult period and is now doing well. It is a challenge that many parents of Indigos face but one that they can, with effort, help their children through.
Pain, confusion, and frustration are a common theme for Indigos. Indigo children who are in the 18-20 year old age range notice a particularly difficult time. Indigo children, who are supposed to be leaving home and entering the world at this time can’t because many of them are stuck and afraid to leave. They may be depressed, drinking and/or using drugs, or have simply dropped out and are not doing anything at all. Many of their parents were either in college or married at that age and are frustrated with their children’s behavior. Parents are overwhelmed by and frightened at the depths of their children’s depression, anger, and apparent inability to move forward or to move out of the black hole that they seem to be in. Can these children be helped?
Some Indigos are intimidated by what they see as a challenge to meet or exceed their parents’ successes. Their parents may represent a very successful generation. Others are afraid that they will not measure up to society’s heavy expectations of this generation. Some just want to do exactly the opposite of what their parents are doing, not because they are trying to be difficult, but because they want to create their own path in life. Still others simply do not know what they want to do and are overwhelmed by the vast range of options that they have and the challenge of choosing one thing and being successful at it, as their parents may have done.
What if they don’t like it? Will they be stuck with it?
As a generation, Indigos are a very creative, intuitive, motivated, and they do everything with purpose and intention. When they get stuck, they do it well. But they can be moved out of their black hole, with help. One noticeable thing is that many Indigos were bullied by their peers as children and they may have suffered for being different. Whatever emotions they felt at the time they are carrying with them into their early adulthood. The fear of being bullied or of being persecuted for who they are, how they look or act seems to have re-awakened in many of them. The solution most often proposed for parents of Indigo children is to communicate with them, to talk about their fears, learn where their interests lie, to reassure them and to help them learn to be comfortable with their differences.
The Indigo energy will not conform to rules and regulations. They may not be able to work at jobs or careers that they do not like or that are not suited to their gifts and talents. However, they are creative enough to find alternatives that suit them, if they are supported in their efforts. Rather than being frustrated with them, although their behavior is frustrating, ask them why they feel the way they do, instead of asking them what is wrong with them. This is a challenging situation for any parent but it can be made less difficult by making an effort that starts with communication. The situation will not be resolved overnight, but it will improve over time. You can help your Indigo child climb out of the black hole, find their path, and blossom into their creative energy.
Indigo children, many now in their late teens and early adulthood, are reaching a crisis point.
They are struggling with their purpose in the world, their ability to carry out their mission, and dealing with their gifts and talents. Many Indigos who contemplate suicide do so when they are deeply depressed. They can no longer make sense of their lives or themselves and see no future past their current situation. They do not know how to get from where they are to the next step in their lives. This is a generation that grew up on video games where they had to die to get to the next level. Are they taking that concept into their reality, not understanding its implications?
While the Indigo energy is wonderfully creative when expressed positively, it can be very destructive in its negative expression. That extends not only to the Indigos outer world, but also their inner world. They are often their own worst enemies, creating a host of problems and difficulties for themselves (and their parents). Indigos are a generation that requires involved parenting, where the parents need to be present in their lives in every sense, including emotionally. Most parents are stressed with demanding jobs and lifestyles and do not have time to be there for their children. This is when Indigos get into trouble. They seem to deliberately push their parents away at the time when they are in greatest need of their insight and attention. When an Indigo says, “I can handle this” it usually means that they are over their heads and desperately need help, even though they won’t ask for it and will accept it very reluctantly.
The tragedy of a child suicide is unthinkable, not only to the family but also to society in general. These children have much to contribute and teach us and parents and families need to be an active presence in their lives. When Jennifer’s Indigo son finally came out of his suicidal period, he wrote her a letter in which he expressed his gratitude at the unwavering love that she gave him, even when he was at his most unlovable. He told her that he probably would not be here if it weren’t for her efforts. She had convinced him that his place was here and that moving to the next level meant finding the best outlet for his skills and gifts. Together they worked on discovering what that was.
Parents of Indigos can help their children make the decision to stay by teaching them that the next level is attainable by becoming who they are, finding or creating their path, and living it with passion, no matter what it looks like. They also need to learn to accept the love and help of those whom they chose as their parents and spiritual teachers by knowing that they are there for them when they need it the most, whether or not they are willing to accept their help. These children eventually will accept help and the world will benefit from their experiences. They will also teach other Indigos how to get to the next level in their spiritual path by staying on this one. Parents of Indigos can help their children and help them get past this difficult period and make suicide an option that they do not even consider.
The Indigo children are the first generation to help humanity and are now represented in today’s teenagers. Indigo children are wise beyond their years. “I know that” is a phrase that they frequently use and while it can be frustrating to parents, the truth is that they do know many things. They are also very perceptive about others and are prone to saying the most politically incorrect thing at the most inappropriate moment. But social conventions are not part of their understanding. They know what has to be said and they are not afraid to say it.
Indigos are having a difficult time here on earth. They are called the Ritalin generation, because there are times of extreme behavior problems in these children that created mass prescription of pharmaceutical products such as Ritalin, Wellbutrin, and Adderal. But does the problem lie with the children or with the system that they cannot adjust to? These children were and still are unable to cope with the existing low-level energies and so did what they did best, they rebelled and created a revolution. The generations before them were accustomed to accepting the status quo. Not the Indigos. They represent the calm before the storm so to speak, because they have prepared us for the next generation of even more evolved children, the Crystals.
Indigo Warriors Planetary Leadership ...... The Indigo "Human Angel" Experience
Indigo children are born with their 13 Chakra template activated. Their mission is to be systems busters, so their energy is focused into the external world.
They use their intensified kundalini flow to experience the world and to shift crystallized and dense energies. These human angels need their hyper-energy to break down and shift the old patterns and densities of human 3D experience.
The typical Indigo "rage" is an expression of this energy being focused to break down old systems and clear out old energies.
Indigo children need to be helped to understand and balance their energy flows, and not be drugged into "normality" with drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac. This kind of medication only "detaches" the Indigo from their "human angel" template and confines them to the old 3D experience.
Indigo Types in the first category (Indigo 1) are generally experts in working with the larger matrices of the planetary energy fields called “Ley Lines”. These Ley Lines are also known as having “Axiatonal” line points and are comprised of a global energy matrix field for the planetary life force. This is a web-work of energy by which the scalar-wave frequencies of the core Planetary Grid is directed into use for the planet. These energies are also translated into the various planetary chakras, and other vortices of which hold various levels of the planetary life force. They are also the transmission points to receive and store stellar activations of frequency and to anchor those transmissions into the planetary body. Since we are in an aggressive frequency activation cycle, this affects the balance of the planetary grid and its many energy tributaries in the Ley Lines.
These Indigos can transmit energy, frequency or light codes to further rebalance certain planet vortices or key points on the planetary grid. They will be lead to hold groups and create large amounts of available light codes and frequency to heal or rebalance these Ley Lines. Many of these Indigos will be lead to travel extensively and will find themselves in many countries or spaces in short periods of time. This will occur naturally, if it is a part of the soul’s contract.
This will emerge and become clear as you align to your highest soul purpose. Many Indigo 1’s have contracts with certain land demographics and are holding specific codes for the planet precisely for this time of Ascension for its frequency activation. These codes are transmitted from the Indigo’s personal energy field and anchored into the appropriate areas when they are called upon to be of service. Sometimes these Indigos will be fully conscious when in this process, or not. The bottom line is, if you find yourself traveling to many different places on the planet this year and forward, you have this contract. Your Higher Self will be working on these particular projects even as you are asleep. If you resonate with this for you personally, ask to be directed by your evolution teams and that you wish to be interactive in working with the planetary energies consciously.
I also feel this group will be largely responsible
for working with the new Frequency Hubs in a variety of ways.
Particularly in coming together to build and create conscious or
intentional communities of Indigos (And all Multidimensional Beings)
stationed in various areas on the planet. These new communities will be a
well spring of new education and awareness of creating integrative,
sustainable living in harmony with nature. Other communities will be the
cosmic stations for our Interstellar connections and will begin a new
portal of communication with our extended Star Families. They will be
communities created with high level of available frequency that will
render them as safe zones. These safe zones will repel levels of density
or the actions of cause and effect from the 3D world. You will be
internally guided to be in these areas during any possible planet
climate shifts or cataclysm. Listen and cultivate your Higher Sensory
Perception as this will emerge from your feeling/ intuitive body. Do not
worry as this will happen effortlessly and easily as you merge with
your soul plan. Indigo children are born with their 13 Chakra template activated. Their mission is to be systems busters, so their energy is focused into the external world.
They use their intensified kundalini flow to experience the world and to shift crystallized and dense energies. These human angels need their hyper-energy to break down and shift the old patterns and densities of human 3D experience.
The typical Indigo "rage" is an expression of this energy being focused to break down old systems and clear out old energies.
Indigo children need to be helped to understand and balance their energy flows, and not be drugged into "normality" with drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac. This kind of medication only "detaches" the Indigo from their "human angel" template and confines them to the old 3D experience.
Indigo Types in the first category (Indigo 1) are generally experts in working with the larger matrices of the planetary energy fields called “Ley Lines”. These Ley Lines are also known as having “Axiatonal” line points and are comprised of a global energy matrix field for the planetary life force. This is a web-work of energy by which the scalar-wave frequencies of the core Planetary Grid is directed into use for the planet. These energies are also translated into the various planetary chakras, and other vortices of which hold various levels of the planetary life force. They are also the transmission points to receive and store stellar activations of frequency and to anchor those transmissions into the planetary body. Since we are in an aggressive frequency activation cycle, this affects the balance of the planetary grid and its many energy tributaries in the Ley Lines.
These Indigos can transmit energy, frequency or light codes to further rebalance certain planet vortices or key points on the planetary grid. They will be lead to hold groups and create large amounts of available light codes and frequency to heal or rebalance these Ley Lines. Many of these Indigos will be lead to travel extensively and will find themselves in many countries or spaces in short periods of time. This will occur naturally, if it is a part of the soul’s contract.
This will emerge and become clear as you align to your highest soul purpose. Many Indigo 1’s have contracts with certain land demographics and are holding specific codes for the planet precisely for this time of Ascension for its frequency activation. These codes are transmitted from the Indigo’s personal energy field and anchored into the appropriate areas when they are called upon to be of service. Sometimes these Indigos will be fully conscious when in this process, or not. The bottom line is, if you find yourself traveling to many different places on the planet this year and forward, you have this contract. Your Higher Self will be working on these particular projects even as you are asleep. If you resonate with this for you personally, ask to be directed by your evolution teams and that you wish to be interactive in working with the planetary energies consciously.
The Indigo 2’s are specifically working to regenerate and activate the
Human DNA template’s to its highest potential. This will be the group of
healers, the energy transmitters, working directly in the healing arts
in some way. Each one has a specific gift of healing tools, light codes
to assist humans in healing distortions embedded in the physical and
energetic bodies. These distortions have been created and inherited from
the karmic patterning resulting from all the incarnating evolutionary
cycles.Also at this time of acceleration, it is required for some humans undergoing the Ascension process to be assisted with Etheric Surgery. Etheric Surgery is a new term for a new group of facilitators emerging to work on the multidimensional anatomy by supporting the Nadis system or other layers of the Auric Field. The Nadis System is the Electrical Nerval Plexus that receives and transmits the new frequencies being absorbed into the entire individual energy matrix and the cellular body. It acts as an energetic “switchboard” for the entire bio-energy field. The Nadis system is located at the etheric template layer of the energy bodies and may need to be upgraded in order to be calibrated easily to the new energies introduced to the personal field. This rewiring occurs to hold the new resonant frequencies in the individual’s body with minimum discomfort. This will be a new career, as one of the many new healing modalities surfacing at this time.
Many of these Indigos are the teachers of the New Energy and will emerge to discuss openly about the Ascension Process and it’s meaning for the evolution of the human species. Some will be recruited to create Wellness Centers with various holistic healing technologies based on spiritual-energetic principles. These groups are the bridge between the Old Energy world and the New Energy world. They are the way showers for embodying the principle of “Unification” and “Integration” and serving as the example of how to live in harmony with all things. They will teach by being this example.
Indigo 3
Indigo 3
These are the Polarity Integrators. These groups of Indigos have a very challenging task indeed. We need to honor these beloved ones with the gift they bring humanity. Indigo 3’s are soul essences that are assisting in the evolution of the less evolved, often aggressive, soul with whom they may share within the same body. They are incarnating in this way to heal the vast levels of distortion between a genetically enhanced soul and a less evolved soul. This way as they integrate these two extreme soul aspects within the same bio-energy field, they are creating the unification of these two poles that allow a template for polarity integration. This template, when created in this realm, can then more easily heal and unify the love and fear polarities. This is a way to fully integrate the levels of mental-emotional polarity humans have experienced for many time cycles. Over time, these levels of imbalance created huge amounts of karmic patterning held within the bodies of all humans, including the planetary body.
Also, these Indigo level soul contracts were needed as the human lineage has experienced great levels of pain and fear resulting from the original “separation” imprint from source. This pain and fear over many evolutionary cycles created distortion in the cellular memory of the planet and within all of the collective consciousness. Additionally there has been genetic manipulation or hybridization that has created damage to the Divine Human’s 12 Strand DNA blueprint within certain soul groups. As we journey back into the light in this Ascension Cycle, this soul purpose helps assist the planet in dissolving the fear and its related distortions into the higher vibrations of love.
In some Indigo 3’s, the huge chasm between the two soul essences sharing the same body sometimes disrupts the natural balance of the bio-energy field. These two or more soul essences may create a conflict within the DNA instruction template that disrupts or limits certain physical functioning. This then can manifest in the physical body as imbalances in the neurotransmitters of the brain and the endocrine system. The endocrine system is our glandular system which is responsible for secreting hormones into our blood stream to normalize certain bodily functions. Everything within the body’s system of metabolic regulation is due to hormonal production from our glandular system.
These hormonal or chemical disruptions in the body can create intermittent or chronic extremes of mental and/or emotional detachment from the 3D reality. In the more severe cases of this chemical disruption, impairments of the brain and other physical neurological functions become evident. In recent years, we have seen a huge acceleration of cases of childhood Autism, ADD and other learning or behavioral disorders. These soul groups are largely Indigo 3’s.
The Indigo Child and How to Recognize One
The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We
think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know
differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at
night when we think they're asleep.
Our thoughts and feelings are
not our own. The truth is, we have forgotten who we are and how our
minds are connected to each other. indigo children remember and have an
inner knowing that far exceeds our psychic abilities.
Having said
this. Not all children born since about 1980 are indigos. Many brought
major challenges from previous lifetimes they're still working through.
But, once the lessons are learned and the patterns forgiven, they will
join the ranks of the cosmic caring indigo.
"The intricate inner
workings of our DNA are changing...Brain-wave relationships are
spontaneously moving into higher vibrational patterning as the
electromagnetic fields within our DNA. Because of this, our brains are
working together as cohesive units of consciousness. That means humanity
is becoming more aware and moving toward becoming sentient beings –
aware of everything all at once all of the time.” Conversations with the
Children of Now, Meg Blackburn Losey
So what happened to cause us to loose touch with our inner knowing?
Put simply, we began to "think" instead of "feel," thousands of years
ago. Our ability to tap into the collective consciousness is still
within us. We’ve just forgotten how to use it. The ego became our ruler
holding us back by relying on memories to make our decisions. With past
as our guide, we gave our power to the ego, which made us fearful. The
intellect caused us to loose our connection to the collective
consciousness, making us feel alone.
Some adults have been able to
gain at least a part of this former knowing. They in turn are giving
birth to children who remember how the collective consciousness works
and they are using it. The indigo offspring is there descendant.
"The conclusion of our book was that today’s children are different –
more challenging, more intelligent, more confrontational, more
intuitive, more spiritual, and in some cases even more violent – from
any generation we have yet seen. This calls for a new and different way
of parenting and schooling – outside of the old ways." The Care and
Feeding of Your Indigo Children, Doreen Virtue
Where did the term “Indigo Child” come from?
Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, studied the human auric
field, otherwise known as their electromagnetic field. The field
surrounds every living thing. She even wrote a book about it called
"Understanding Your Life Through Color."
Through colors in the aura,
she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to
psychologically profile a person using her new auric color method. The
signs of an indigo child actually began even as early as in the 1950s
with a few people. What she noticed was that 80 percent of the children
born after 1980 had a new deep blue colored auric field. She called this
new color "indigo".
What are the behavioral patterns of Indigos?
1. They are born feeling and knowing they are special and should be revered.
2. An indigo knows they belong here as they are and expect you to realize it as well.
3. These children are more confident and have a higher sense of self-worth.
4. Absolute authority, the kind with no choices, negotiation, or input
from them does not sit well. The educational system is a good example.
5. Some of the rules we so carefully followed as children seem silly to them and they fight them.
6. Rigid ritualistic systems are considered archaic to an indigo child. They feel everything should be given creative thought.
7. They are insightful and often have a better idea of method then what
has been in place for years. This makes them seem like "system
8. Adults often view an indigo as anti-social unless they
are with other indigos. Often they feel lost and misunderstood, which
causes them to go within.
9. The old control methods like, "Wait till your father gets home," have no affect on these children.
10. The fulfillment of their personal needs is important to them, and they will let you know.
Are you or your children an indigo?
These are the characteristics of an indigo as stated in The Care and Feeding of Your Indigo Child:
⦁ Strong willed
⦁ Born in 1978 or later
⦁ Headstrong
⦁ Creative, with an artistic flair for music, jewelry making, poetry, etc.
⦁ Prone to addictions
⦁ An "old soul" as if they’re 13 going on 43
⦁ Intuitive or psychic, possibly with a history of seeing angels or deceased people
⦁ An isolationist, either through aggressive acting-out, or through fragile introversion
⦁ Independent and proud, even if they’re constantly asking you for money
⦁ Possess a deep desire to help the world in a big way
⦁ Wavers between low self-esteem and grandiosity
⦁ Bores easily
⦁ Has probably been diagnosed as having ADD or ADHD
⦁ Prone to insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares, or difficulty/fear of falling asleep
⦁ Has a history of depression, or even suicidal thoughts or attempts
⦁ Looks for real, deep, and lasting friendships
⦁ Easily bonds with plants or animals.
If you possess 14 or more of these traits you are an indigo. If 11 to
13, you’re probably an indigo in training. If you’re an adult with these
traits you could be a "lightworker."
The effects of Ritalin and other drugs on an indigos diagnosed with ADD or ADHD
"Indigo Children who take Ritlin or other psychotropic drugs soon lose
touch with their intuition, psychic abilities, and warrior personality.
These children were sent to Earth with these three spiritual gifts for
the express purpose of cleaning up our planet, environmentally and
socially." Care and Feeding of Your Indigo Child, Doreen Virtue
Suppressive drugs such as Ritlin cause an indigo child to forget their
lives purpose, which only delays what HAS to change on our earth for us
to continue living on it.
One of the reasons an indigo has trouble
sleeping is because wayward spirits are attracted to them. These spirits
know these children can see and sense them. This makes them more
irritable and restless in school. The schools and doctors decide from
this they are ADHD or ADD.
So what would an ideal Indigo's world look like?
Indigo's have a job to do on this planet, and they WILL do it. It’s
their job to help eliminate the values of the world age that just passed
in 2012, and replace them with the values of the new world age. They
take their job very seriously, even if they are not aware of it. They
are preparing the world for the new values of "love, brotherhood and
unity." Indigo prophecies talk about how these special children are the
forerunners to dramatically changing the word for the next Great Cycle
change in the area of 2012. Forgiveness towards others is a key element
to help heal the earth. An indigo’s world would be:
1. Free from all harsh chemicals.
2. Food would be organically grown, locally grown, fresh with minimal processing and refining.
3. Education would be for all and children would have a much greater say in their educational future and curriculum.
4. Family would mean whom you are with at that time, and be inclusive to a greater circle of people.
5. Our political system would be truly for the greater good of all, much more democratic, even socialist.
6. All countries and all people would work together to better the lives on the entire planet.
7. Nature and her needs would come first including clean air and soil.
8. Children would be treated with respect and consulted on any decisions that would affect them.
9. All people would be equal no matter what their race, color, sex, or creed.
We’ve drugged them, punished them, denied them, but they still will not
conform to "our" views of what a model child should be. Why? Many
indigos can see their futures and know what we are trying to teach them
is useless and irrelevant.
An indigo has an enormous amount of
tenacity and willpower. Through their sensitivity to chemicals,
processed foods, and authority, they are showing us what has to change
in our world. They're sensitive to so many things. An indigo child will
tell you that we should not be using these detrimental chemicals if we
truly loved our earth and each other.
"Indigo children are "natural
children in an unnatural world."...their immune systems (physically and
emotionally) aren’t able to assimilate the earthly toxins in food,
water, air, toiletries, cleaning supplies, artificial lighting, and
relationships. Scientists have discovered huge links between ADHD and
environmental toxins.” The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children, Doreen
Are You From the Blue Ray?
Star Beings & Walk-ins
The Lost Ray of the LightWorker
Star Beings & Walk-ins
The Lost Ray of the LightWorker
The Blue Ray Beings are an
ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from
many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the
genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They
are the lost ray of the Light Worker.
"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
Attention: If
you would like to add this information to your page, website or other,
you are welcome to do so as it helps other lightworkers, but please put
in the proper author credit and my website link, thank you!!!
As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. You were not recognized for your unique divine light and had to recognize yourselves. It was tricky spiritual business as you were super sensitive beings, though you had the spiritual power tools to be victories in your mission.
For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and you, the Blue Rays, have been incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher dimensions. You the Blue Ray Beings are the overlooked and forgotten ones, and have been essential in clearing and setting the stage for humanities ascension. Because of you, Blue Ray Beings, earth will be able to take her rightful place in the galactic and universal councils of oneness and peace.
We Wish to 'Thank you', from the ones that can't articulate your divine presence, all of humanity, your star sisters and brothers of light and the sacred higher realms. We are in constant praise and support of you!
Remember! Blue Ray, there is much more coming for you, for your time has come.
The Blue Ray Mission:
Infiltrate the system in a normal capacity, always remembering who you are and where you came from, planting the seeds of peace, love, light and higher awareness. No matter how painful, long or arduous the job was, it was your mission and you had the spiritual tools, insight and divine light to see it through.
Blue Ray Traits:
· 'Transformers', using alchemy you naturally transmute lower energies.
· Average age range: Late 30's to 50's
· Tend to be water and air signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra with Virgo influences.
· Have similarities with the Indigo, Crystals and Rainbows Beings. Ultra sensitive, intuitive, can easily communicate with the higher realms. You have sacred knowledge and wisdom.
· Often mistaken for an Indigo.
· Very adaptable and empathic.
· Blues are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.
· You are about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit. It is very important for you to express yourself. It's part of you mission.
· May have taken many years for you to be able to speak up and be seen.
· Have blue in your aura or have lots of blue around you. You will also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.
Work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.
· Most are energy or spiritual healers as you wish to heal and help others.
· Are water types. Flowing, emotional, not static and associated with the divine feminine traits and archetype. Music, sound, movement, dance and nature is very important to you.
· Learned how to hide your supernatural abilities and gifts, stood in the background waiting, watching, observing and always in the knowing.
· The Waiting, Star Seed Time Line Encodement, the blues have been preparing for when events and an inner knowing will activate you to reset your course to take a higher path. This activation will attuned you to your core essence and will affect your career, hobbies, goals and relationships.
· Most of you were not born to enlightened consciousness spiritual parents. You had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma and dysfunction first.
· Feel connected to the terms Light Worker, Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the esoteric studies and the evolved races of earth. Are more energetic aligned to Lemurians then to the Atlantians.
· Have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talent that are not fully activated.
· Feel out of out place in your family, feel your biological family is not your true origin. Feel you are from the stars, another planet or evolved race.
· Are the peacemakers with your family and with friends.
· Have great inner long-term persistence. You get to your destination.
· Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity.
· Need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it, and be connected to the deva of water.
Challenges for the Blue Ray
· Escape tendencies, being in the other realms or being alone to much, feeling lonely and different.
· Addictions or addictive tendency in earlier years.
· Chronic fatigue from always transforming energies or leaving the body to often and to long.
· Learning disabilities
· Difficulty and frustration in communicating.
· Were told: You were different. You're just imaging things. Get real.
· Can have entities, spirit attachments and negative thought forms come to you, because the Blue Ray transforms and shows them the light.
· Had genetic damage to transform.
· Are very adaptable and empathic, and therefore can stay in a dysfunction relationship, situation or environment to long.
· Need to maintain energetic boundaries and awareness and learn how to stay connected in the body.
© 2010 Shekina Rose, All Rights Reserved
Copyright © Blue Ray transmissions by Shekina Rose of permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:
Click here for Blue Ray Core Essence Reconnection or Blue Ray Divine Alignment & Healing.
Copyright © Blue Ray transmissions by Shekina Rose of permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:
Click here for Blue Ray Core Essence Reconnection or Blue Ray Divine Alignment & Healing.
Shekina is Divine Messenger for Mother Goddess and the Angelic Star Tribes in the 'Language of Light', transmissions that activate your 'Divine Original Blue Print'. She works with the Blue Ray and ultra sensitive beings in clearing and balancing their energetic field that aligns them to their divine power.
Shekina has a special gift of opening to the higher realms and transmuting negative blocked energy instantly, many have experiences this at her "Concerts of Souls" and performances in the" Language of Light".
She is also a artist, visionary, spiritual performer, Priestess of the Light teacher, energy and sound healer, founder of the Goddess Code Point Activation and 13 Gateways.
Blue Ray Being come to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity,
and set the stage for the other rays to come. They were not recognized
for your unique divine light and had to recognize yourselves. It was
tricky spiritual business as you were super sensitive beings, though you
had the spiritual power tools to be victories in your mission.
For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and , the Blue
Rays, have been incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher
dimensions. The Blue Ray Beings are the overlooked and forgotten ones,
and have been essential in clearing and setting the stage for humanities
ascension. Because of, Blue Ray Beings, earth will be able to take her
rightful place in the galactic and universal councils of oneness and
The Blue Ray Mission:
Infiltrate the
system in a normal capacity, always remembering who you are and where
you came from, planting the seeds of peace, love, light and higher
awareness. No matter how painful, long or arduous the job was, it was
your mission and you had the spiritual tools, insight and divine light
to see it through.
Blue Ray Traits:
· 'Transformers', using alchemy you naturally transmute lower energies.
· Average age range: Late 30's to 50's
· Tend to be water and air signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra with Virgo influences.
· Have similarities with the Indigo, Crystals and Rainbows Beings.
Ultra sensitive, intuitive, can easily communicate with the higher
realms. You have sacred knowledge and wisdom.
· Often mistaken for an Indigo.
· Very adaptable and empathic.
· Blues are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem
mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal
looking or star born.
· You are about communication and expression
through the creative arts and spirit. It is very important for you to
express yourself. It's part of you mission.
· May have taken many years for you to be able to speak up and be seen.
· Have blue in your aura or have lots of blue around you. You will also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.
Work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.
· Most are energy or spiritual healers as you wish to heal and help others.
· Are water types. Flowing, emotional, not static and associated with
the divine feminine traits and archetype. Music, sound, movement, dance
and nature is very important to you.
· Learned how to hide your
supernatural abilities and gifts, stood in the background waiting,
watching, observing and always in the knowing.
· The Waiting, Star
Seed Time Line Encodement, the blues have been preparing for when events
and an inner knowing will activate you to reset your course to take a
higher path. This activation will attuned you to your core essence and
will affect your career, hobbies, goals and relationships.
· Most of
you were not born to enlightened consciousness spiritual parents. You
had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma
and dysfunction first.
· Feel connected to the terms Light Worker,
Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the esoteric studies and the
evolved races of earth. Are more energetic aligned to Lemurians then to
the Atlantians.
· Have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talent that are not fully activated.
· Feel out of out place in your family, feel your biological family is
not your true origin. Feel you are from the stars, another planet or
evolved race.
· Are the peacemakers with your family and with friends.
· Have great inner long-term persistence. You get to your destination.
· Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity.
· Need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it, and be connected to the deva of water.
Starseed Characteristics - who and what are we are .Watch youtube video on the link below
Star Children
I can believe anything, provided that it is quite incredible…Oscar Wilde
Star children are children who have been sent here from all
areas of the universe to help the earth and the people on it. They
possess psychic, spiritual, and other extra sensory abilities. These
children will bring peace, topple corrupt systems, and shift dimensional
consciousness in the years to come. They have come here on special
assignment to assist in this rebirth into a higher dimensional earth. Star children are different, thank God. As of now, our Star children have been divided into three categories: Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow. Star children have chosen specific parents who will help them develop their natural abilities. So if you are a parent of a child you know is different, your child probably chose you to help them help others in their spiritual path. How lucky you are to be the chosen parent of one of these incredibly gifted souls here to help this earth.
The most wonderful aspect of Star children is their willingness to take on the world and learn to make their own way through it. Star children will get to the point where they are able to mold society into something that reflects their energies and values. The truth that they hold and defend so well will reflect their integrity and spirituality.
Not everyone on earth is from earth. There are those who are here from
other planets and civilizations in this and other universes. And though
they walk around in human bodies, many have forms that are not human.
Many are drawn to animals and other life forms on earth that, in fact,
closely resemble their true form. For example, some are very drawn to
dolphins; there is a race of Beings called the Nommos who live on a
planet in the Sirius star system. There are other factors indicating a
starseed identity.
⦁ They have an intense sense of loneliness.
⦁ They feel like they don’t belong in their earth family.
⦁ They have a fascination with the stars and feel as though their home is out there, but they can’t remember where.
⦁ They begin to question the ways of earth at an early age. Many are the black sheep of their family.
⦁ They are drawn to metaphysics seeking answers to why they feel so alone and why they don’t seem to fit in on earth.
⦁ Many have an adversarial relationship with the parent of the opposite sex.
⦁ The majority of starseeds have the facial shape of their mother but
the remainder of their physical body is like that of their fathers, or
the other way around depending on which parent is the real parent, the
starseed parent from off planet. This is done for a reason.
⦁ Lower than normal body temperature and inability to handle heat.
⦁ The majority of starseeds and walk-ins carry the Crystal Gene for DNA
Recoding/Ascension. Once activated, the crystal gene allows for clearer
guidance with beings on other dimensions. It acts as a guidance system
of sorts, keeping the individual on course in their respective mission.
It allows for quicker understanding of the emotional blocks that must be
cleared in order to recompile DNA.
Physical attributes. This is a
bit more iffy. Earth humans are anyway an amalgam of all kinds of
genetic tinkering by a variety of space races but you MAY have brought
some of your physical attributes with you, but this is less important
than the spiritual attributes. Your genetics will determine a “band of
possibility” and your spirit body MAY pull your physical body in a
direction that is quite different from what your genotype might have
expressed with another host in it. So: do you look markedly different
from the rest of your family? If you are of Pleiadian origin you may
have some of the following unexpected characteristics: almond-shaped
eyes which might also be larger than expected, blonde hair, pale skin,
blue or blue-grey eyes, “roman nose” (no dip on the bridge – straight in
profile) tall and with a slender build.
Your eyes are probably light sensitive. The Earth is a particularly
harsh-light environment. You would probably want low-light compared to
many others.
Cold climate adapted. You most likely don’t like
to be too warm and struggle to loose heat in warm climes. Other will be
playing out in the sun and you will be sweltering in the shade. The
corollary is that you are comfortable when it is cool and others are
huddled over a heater.
Metaphysically oriented or anti-religious.
You just can’t buy into Earth religions. You may have tried very hard,
even repeatedly to “fit in” with one or more of these belief systems but
always they leave you feeling dissatisfied. You may consequently reject
“belief” out of hand or you may choose to find some alternative beliefs
that suit you better – you will quite possibly start formulating your
own system of belief. You are also most likely to have some form of
psychic ability – ESP, clairvoyance… something.
Not date and
time conscious. You’re probably terrible with remembering things like
birthdays, you struggle to keep to a schedule and are often way early or
very late for appointments. This date and clock thing just doesn’t want
to work out for you.
Technophile. You love gadgets and
equipment and have a natural aptitude with figuring out how they work.
You’re quite likely to love them so much that you read the instruction
manual “just for fun”.
Harmonious. You will experience Earth
as being quite a violent, aggressive angry place. You may or may not be
able to find aggression within yourself but either way you would choose
for the world around you to become more harmonious and peaceful. You do
not desire to control others and you reject others control of you. You
can’t bear cruelty to animals, children, women abuse or anything like
that. If there were a war you would probably not fight but choose to be a
pacifist instead.
Gender equality and ambiguity. You probably
don’t get the whole gender role thing. You regard your partner as an
equal and expect the same thing back. The whole “battle of the sexes”
thing is just absurd to you. You may also be something other than
heterosexual. If you are, you’re probably not too concerned with finding
a label for what you are. You could also be quite androgynous in your
Animals and nature. You have a great love and respect of
nature in all its manifestations: Gaia, forests, mountains, the sea,
animals etc. You especially feel a deep mystical connection with
dolphins and whales as you understand that they are somehow your
“siblings” rather than “dumb animals”.
Not money-system
oriented. The system of money=power and corporate structures and this
kind of thing is not your way. That is not to say that you cannot make
your way in it or even become very successful in this system, but you
will always be uncomfortable in it if you do. You dislike routine and
structured environments. You are a non-conformist and just don’t fit
into a rigid work environment. You don’t respect authority – someone
must show themselves worthy of your respect. Combine this with the fact
that you quickly get bored and you make a very poor wage slave indeed!
You will often harbour dreams of just “dropping out” – going to farm or
joining a hippie community or some such. Or you’ll actually do this.
You anyway don’t like the concept of money much and would rather be valued for who you are than what you can buy. This issue is compounded by the fact that you hated school (or any education) this is because Earth education systems use conformist mechanisms and teach by instruction rather than shared or experiential learning.
You anyway don’t like the concept of money much and would rather be valued for who you are than what you can buy. This issue is compounded by the fact that you hated school (or any education) this is because Earth education systems use conformist mechanisms and teach by instruction rather than shared or experiential learning.
Escapism. You
like to escape into flights of creative fantasy and will build whole
“ideal worlds” in your head. You are also drawn to the hallucinogenic
experience to enhance this. A negative aspect of this is when the
escapist tendency overwhelms: this world is hard and cruel and difficult
and you might be prone to using drugs, alcohol or other means to escape
the pain that you feel. In so doing you fail to engage and fail to
improve the world (as you originally intended) this only compounds the
problem and makes you more self destructive. You are prone to depression
if you don’t take control of your life and your experiences. You may
also be prone to a variety of psychoses and neuroses due to the
spiritual fracturing that you feel here not conforming with the unity
consciousness you were expecting.
Creativity. You are very
creative and love other peoples creative outputs. Music, art,
architecture, beautiful cooking… whatever. This touches you deeply.
Easy belief. You can quite easily believe in the existence of UFO’s and
extra-terrestrial beings. These things are not strange to you. The
concept of “all is one” is also quite comfortable for you.
Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messangers…Brenda Ueland
The rainbow children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal children, Rainbow children have a few more interesting characteristics. The Rainbow children are generally born in the year 2000 and above. In some cases, there might also be a few scouts that came to earth before 2000. The few Rainbow children that are here today are born from early Crystal scouts that were born in the 1980’s.
As the name implies, the Rainbow children come to earth with a few more other spectrum of ray color. They are born on the ninth dimension of consciousness, the dimension of collective consciousness.
As many people might have experienced it, the Rainbow children bring joy and harmony to their families. Unlike the Indigo and Crystal children, the Rainbow child is born to smile, which is accompanied by their huge hearts that are full of forgiveness.
The Rainbow child generally recovers from the state of negative emotion quickly. This is also an important key that they hold, emotional mastery. Rainbow children are psychic and have the ability to read people’s feelings. This gift is usually revealed, as they grow older.
Rainbow Children are psychic. Beyond this and perhaps more so, they have strong wills and strong personalities. Their gifts do not stop there. They are known to be natural healers and instant manifesters. It is said that whatever they need or desire they can instantly manifest.
As would be expected, they have a connection to color. In fact they resonate with the colors around them. They are drawn to color, colorful surroundings and brightly colored clothes. Their energy is expressed in other ways too, as they are high-energy children. Their enthusiasm is demonstrated in their creativity. The Rainbow children are thought to be the builders of the New World, using Divine will.
Doreen Virtue describes characteristics of Rainbow children:
Very few currently incarnated.
Parents are crystal adults.
Never incarnated before.
No karma.
Do not choose dysfunctional families.
They are all about service.
May have big eyes like the crystal children, but they are totally trusting.
Entirely fearless of everybody.
Bringing in the healing rainbow energy previously brought through Reiki, QiGong, and Pranic healing and other hands on healing.
Crystal children can also be very high energy, have strong personalities, be creative, and can instantly manifest anything they want or need.
At a young age, the Rainbow children are able to express their needs and wants. These children actually own a great deal of personal power. Rainbow children may be misinterpreted as stubborn. However, that is our misconception. Rainbow children are born with knowledge on proper character integration. This will develop depending on their parents because the character integration will change if there is negative programming given to the child. As a Rainbow parent, the idea is to recognize what positive traits your Rainbow child holds.
Rainbow children will also have immunity against junk food. Most Rainbow children are able to handle mutated cells and food products, which may result in poisoning. This is considered a very important ability, as most people may not recognize the toxins contained in junk food and the Rainbow child can take and process these types of foods with no problem. This is because of the blood that the Rainbow child carries, which has the ability to cleanse the toxins and unwanted bacteria in the food and air. So a Rainbow child may have a lot of physical clearing in the beginning stages of life. This will change once they grow older and learn how to clear ethereally or spiritually.
Astonishingly, the Rainbow children come with no karma. Rainbow children will enjoy the life on earth learning with absolutely no strings attached to their past. This is because they do not really continue from any previous cycle of reincarnation. This is also why they have a very high-energy frequency and physical energy.
The rainbow child is very hyperactive. They can run the whole night and really tire you out. This is a problem that parents of Rainbow children might face.
The purpose of the Rainbow children is to complete the final stages of the foundation that the Indigo and Crystal children have made. The three children, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow each have a specific task. The Indigo children are to break down the paradigm of the traditional thinking. Then the Crystal children will build their foundation on the broken paradigm. Finally, the Rainbow children are here to build on to what the Indigo and Crystal children began.
Few writers have written on the Rainbow children because of their current status as toddlers. However, it is important to know that these children will play an important role in the earth’s evolution.
Parents of Rainbow children should understand that their children are special and parents should appreciate the gifts they have. These gifts will help you evolve as they evolve with you.
The rainbow children are just starting to show up on this planet, although there are already some scouts around. More Rainbow children will arrive as children of the Crystal children and also when humanity raises their vibrational frequencies and universal consciousness of the concept of oneness.
Doreen Virtue says, “the Rainbow children are perfectly balanced in their male and female energies. They are confident without aggressiveness; they are intuitive and psychic without effort; they are magical and can bend time, become invisible, and go without sleep and food. The Crystal children’s sensitivities make them vulnerable to allergies and rashes. The angels say that the Rainbow children will have overcome this aspect… Rainbow children have no karma, so they have no need to choose chaotic childhoods for spiritual growth...The Rainbow children operate purely out of joy, and not out of need or impulse. The babies will be recognized, because their energy is one of giving to parents, and not of neediness. Parents will realize that they cannot out-give their Rainbow children, for these children are a mirror of all actions and energy of love. Whatever loving thoughts, feelings, and actions that you send to them are magnified and returned a hundred-fold.”
A Message from Celia Fenn on the Rainbow Children
This message was received on the Venus Transit (8th June 2004) via Daniel Barnard:
Dearest human brothers and sisters, we bring you this message of Joy and Power at this time, because we are now bringing a powerful new energy to the planet. It is the power of the HEART, and as Venus transits your sun, the male and female energies blend into a prism of Rainbow light, and we, the Rainbow children, begin to radiate our power into the collective consciousness.
Our message is simple - but it requires of you, our elder brothers and sisters, to make a deep shift in your way of thinking, feeling and living. We want you to realize that we, the Star children, have been coming to your planet in waves of incarnation since the 1970s. We have been coming to show you how you have shifted out of balance and how you need to return to balance so that your planet can return to balance.
The Indigo children showed you how rigid and inflexible and destructive you had become. The Crystals showed you how closed and unfeeling you had become, and we, the Rainbow children, are here to teach you how to open your hearts and truly feel the Great Heart that beats at the center of the Universe. With each radiant pulse the Universe shimmers with the energies of the Divine Father/Mother and each of you receives these waves of Gold and Silver light. These waves of radiant energy are the keys to opening your heart to the truth of who and where you are.
A Message from a Rainbow Parent
My daughter, who is two, is very much a Rainbow child. The word passionate does not even begin to describe her personality, she enters the world every day with a powerful energy, exerting her will, creativity, and energy into everything she does. While her older Crystal brother is laid back and patient, she is charging forward with her voice on extra loud volume, doing this, doing that, she hardly ever stops to sit down for a moment or two! She even eats on the run, taking little bites here and there in between jumping on the trampoline or running by with a doll stroller at full speed.
She LOVES clothes and COLOR, and will spend a lot of time changing clothes every day, and her clothes have to be clean and neat, or she removes them and chooses new ones, throwing the soiled ones at me and exclaiming loudly, “Wash them, mama, thank you!” She will also spend a lot of time picking through the crayons, and selecting every hue of her favorite colors: pink and purple and then drawing with those hues.
She seems very sensitive and attuned to color for a two-year old. She even describes things in her life by what color they are as in pink sparkle shoes, pretty purple shirt, my yellow cup, baby’s blue cup and so on. She names colors all day long and if she discovers a new color she does not know a name for, like a hue of another color, she will ask me, “what’s this?” and I better answer RIGHT AWAY, because if I am on the phone or at the computer and do not immediately stop what I am doing to address her needs, she will shake my arm and her voice will repeat, “what’s this, Whats THIS, WHHHATTTTS TTTTHHHIIISSS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Until I answer. Then she says quietly, “oh” and runs off to play with her new color discovery.
We have not seen the same psychic abilities as her older brother has, but she has her own gifts, healing seems to be one of them. She is very aware of other peoples “owies” and is always ready to kiss them to make them better.
Her strong will and passionate creativity make her very fun to watch as she scampers about. She will create elaborate costumes out of feather boas and velvet fabrics and talk or hum to herself as she acts out her little world. She is a true joy to be around most of the time, as long as I make sure she gets my full attention if she needs something, because patience does not seem to be a very big Rainbow child quality.
Rainbow children are already attuned to the world we are moving towards when things will instantly manifest. Humanity as a whole is not there yet, so the mass consciousness grid holds back instant manifestation from being commonplace. A toddler has a hard time understanding that. They feel if they “think” juice, well then juice ought to naturally appear instantly. In higher dimensions this may be true and it will be true here on Earth as well, thanks to the Rainbow kids making it so.
Rainbow Children tend to:
Have very strong wills and personalities.
Be very high energy.
Be very attuned to color and color vibrations around them.
Have passionate creativity.
Love bright clothing and colorful environments.
Bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life.
Expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need.
Have healing abilities.
Have telepathy.
The Rainbow children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will and they will use their strong will and energy to build the New World on the foundation of peace and harmony the Crystal children are laying down. The Crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the Indigo children have already forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers. They are all-important and have to come in this sequence to accomplish their goals.
Rainbows are highly sensitive, loving, forgiving, and magical like the Crystal children. The difference is that the Rainbows have never before been on earth, so they have no karma to balance. The Rainbows, therefore, choose entirely peaceful and functional households. They don’t need chaos or challenges to balance karma or grow.
As the other Crystal children grow older, they will be the peace-loving parents who birth the new Rainbow children. The Rainbows being born right now are the scouts, and the large influx of Rainbows will occur during the years 2010 through 2030.
Rainbow children are absolutely open hearted, love unconditionally, and have no fear towards any stranger. Unlike the Crystal children who only display affection to people warranting their trust, the Rainbows are universally affectionate. They heal us with their huge heart chakras, and envelop us in a blanket of rainbow-colored energy that we so sorely need. They are our earth angels.
Mainly born after 2005 with an influx around 2010,they have all the
colours of the rainbow in their auras and have incarnated to help us
prepare for the next stage of the ascension process.
~ Have extremely strong will
~ High energy
~ Attuned to colour and colour vibration
~ Embraces life with enthusiasm and excitement
~ Expects what they need to manifest instantly
~ Telepathic
~ Have healing abilities
~ Creative and passionate
~ Sensitive
~ Loving
~ Forgiving
~ Completely open.
Crystal Children
No on forgives with more grace and love than a child…Real Live Preacher
The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.
They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.
Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.
The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.
The Crystal child is incredibly sensitivity, which stems from the ability to feel universal consciousness. You won’t be able to hide anything from these children. You won’t be able to lie to them either, as they will know immediately what the truth is. It is important to mention that Crystal children know what is in your thoughts and even more importantly, what is in your heart. This is another reason why they are so sensitive.
Children with a crystal vibration have the ability to reflect things back to the universe that are of no importance to them. Not only will they reflect this energy back, they will reflect it in such a way that it is stronger than when it was taken in.
Special Note
If you are the parent of a Crystal child, it is crucial that your child take in good energy at all times or as much as possible. Your role is to help these children reflect harmony, peace, and oneness into the Universe. This, in turn, will help all of us raise our vibrational frequencies and help spread peace around the world.
Just as Indigo children don’t react to guilt, you will find Crystal children do not react to fear. Fear is prevalent in almost everyone. The collective consciousness of our earth and universe magnifies this emotion. With terrorism on the rise, it is important now more than ever to let go of this age-old emotion. There is nothing to fear in this life, as all is unfolding as it should. Not even death should be feared, as there is no such thing.
Most importantly, do not fear star children. These gifted youngsters will feel fear and magnify it back. If you have a lower vibrational energy, you may react strongly to these children with such a high vibrational frequency. Remember that the energy in the universe is changing for the better. As our vibrational frequencies are raised, a collective consciousness of peace and love are emanating into the universe.
Crystal scouts that arrived decades ago came to test the waters for future Star children. These scouts had much grief. They were different and possibly psychic. It has taken our society a long time to start recognizing these types of people and accepting them. We are all becoming crystalline bodies whether we realize it or not. The continued energy shift that is happening is supporting this energy pattern and moving us all in that direction.
This change in energy or energy shift is definitely wreaking havoc in the world. The many natural disasters that are occurring will continue to occur in the years to come as a result of the energy shift. This is part of the shift. It is important to remember during this time that we all must be good and kind souls. Always help others in need, be honest and kind, and remember your good karma piggy bank.
In time, Crystal children will help us achieve our goals and understand the concept of oneness. Fear and greed are becoming emotions of the past and will be replaced by peace, harmony, and this sense of oneness.
Doreen Virtue, noted author and expert on Star Children, has written about the characteristics of Crystal children. She says these characteristics may include:
• Have large, communicative eyes and an intense stare.
• Are highly affectionate.
• Begin speaking later in life, but often uses telepathy or self-invented words or sign language to communicate.
• Love music and may even sing before talking.
• Are extremely connected to animals and nature.
• Are often very interested in rocks, crystals, and stones.
• Are extremely artistic.
• Are highly empathic and sensitive.
• Are forgiving and generous to others.
• Draw people and animals near them and love attention.
• Often have good sense of balance and are fearless when exploring high places.
• Often see or hear angels and spirit guides - both their own and others’.
• Dislike high-stress environments with many distractions.
• Dislike loud/sharp sounds.
• Dislike bright, unnatural lights.
• Often enjoy choosing their own meals and/or when they eat them.
• Often speak about universal love and healing.
• Sometimes show healing gifts at young ages.
• Don’t react well to sugar, caffeine, or unnatural foods/chemicals.
• Dislike fighting or refuse to keep an argument going very long.
• Often show strength in telekinesis (or Psycho kinesis).
• Often amplify emotional energies they gain from their environment (such as negative energies).
• Can become uncomfortable when around electrical devices too long (watching TV, computer, etc.), sometimes resulting in a trance-like state.
• Sometimes seem ‘clingy’ to their parents until 4 or 5.
• Often stare at people for long periods of time (this allows them to read a person and find out more about them through their own personal memories and energy).
• Can sometimes be manipulative and throw tantrums if they cannot create a reality that is good for them.
• Are easily over-stimulated and need to meditate/be alone often to replenish themselves.
• Don’t usually have trouble with fear or worry.
• Enjoy discussing spiritual or philosophical topics.
• May appear to be looking at nothing or talking to no one (sign of clairvoyance and/or clairaudience).
Indigos and Crystals work together to tear down archaic systems and build up new ones. Again, parents of these special children need to realize that they agreed to bring these wise and powerful children into the world whose mission reaches out to the globe as a whole and not just individuals or individual families. They are also here to work on the energy grids, raising vibrational frequencies to help facilitate global changes for a more peaceful earth.
It is important to support these gifted young children and to be cautious not to stress them or put them in busy environments. Like Indigos, Crystal children will also help raise the vibrational frequency of their parents. Crystals have a way of drawing other people with the correct energy to interact in a family’s life. Parents of a Crystal child will benefit greatly from these incredible children through their powerful, loving, and creative energies.
These children, with their higher level of consciousness, should be considered equals in families. They should be involved in family issues and be allowed to give options and solutions to problems. Don’t forget that they are on a much higher vibrational frequency than many of their parents.
Vibrational Frequencies
Vibrational frequency is the rate at which atoms and sub-particles of a being vibrate. The higher this vibrational frequency is, the closer it is to the frequency of light. Your words and thoughts send out a vibration that attracts an experience of a similar vibration. If you send out fear, you attract fear. If you send out love, you attract love.
Everything in the universe is energy and energy vibrates at different rates. You have a unique vibration, which is the product of all of the influences you have encountered. The influences you focus your attention on are those which determine your vibration. Negative vibrations are associated with the lower chakras. Negative vibrations include hatred, anger, doubt, fear, jealousy, envy, judgment, impatience, disharmony, imbalance, and insecurity. Positive vibrations are love, harmony, peace, balance, kindness, understanding, and compassion. The negative emotions are not “bad.” We all, at one time or another, experience emotions of a lower vibration. These emotions only become harmful when you base your words or actions upon them. You can feel anger about something and still make a conscious choice to act out of love. When you do this, you are raising your vibration from one of anger to one of love. Changing your thoughts and actions will help raise your vibrational frequency.
Another phenomenon associated with Crystal children is delayed speech patterns. The fact is not surprising that delayed speech is rising in children that are incredibly psychic. Why would they need to talk when they can communicate with their minds? It is not uncommon to see Crystal children that don’t really speak until they’re 3 or 4 years of age. Most parents are in touch with their children and know what they are communicating. These children may use sign language, sing, or make specific sounds to communicate.
Like Indigo children being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, the medical profession will also label Crystal children. They will say that they have abnormal or delayed speech patterns. Parents should remember to look at the big picture. If children are successfully communicating at home and not having any problems, the medical profession should not try and make it a problem.
The new generation of children of the 21st century cannot be labeled and stuck into a box. Most people are on the old energy grid. It is difficult to try and keep up with the energy and higher vibrational frequencies of the new souls coming here to help us. Some of their characteristics will seem abnormal, but rest assure they are not.
It is important that health care professionals update their diagnosis and become more aware of what is happening around them. It may be difficult to understand energy and realize that we are moving past medicine and things that will pull our vibrational frequencies to a lower level. People have been healing themselves with their own energies for quite some time. This trend will continue and even become more common in the decades to come.
The medical profession should also understand why autism is on the rise. It is thought that the new Crystal children, with their higher vibrational frequency, are unable to handle vaccinations. These souls have loose ethereal bodies and the poison from the vaccines literally pushes them out of their bodies.
You can protect these children by keeping their meridians balanced and purging these toxins from their bodies by whatever alternative medicine you agree with. This may include getting their meridians balanced, chakras balanced, energy work, Reiki, or whatever you are comfortable with. It is important to purge toxins from your body within 24-48 hours after giving medicine, especially after giving your children vaccinations. This time frame is when it is easiest to purge toxins and do the least amount of damage to the body. After 48 hours there may be some damage and it will be more difficult to eliminate the toxins.
It is important that both Mom and Dad get their meridians or energy balanced before they have children; however, it is never too late to get energy work done even if you are 70, 80, or 90 years of age.
Crystal children are among the most connected, communicative, caring, and cuddly of any generation. They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. They display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world. Crystal children spontaneously hug and care for people in need.
In the past, the vibrational frequency of the world has not been high enough to support these special souls. The energy shift that is occurring is changing the vibrational frequencies and these frequencies have finally become high enough to support these children.
As mentioned earlier, Steve Rother ( has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who very fittingly call themselves The Group. They speak of the new planet earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about Crystal children. According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and to make room for the next wave in evolution, the “children of crystal vibration.” At the beginning of their messages in 1996, the Group said that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come. Apparently, despite outward experiences, the planet must be getting safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to enter.
The children of Crystal vibration are what you would consider to be the magical children with abilities that you may have yet to understand. The attributes of Crystal children are simply two-fold, they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They are highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple energy really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like child’s play to humans carrying the crystal vibration. You will begin to see magical abilities in human children that you have never seen before. Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways.
Many Crystal children can levitate inanimate objects with their minds. They also have problems with electricity. Your Crystal child will go through many watches, phones, and clocks next to the bed. This is because their vibrational energy is on a much higher frequency and it effects electrical objects.
At first, Crystal children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for each other. They form groups and grow together, supporting each other energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not need to worry about finding the best environment for their children. Expect to see groups of magical children with abilities that exceed far beyond the norm. As time goes on you may see an acclimation of this energy and will become more accustomed to the odd stories that will circulate about the strange new abilities of some children.
The Group goes on to say that what we are beginning to see so far is only the scouts who have been sent ahead to test the waters, and that powerful as they are, they are carrying only the first hints of the energy that is to come. They will be able to read our minds and also our hearts. There will be no more secrets among people. They will have a sensitivity beyond our comprehension, but this sensitivity will be a gift as well as a challenge. The Group continues, saying:
“Unlike the children of Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so sensitive that they may feel threatened by the harshness of what people are holding in their hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and going within. There are some people who will think this is a sign of weakness and may even attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set your mind at ease when we tell you that exploitation will not be possible. The children of crystal vibration are powerful beyond your understanding. Even though they may have great difficulty understanding and interacting, they will always know their true power and who they are.”
According to the Group, their biggest challenge will be their inability to deal with other people’s fear. Fear is based on a belief in lack, and these children will enter with a belief system that knows nothing of lack, and therefore nothing of fear. They will need help in dealing with the general fear around them, which means that we will need to start dealing with our own deeply ingrained habits of fear, separation, limitation, and lack.
These Crystal children and scouts will know how to heal. They can also do this for other people. They know of others like them, because they can sense them within their own minds, but sometimes feel isolated physically. They are in touch with fairies, angels, and multidimensional cosmic beings. They have a hard time finding people they can trust and have learned that it is not always safe to share too much of their world with adults around them. They have great difficulty relating to the self-centered and limited perspectives that human society operates within. Most people find them very threatening in their vulnerability and directness. They feel frustrated because they know they are here to help, but feel that if they unleash their powers to assist the world, it could leave much chaos in its wake.
Story From A Crystal Mom and Daughter
When my daughter was first born the most amazing thing about her were her eyes. She has these eyes that look straight into the depth of your soul with such happiness and understanding.
As she grew older she cared for her dollies, put the spiders safely from the inside of the house to the outside and gave all kinds of gifts and food to her fairy friends outside.
At 3 years of age she began laying her Dad and I on our tummies and pinching our backs. She would then roll us over and pinch our tummies. I know now that this was some kind of energy treatment she was giving us.
She would often say someone’s name and the phone would ring and it would be that person. She would also say things like, “when is my little brother coming Momma?” Or, “I was your Momma once but now you’re my Mommy.”
Her Dad and I know how special she is and how important it is for us to bring her up much differently than the ways we were brought up. Some days we don’t know what we are doing, we just do what feels right and make the rest up as we go along. We hope we can help her achieve her life’s purpose and be happy, things that all parents want of their children.
The difference between Indigos and Crystals lies in their vibrational energies and their auras—Crystals have an even higher frequency than Indigos and their auras contain unique colors never experienced before, or at least not that we have ever been aware of. These children have strong emotional and spiritual needs and their high vibrations make it difficult for them to participate in the world as it exists. When things get too tough for them, they simply cannot cope and they retreat to the peace and safety of their own inner world.
Our school systems, social structures, families, and ways of life have followed patterns that have not changed for many generations. And yet, they no longer serve our needs. These children will make it very clear to us where we need to make changes and what needs to happen next.
One aspect of the Crystal energy is that Crystal children require a great deal of physical attention, which involves being held and touched in loving and nurturing ways. Crystals are so loving and gentle and they need a lot of love from their parents, families and caregivers. Their needs include a great deal of physical contact that is more than just touching and holding. There is a strong energy exchange with physical contact and from that they get the reassurance that they need to know that they are here at the right time, there is love for them, and they will be safe. This will help meet the Crystal children’s needs so that they can be prepared for their journey when it is time for them to begin their work here to teach us the ways of love and peace.
Around 2000, the first true Crystal children began to incarnate. This was because, as mentioned earlier, the new energy grid on the planet could now support these clear and powerful beings who have a higher vibrational frequency. Each Crystal child that is born is born on the new energy grid, and has the potential to be a fully awakened and conscious master at the level of the Christ Consciousness. Crystal children are spiritual masters in their own right.
The Crystal children are beautiful. They generally have large clear eyes that seem to look into your soul, because in fact, that is what they are doing. They are often calm and are focused, but they can become hyperactive when their energy is out of alignment. They are very loving and nurturing and enjoy sharing their energies with others who might have need of them. They are powerful, and often have no fear at all. They can be very sensitive to food and to the environment, as they are born with the clear systems needed on the new energy grid.
They are clairvoyant and psychic, they see angels and spirit guides, and they can often feel and see the future. They know about past lives, and can often talk about who they were in past lives.
They are also very connected as a group, and much of their work for the planet is done on the levels of the higher consciousness as a group. This is one reason why Crystal children are sometimes tired and irritable and grumpy. They have often been working very hard on the higher energy levels to help the shift.
The Crystal children are moving into our hearts and upgrading our energy systems. The Crystals are helping us to claim our power and open our hearts, and to anchor ourselves firmly in the new energy grid. They are teaching us to accept our spiritual gifts as our birthright, and to see the creation of miracles as a normal activity. They are teaching us to honor our planet and ourselves and to see the beauty and the wonder and the joy of all creation.
We are learning to live as they do, in the present moment, not influenced by past or future. We are learning to live from the heart, to forgive and exercise tolerance and unconditional acceptance.
No on forgives with more grace and love than a child…Real Live Preacher
The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about
1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to
take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner
and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as
individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They
are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.
They are
mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means
they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on
the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up
rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and
then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal
Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically
opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal
visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and
on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to
them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all,
therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field
is what gives it away.
The first thing you will recognize about
Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive,
warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of
weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.
The Crystal
child is incredibly sensitivity, which stems from the ability to feel
universal consciousness. You won’t be able to hide anything from these
children. You won’t be able to lie to them either, as they will know
immediately what the truth is. It is important to mention that Crystal
children know what is in your thoughts and even more importantly, what
is in your heart. This is another reason why they are so sensitive.
Children with a crystal vibration have the ability to reflect things
back to the universe that are of no importance to them. Not only will
they reflect this energy back, they will reflect it in such a way that
it is stronger than when it was taken in.
Special Note
If you
are the parent of a Crystal child, it is crucial that your child take in
good energy at all times or as much as possible. Your role is to help
these children reflect harmony, peace, and oneness into the Universe.
This, in turn, will help all of us raise our vibrational frequencies and
help spread peace around the world.
Just as Indigo children don’t
react to guilt, you will find Crystal children do not react to fear.
Fear is prevalent in almost everyone. The collective consciousness of
our earth and universe magnifies this emotion. With terrorism on the
rise, it is important now more than ever to let go of this age-old
emotion. There is nothing to fear in this life, as all is unfolding as
it should. Not even death should be feared, as there is no such thing.
Most importantly, do not fear star children. These gifted youngsters
will feel fear and magnify it back. If you have a lower vibrational
energy, you may react strongly to these children with such a high
vibrational frequency. Remember that the energy in the universe is
changing for the better. As our vibrational frequencies are raised, a
collective consciousness of peace and love are emanating into the
Crystal scouts that arrived decades ago came to test the
waters for future Star children. These scouts had much grief. They were
different and possibly psychic. It has taken our society a long time to
start recognizing these types of people and accepting them. We are all
becoming crystalline bodies whether we realize it or not. The continued
energy shift that is happening is supporting this energy pattern and
moving us all in that direction.
This change in energy or energy
shift is definitely wreaking havoc in the world. The many natural
disasters that are occurring will continue to occur in the years to come
as a result of the energy shift. This is part of the shift. It is
important to remember during this time that we all must be good and kind
souls. Always help others in need, be honest and kind, and remember
your good karma piggy bank.
In time, Crystal children will help us
achieve our goals and understand the concept of oneness. Fear and greed
are becoming emotions of the past and will be replaced by peace,
harmony, and this sense of oneness.
Doreen Virtue, noted author and
expert on Star Children, has written about the characteristics of
Crystal children. She says these characteristics may include:
• Have large, communicative eyes and an intense stare.
• Are highly affectionate.
• Begin speaking later in life, but often uses telepathy or self-invented words or sign language to communicate.
• Love music and may even sing before talking.
• Are extremely connected to animals and nature.
• Are often very interested in rocks, crystals, and stones.
• Are extremely artistic.
• Are highly empathic and sensitive.
• Are forgiving and generous to others.
• Draw people and animals near them and love attention.
• Often have good sense of balance and are fearless when exploring high places.
• Often see or hear angels and spirit guides - both their own and others’.
• Dislike high-stress environments with many distractions.
• Dislike loud/sharp sounds.
• Dislike bright, unnatural lights.
• Often enjoy choosing their own meals and/or when they eat them.
• Often speak about universal love and healing.
• Sometimes show healing gifts at young ages.
• Don’t react well to sugar, caffeine, or unnatural foods/chemicals.
• Dislike fighting or refuse to keep an argument going very long.
• Often show strength in telekinesis (or Psycho kinesis).
• Often amplify emotional energies they gain from their environment (such as negative energies).
• Can become uncomfortable when around electrical devices too long
(watching TV, computer, etc.), sometimes resulting in a trance-like
• Sometimes seem ‘clingy’ to their parents until 4 or 5.
Often stare at people for long periods of time (this allows them to
read a person and find out more about them through their own personal
memories and energy).
• Can sometimes be manipulative and throw tantrums if they cannot create a reality that is good for them.
• Are easily over-stimulated and need to meditate/be alone often to replenish themselves.
• Don’t usually have trouble with fear or worry.
• Enjoy discussing spiritual or philosophical topics.
• May appear to be looking at nothing or talking to no one (sign of clairvoyance and/or clairaudience).
Indigos and Crystals work together to tear down archaic systems and
build up new ones. Again, parents of these special children need to
realize that they agreed to bring these wise and powerful children into
the world whose mission reaches out to the globe as a whole and not just
individuals or individual families. They are also here to work on the
energy grids, raising vibrational frequencies to help facilitate global
changes for a more peaceful earth.
It is important to support these
gifted young children and to be cautious not to stress them or put them
in busy environments. Like Indigos, Crystal children will also help
raise the vibrational frequency of their parents. Crystals have a way of
drawing other people with the correct energy to interact in a family’s
life. Parents of a Crystal child will benefit greatly from these
incredible children through their powerful, loving, and creative
These children, with their higher level of consciousness,
should be considered equals in families. They should be involved in
family issues and be allowed to give options and solutions to problems.
Don’t forget that they are on a much higher vibrational frequency than
many of their parents.
Vibrational Frequencies
frequency is the rate at which atoms and sub-particles of a being
vibrate. The higher this vibrational frequency is, the closer it is to
the frequency of light. Your words and thoughts send out a vibration
that attracts an experience of a similar vibration. If you send out
fear, you attract fear. If you send out love, you attract love.
Everything in the universe is energy and energy vibrates at different
rates. You have a unique vibration, which is the product of all of the
influences you have encountered. The influences you focus your attention
on are those which determine your vibration. Negative vibrations are
associated with the lower chakras. Negative vibrations include hatred,
anger, doubt, fear, jealousy, envy, judgment, impatience, disharmony,
imbalance, and insecurity. Positive vibrations are love, harmony, peace,
balance, kindness, understanding, and compassion. The negative emotions
are not “bad.” We all, at one time or another, experience emotions of a
lower vibration. These emotions only become harmful when you base your
words or actions upon them. You can feel anger about something and still
make a conscious choice to act out of love. When you do this, you are
raising your vibration from one of anger to one of love. Changing your
thoughts and actions will help raise your vibrational frequency.
Another phenomenon associated with Crystal children is delayed speech
patterns. The fact is not surprising that delayed speech is rising in
children that are incredibly psychic. Why would they need to talk when
they can communicate with their minds? It is not uncommon to see Crystal
children that don’t really speak until they’re 3 or 4 years of age.
Most parents are in touch with their children and know what they are
communicating. These children may use sign language, sing, or make
specific sounds to communicate.
Like Indigo children being diagnosed
with ADD or ADHD, the medical profession will also label Crystal
children. They will say that they have abnormal or delayed speech
patterns. Parents should remember to look at the big picture. If
children are successfully communicating at home and not having any
problems, the medical profession should not try and make it a problem.
The new generation of children of the 21st century cannot be labeled
and stuck into a box. Most people are on the old energy grid. It is
difficult to try and keep up with the energy and higher vibrational
frequencies of the new souls coming here to help us. Some of their
characteristics will seem abnormal, but rest assure they are not.
is important that health care professionals update their diagnosis and
become more aware of what is happening around them. It may be difficult
to understand energy and realize that we are moving past medicine and
things that will pull our vibrational frequencies to a lower level.
People have been healing themselves with their own energies for quite
some time. This trend will continue and even become more common in the
decades to come.
The medical profession should also understand why
autism is on the rise. It is thought that the new Crystal children, with
their higher vibrational frequency, are unable to handle vaccinations.
These souls have loose ethereal bodies and the poison from the vaccines
literally pushes them out of their bodies. You can protect these
children by keeping their meridians balanced and purging these toxins
from their bodies by whatever alternative medicine you agree with. This
may include getting their meridians balanced, chakras balanced, energy
work, Reiki, or whatever you are comfortable with. It is important to
purge toxins from your body within 24-48 hours after giving medicine,
especially after giving your children vaccinations. This time frame is
when it is easiest to purge toxins and do the least amount of damage to
the body. After 48 hours there may be some damage and it will be more
difficult to eliminate the toxins.
It is important that both Mom
and Dad get their meridians or energy balanced before they have
children; however, it is never too late to get energy work done even if
you are 70, 80, or 90 years of age.
Crystal children are among the
most connected, communicative, caring, and cuddly of any generation.
They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. They display
an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world.
Crystal children spontaneously hug and care for people in need.
the past, the vibrational frequency of the world has not been high
enough to support these special souls. The energy shift that is
occurring is changing the vibrational frequencies and these frequencies
have finally become high enough to support these children.
As mentioned earlier, Steve Rother (
has been communicating for many years with a group of light beings who
very fittingly call themselves The Group. They speak of the new planet
earth that is coming, and also have a lot to say about Crystal children.
According to them, the Indigos came to shake up our old paradigms and
to make room for the next wave in evolution, the “children of crystal
vibration.” At the beginning of their messages in 1996, the Group said
that if we could make the planet safe for their return they would come.
Apparently, despite outward experiences, the planet must be getting
safer, for recently they have said that the Crystal kids are starting to
The children of Crystal vibration are what you would
consider to be the magical children with abilities that you may have yet
to understand. The attributes of Crystal children are simply two-fold,
they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They are
highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple energy
really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like child’s
play to humans carrying the crystal vibration. You will begin to see
magical abilities in human children that you have never seen before.
Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate
energy in new ways.
Many Crystal children can levitate inanimate
objects with their minds. They also have problems with electricity. Your
Crystal child will go through many watches, phones, and clocks next to
the bed. This is because their vibrational energy is on a much higher
frequency and it effects electrical objects.
At first, Crystal
children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for
each other. They form groups and grow together, supporting each other
energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal
children will not need to worry about finding the best environment for
their children. Expect to see groups of magical children with abilities
that exceed far beyond the norm. As time goes on you may see an
acclimation of this energy and will become more accustomed to the odd
stories that will circulate about the strange new abilities of some
The Group goes on to say that what we are beginning to
see so far is only the scouts who have been sent ahead to test the
waters, and that powerful as they are, they are carrying only the first
hints of the energy that is to come. They will be able to read our minds
and also our hearts. There will be no more secrets among people. They
will have a sensitivity beyond our comprehension, but this sensitivity
will be a gift as well as a challenge. The Group continues, saying:
“Unlike the children of Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so
sensitive that they may feel threatened by the harshness of what people
are holding in their hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and
going within. There are some people who will think this is a sign of
weakness and may even attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set
your mind at ease when we tell you that exploitation will not be
possible. The children of crystal vibration are powerful beyond your
understanding. Even though they may have great difficulty understanding
and interacting, they will always know their true power and who they
According to the Group, their biggest challenge will be their
inability to deal with other people’s fear. Fear is based on a belief in
lack, and these children will enter with a belief system that knows
nothing of lack, and therefore nothing of fear. They will need help in
dealing with the general fear around them, which means that we will need
to start dealing with our own deeply ingrained habits of fear,
separation, limitation, and lack.
These Crystal children and scouts
will know how to heal. They can also do this for other people. They
know of others like them, because they can sense them within their own
minds, but sometimes feel isolated physically. They are in touch with
fairies, angels, and multidimensional cosmic beings. They have a hard
time finding people they can trust and have learned that it is not
always safe to share too much of their world with adults around them.
They have great difficulty relating to the self-centered and limited
perspectives that human society operates within. Most people find them
very threatening in their vulnerability and directness. They feel
frustrated because they know they are here to help, but feel that if
they unleash their powers to assist the world, it could leave much chaos
in its wake
When my
daughter was first born the most amazing thing about her were her eyes.
She has these eyes that look straight into the depth of your soul with
such happiness and understanding.
As she grew older she cared for
her dollies, put the spiders safely from the inside of the house to the
outside and gave all kinds of gifts and food to her fairy friends
At 3 years of age she began laying her Dad and I on our
tummies and pinching our backs. She would then roll us over and pinch
our tummies. I know now that this was some kind of energy treatment she
was giving us.
She would often say someone’s name and the phone
would ring and it would be that person. She would also say things like,
“when is my little brother coming Momma?” Or, “I was your Momma once but
now you’re my Mommy.”
Her Dad and I know how special she is and how
important it is for us to bring her up much differently than the ways
we were brought up. Some days we don’t know what we are doing, we just
do what feels right and make the rest up as we go along. We hope we can
help her achieve her life’s purpose and be happy, things that all
parents want of their children.
The difference between Indigos and
Crystals lies in their vibrational energies and their auras—Crystals
have an even higher frequency than Indigos and their auras contain
unique colors never experienced before, or at least not that we have
ever been aware of. These children have strong emotional and spiritual
needs and their high vibrations make it difficult for them to
participate in the world as it exists. When things get too tough for
them, they simply cannot cope and they retreat to the peace and safety
of their own inner world.
Our school systems, social structures,
families, and ways of life have followed patterns that have not changed
for many generations. And yet, they no longer serve our needs. These
children will make it very clear to us where we need to make changes and
what needs to happen next.
One aspect of the Crystal energy is that
Crystal children require a great deal of physical attention, which
involves being held and touched in loving and nurturing ways. Crystals
are so loving and gentle and they need a lot of love from their parents,
families and caregivers. Their needs include a great deal of physical
contact that is more than just touching and holding. There is a strong
energy exchange with physical contact and from that they get the
reassurance that they need to know that they are here at the right time,
there is love for them, and they will be safe. This will help meet the
Crystal children’s needs so that they can be prepared for their journey
when it is time for them to begin their work here to teach us the ways
of love and peace.
Around 2000, the first true Crystal children
began to incarnate. This was because, as mentioned earlier, the new
energy grid on the planet could now support these clear and powerful
beings who have a higher vibrational frequency. Each Crystal child that
is born is born on the new energy grid, and has the potential to be a
fully awakened and conscious master at the level of the Christ
Consciousness. Crystal children are spiritual masters in their own
The Crystal children are beautiful. They generally have large
clear eyes that seem to look into your soul, because in fact, that is
what they are doing. They are often calm and are focused, but they can
become hyperactive when their energy is out of alignment. They are very
loving and nurturing and enjoy sharing their energies with others who
might have need of them. They are powerful, and often have no fear at
all. They can be very sensitive to food and to the environment, as they
are born with the clear systems needed on the new energy grid.
are clairvoyant and psychic, they see angels and spirit guides, and they
can often feel and see the future. They know about past lives, and can
often talk about who they were in past lives.
They are also very
connected as a group, and much of their work for the planet is done on
the levels of the higher consciousness as a group. This is one reason
why Crystal children are sometimes tired and irritable and grumpy. They
have often been working very hard on the higher energy levels to help
the shift.
The Crystal children are moving into our hearts and
upgrading our energy systems. The Crystals are helping us to claim our
power and open our hearts, and to anchor ourselves firmly in the new
energy grid. They are teaching us to accept our spiritual gifts as our
birthright, and to see the creation of miracles as a normal activity.
They are teaching us to honor our planet and ourselves and to see the
beauty and the wonder and the joy of all creation.
We are learning
to live as they do, in the present moment, not influenced by past or
future. We are learning to live from the heart, to forgive and exercise
tolerance and unconditional acceptance.
you can get more information about them on youtube and google if you want