Paris reiterates some compelling ideas about living in a manufactured reality. Based on his research and books. Caution is advised.
Friday, August 31, 2018
You came here to learn
Paris reiterates some compelling ideas about living in a manufactured reality. Based on his research and books. Caution is advised.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Understanding the Process of Transformation
I feel a basic knowledge of the process of transformation, regarding our personal and collective growth, needs to be brought to light, as it seems it is being lost within the chaotic distraction that is our everyday life. Now more than ever, we must remain focused in our journey and not allow ourselves to become swept up in the tornado of dis-information and propaganda set to keep us from discovering our true potential. It is time to wake up and take charge, therefore, in the interest of spreading awareness, I would like to lay out a general procedure that, when adhered to, leads to real change, both individually and collectively.
Here are my three steps to transformation (with explanations):
Step 1. STOP – recognise, take responsibility, assess
As the saying goes: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, then you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got!”
We cannot change and stay the same, therefore, the first thing that needs to be done when we come up against discordance in our lives is to STOP! We must assess our lives and identify the areas in which we have become stuck. Recognise that the ways we have been dealing with (or ignoring) these issues is not working, for if it was, then we would not still be suffering them.
To effectively move into the next steps, we must resolve to destroy the patterns that have not worked for us in the past so that we may clear the way for the new tracks to be laid. This begins by becoming aware of them.
An important aspect to this step is in taking responsibility for our own life experience. We must cease blaming others and see that our experience is shaped from within. Only then can we move from a state of victimhood into a space where we may begin to reclaim our power as sovereign beings.
Step one takes a lot of reflection. We must constantly assess where we are operating from and the underlying emotion that is driving our actions. This can be a daunting process as it may reveal to us just how little control we have had in our life. However, it is also very powerful, as in finding where we no longer wish to be, we establish a clear direction for our steps to come.
Step 2. HEAL – allow, acknowledge, feel, forgive, let go
Healing cannot ever be overlooked and is vital to our transformation in that it allows us to fully process the extent of our experiences and their effect on our being, so we may go beyond. As these experiences are processed effectively, we clear our path of any debris that may have caused repeated stumbles down the line.
To heal we must first acknowledge we have been hurt. The origin of this hurt is unimportant when it comes to healing, as whether generated from outside or within, the resulting discomfort is what must be addressed, and this will not be found outside of yourself. The eyes must be turned inward. Our pains, fears, traumas, or whatever is there, must be felt deeply. It is not necessary to understand them, as this is just the left-brain trying to justify and understand what needs to be felt. Emotions are the function of the right-brain and the interference of the thinking mind at this point only serves to perpetuate suffering. Now is not the time to analyse, now is the time to meet the feelings head-on and let that energy begin to disperse. Understanding, when necessary, arrives on its own as insight and knowing as opposed to an intellectualised conclusion.
As we reflect within our healing process, we may realise where we have placed blame or where we have reprimanded ourselves. This presents us with an opportunity to forgive. With the work we have done in step 1, we have hopefully at least begun the process of taking responsibility for our experience. In this light, we may be able to see how the power to heal is born within our own ability to let go of the past, forgive (ourselves and others) and love from a place of unconditional care for our life and the lives of others.
Sometimes a part of healing is in calling ourselves out, stepping into our power and facing what we have allowed to manipulate and control us. This goes hand in hand with step 1, Stopping those old ways, and within these powerful actions of standing up for ourselves, we find the keys to your liberation. “Outside” forces can only have power over us if we give it to them through fear and submission. When we realise that they cannot exist without our participation, we are on our way to breaking through the density of such illusions!
Step 3. CREATE – new patterns, habits & pathways, visualise and ACT!
At this point it might seem that the hard work is done, however, if this last step is not seen through, then we may as well have not even bothered with the precursors. For personal transformation to be allowed to flower and not wilt it must encompass our whole being and become our new way of life.
There are many experiences that may serve as catalysts to transformation, however, the real and lasting transformation rests within an individual’s ability to integrate insights gained into their everyday life as new ways of thinking and being. To help solidify this new way of being in one’s life, new patterns must be established where the old ones are being transcended.
As we uproot the weeds that were previously stunting our growth, we must take care to replenish the soil with loving attention and sow seeds that will nourish and support our journey moving forward. In other words, as we have stoppedthe old habits and patterns, and filled in, or healed, the holes they had left, we have then established a healthy base from which we can create positive new patterns that are in alignment with the higher vision that is coming through to us.
When creating a new reality, it is important to have at least some idea of the direction in which you are travelling. If you are having trouble getting specifics, look at your life up until this point. Look at what has brought you joy, where you find your happiness. When you daydream what are your common fantasies? In your life, have there been signs or experiences that, when viewed together, seem to be pointing in a specific direction? These are your clues. It could be that you have lived through some very traumatic experiences, but that in the process of healing them within your life, you have obtained valuable insight that lends to some sort of humanitarian work in that area. Sometimes it is clear beyond any doubt, and sometimes we must take a leap of faith in the general direction calling us and trust that we will land where we are meant to be.
With clear focus, healthy new patterns and determination to be a living the expression of your inner-most desires, the only thing left to do is to align your actions and live the dream! From one step to the next, you will find that as things are in alignment, the effort required for creation is minimal as the universe mirrors to you that which you are putting out. However, in a world that provides many hurdles, persistence is key. Don’t settle for anything less than what you have chosen for yourself. You are the creator!
So, in a nut shell, that’s it!
There are many areas I could delve into to give more depth to this process (balance, vibration and the process of manifestation would be a good start), but these are the basics that I believe we should all be familiar with. So, there you go. No excuses, no regrets, make for yourself a life you Love to live and together we will thrive beyond the reaches of the controlling and oppressive forces that do their best to blot out the sun and keep us in a morbid state of ignorance.
Now is our time to shine!
Peace, Love and Liberation to ALL!
This article (Understanding the Process of Transformation) was originally published on Prepare for Change and syndicated by The Event Chronicle.
FORBIDDEN HISTORY The Dogon Mystery: How Could A “Primitive” Tribe Know the Unknowable?
By Stranger Times
Like many African tribes, the Dogon people of the Republic of Mali have a shadowed past.They settled on the Bandiagara Plateau, where they now live, some time between the 13th and 16th centuries. For most of the year, their homeland – 300 miles (500 km) south of Timbuktu – is a desolate, arid, rocky terrain of cliffs and gorges, dotted with small villages built from mud and straw. Although most anthropologists would class them as ‘primitive’, the two million people who make up the Dogon and surrounding tribes would not agree with this epithet. Nor do they deserve it, except in the sense that their way of life has changed little over the centuries. Indifferent though they are to Western technology, their philosophy and religion is both rich and complex. Outsiders who have lived with them, and learned to accept the simplicity of their lives, speak of them as a happy, fulfilled people whose attitude to the essential values of life dates back millennia.
The Dogon do, however, make one astounding claim: that they were originally taught and ‘civilised’by creatures from outer space – specifically, from the star system Sirius, 8.7 light years away. And they back up this claim with what seems to be extraordinarily detailed knowledge of astronomy for such a ‘primitive’ and isolated tribe. Notably, they know that Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, has a companion star, invisible to the naked eye, which is small, dense, and extremely heavy. This is perfectly accurate. But its existence was not even suspected by Western astronomers until the middle of the 19th century; and it was not described in detail until the 1920s, nor photographed (so dim is this star, known as Sirius B) until 1970. This curious astronomical fact forms the central tenet of Dogon mythology. It is enshrined in their most secret rituals, portrayed in sand drawings, built into their sacred architecture, and can be seen
in carvings and patterns woven into their blankets – designs almost certainly dating back hundreds, if not thousands of years.
All in all, this has been held as the most persuasive evidence yet that Earth had, in its fairly recent past, an interplanetary connection – a close encounter of the educational kind, one might say. The extent of Dogon knowledge has also been subjected to scrutiny, in order to establish whether all that they say is true, or whether their information may have come from an Earthbound source – a passing missionary, say. So, how did we in the West come to know of the Dogon beliefs I There is just one basic source, fortunately very thorough. In 1931, two of France’s most respected anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, decided to make the Dogon the subject of extended study.
For the next 21 years, they lived almost constantly with the tribe; and, in 1946, Griaule was invited by the Dogon priests to share their innermost sacred secrets. He attended their rituals and their ceremonies, and learned – so far as it was possible for any Westerner to do – the enormously complex symbolism that stems from their central belief in amphibious creatures, which they called Nommo, and that came from outer pace to civilise the world. (Griaule himself came to be revered by the Dogon as much as their priests, to such an extent that at his funeral in Mali in 1956, a quarter of a million tribesmen gathered to pay him homage.)
The findings of the two anthropologists were first published in 1950, in a cautious and scholarly paper entitled ‘A Sudanese Sirius System’ in the Journal de la Societe des Africainistes. After Griaule’s death, Germaine Dieterlen remained in Paris, where she was appointed Secretary General of the Societe des Africainistes at the Musee de I’Homme. She wrote up their joint studies in a massive volume entitled Le Renard Pete, the first of a planned series, published in 1965, by the French National Institute of Ethnology.
The two works make it overwhelmingly clear that the Dogon belief system is indeed based on a surprisingly accurate knowledge of astronomy, mingled with a form of astrology. Lying at the heart of it is Sirius, and the various stars and planets that they believe orbit around this star. They also say that its main companion star, which they call po tola, is made of matter heavier than anything on Earth, and
moves in a 50-year elliptical orbit. All these things are true. But Western astronomers only deduced that something curious was happening around Sirius about 150 years ago. They had noted certain irregularities in its motion, and they could explain this only by postulating the existence of another star close to it, which was disturbing Sirius’ movements through the force of gravity. In 1862, the American astronomer Alvan Graham Clark actually spotted the star when testing a new telescope, and called it Sirius B.
However, it was to take another half-century from the first observation of Sirius’ peculiarities for a mathematical and physical explanation to be found for such a small object exerting such massive force. Sir Arthur Eddington, in the 1920s, formulated the theory of certain stars being ‘white dwarfs’ -stars near the end of their life that have collapsed in on themselves and become superdense.
The description fitted the Dogon version precisely. But how could they have learned about it in the three years between Eddington’s announcement of the theory in a popular book in 1928, and the arrival of Griaule and Dieterlen in 1931? The two anthropologists were baffled. ‘The problem of knowing how, with no instruments at their disposal, men could know of the movements and certain characteristics of virtually invisible stars has not been settied’, they wrote. At this point. another researcher entered the scene – Robert Temple, an American scholar of Sanskrit and Oriental Studies living in Europe – who became deeply fascinated by two questions raised. Firstly, was the evidence of the Dogon understanding of astronomy to be believed? And secondly, if the answer to the first question was positive, how could they conceivably have come by this knowledge?
A careful reading of the source material, and discussions with Germaine Dieterlen in Paris, convinced him after a time that the Dogon were indeed the possessors of an ancient wisdom that concerned not just Sirius B, but the solar system in general. They said the Moon was ‘dry and dead like dry dead blood’. Their drawing of the planet Saturn had a ring round it (Two other exceptional cases of primitive tribes privy to this information are known.) They knew that planets revolved round the sun, and recorded the movements of Venus in their sacred architecture. They knew of the four ‘major moons’
of Jupiter, first seen by Galileo. (There are now known to be at least 14.) They knew correctly that the Earth spins on its axis. And they believed there was an infinite number of stars, and that there was a spiral force involved in the Milky Way, to which Earth was connected.Much of this came down in Dogon myth and symbolism. Objects on Earth were said to represent what went on in the skies, but the concept of ‘twinning’ made many of the calculations obscure, so that it could not be said that the evidence was totally unambiguous. But with Sirius B, in particular, the central facts seemed unarguable. Indeed, the Dogon deliberately chose the smallest yet most significant object they could find – a grain of their essential food crop – to symbolise Sirius B. (Po tolo means, literally, a star made of fonio seed.) They also stretched their imaginations to describe how massively heavy its mineral content was: ‘All earthly beings combined cannot lift it.’
Temple found their sand drawings particularly compelling. The egg-shaped ellipse might perhaps be explained away as representing the ‘egg of life’, or some such symbolic meaning. But the Dogon were insistent that it meant an orbit – a fact discovered by the great astronomer Johannes Kepler in the 16th century, and certainly not known to untutored African tribes. They also put the position of
Sirius exactly where it ought to be, rather than where someone might naturally guess – that is, at a focal point near the edge of the ellipse, rather than in the centre.
SO how did the Dogon come to have this unearthly knowledge? So far as the Dogon priests are concerned, there is no ambiguity whatsoever in the answer to this question. They believe profoundly that amphibious creatures from a planet within the Sirius system landed on Earth in distant times and passed on the information to initiates, who in turn handed it down over the centuries. They call the creatures Nommo, and worship them as ‘the monitors of the universe, the fathers of mankind, guardians of its spiritual principles, dispensers of rain and masters of the water’.
Temple found that the Dogon also drew sand diagrams to portray the spinning, whirling descent of a Nommo ‘ark’, which he took to mean somesort of spaceship. As he put it: ‘The descriptions of the landing of the ark are extremely precise. The ark is said to have landed on the Earth to the north-east of the Dogon country, which is where the Dogon claim to have come from originally. ‘The Dogon describe the sound of the landing of the ark. They say the ‘word’ of Nommo was cast down by him in the four directions as he descended, and it sounded like the echoing of the four large stone blocks being struck with stones by the children, according to special rhythms, in a very small cave near Lake Debo. Presumably a thunderous vibrating sound is what the Dogon are trying to convey. One can imagine standing in the cave and holding one’s ears at the noise. The descent of the ark must have sounded like a jet runway at close range.’
Other descriptions that the Dogon priests used to refer to the landing of the ‘ark’ tell how it came down on dry land and ‘displaced a pile of dust raised by the whirlwind it caused. The violence of the impact roughened the ground … it skidded’.
Robert Temple’s conclusions, first published in 1976 in his book The Sirius Mystery, are at once highly provocative and extensively researched. As such, his findings have been used as ammunition both by those who believe in extra-terrestrial visitations in Earth’s formative past, and by those (including the majority of scientists and historians) who believe the idea is bunkum. Erich von Daniken, for instance, whose best-selling books on the subject have now been shown to be based, in the main, on distorted evidence, has welcomed the Dogon beliefs, calling them ‘conclusive proof … of ancient astronauts’. Against him range a number of science writers – among them the late Carl Sagan and Ian Ridpath – who believe the case is by no means proved, and that Temple has read too much into Dogon mythology.
Robert Temple himself, years after first becoming interested in the subject, found nothing to retract from in the answer he gave to his publisher, who expressed his central doubt about the manuscript thus: ‘Mr Temple, do you believe it? Do you believe it yourself?’ Temple answered: ‘Yes, I do. I have become convinced by my own research. In the beginning I was just investigating. I was skeptical. I was looking for hoaxes, thinking it couldn’t be true. But then I began to discover more and more pieces which fit. And the answer is: Yes, I believe it.’ The crucial question is whether the Dogon’s knowledge could have been obtained in any more ordinary, mundane way.
This article (How Could A “Primitive” Tribe Know the Unknowable?) was originally published on Stranger Times and syndicated by The Event Chronicle.
Declassified FBI Document Suggests “Beings From Other Dimensions” Have Visited Earth
The Facts: A declassified FBI document, one of many, contemplates beings from other worlds and dimensions, in a serious fashion.Reflect On: Why so many credible research and researchers continue to bring forth evidence and have for decades, showing that we are not alone, and probably never were. Reflect on why so many people are curious about this, and why it’s no longer taboo.
By Arjun Walia
There are a number of fascinating documents that have been released by governments, military and intelligence agencies from all over the world, for many years. Recent and continual disclosure of the UFO phenomenon is continuing in the United States, and there seems to be a push from establishment media to cover the UFO issue in a more credible way.
We’ve seen some serious articles written by people of “great distinction” publish a few articles in the New York Times, Washington Post and more.
The fact that the mainstream is pushing this now, and in the way they are, seems to be for a particular agenda. Many contemplate the desire of the global elite to spring a “false flag” alien invasion, it would be the same kind of idea as false flag terrorism, all for the purposes of justifying the growth of the military-industrial complex, and perhaps the intent to have an excuse to justify the weaponization of space. (Which has already happened according to some whistleblowers.)
That being said, there are many well-intentioned people on planet Earth, people who want the truth to come out about what’s really going on. Once you go down the rabbit hole and explore these truths, there really is no going back because what is going on is so vast, so complex, and so compartmentalized that you realize there are multiple facets to this coverup that touches anything from politics to technology to consciousness. This is one of the biggest stories in human history up til now, and it leaves no aspect of humanity untouched.
That being said, there are many well-intentioned people on planet Earth, people who want the truth to come out about what’s really going on. Once you go down the rabbit hole and explore these truths, there really is no going back because what is going on is so vast, so complex, and so compartmentalized that you realize there are multiple facets to this coverup that touches anything from politics to technology to consciousness. This is one of the biggest stories in human history up til now, and it leaves no aspect of humanity untouched.
We Are Not Alone.
We are not alone, and we are slowly being groomed to accept this, and no doubt some more examples will be next to follow.
This particular document from the FBI highlights a truth that not many people know about. Multiple “academicians” have been interested and even hired to investigate various aspects of the UFO phenomena. Be it propulsion systems, the intelligence behind the craft, or something else, this has been demonstrated time and time again by those within the field of academia who openly speak out, or, as shown by various de-classified documents.
The FBI document shows how they were heavily interested in, and received a letter from someone with “several university degrees” and a former “university department head.” The document had to do with the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Now, before we go any further, it’s important to mention that, as exemplified by this current document, there are multiple examples of this type of communication between intelligence agencies and high-level academia. You can access these declassified documents from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force addressed to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency that details the close relationship that exists between the CIA, the mainstream media and academia, in this heavily sourced article.
Another great example (apart from the FBI document discussed in this article, is a declassified document discovered in the CIA’s electronic reading room titled “A Telephone Conversation With Dr. John A. Wheeler.” Wheeler was a famous quantum physicist, and the agency was recruiting him to look into the “flying saucer problem”, which was how the CIA referred to it at the time. You can access that particular document and read more about it here.
Back to the FBI document, apart from the academic connection, it was also addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.”
This academic, as referred to in the document, outlines he belief, or information gathered by an unknown means, perhaps for the FBI, almost like an agent moulder from the X-Files perhaps, states that some of these disks carry crews and that others are under remote control. It also states that those who occupy these craft have a peaceful mission and that many of them are human-like but much larger in size.
Furthermore, this mysterious academic mentions that the disks “posses some type of radiant energy” and that “they do not come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceivable to us.”
This is super fascinating for many reasons, it’s a reminder of the possible ‘magical’ and ‘mythical’ lands spoken out in many ancient texts. Ancient wisdom seems to be returning to the modern world, we can see this big time when it comes to neuroscience and quantum physics. One example of a supposed land that exists, possibly in another dimension but here in the same “location” as planet earth, one that we cannot perceive would be The Legend of Shambhala, or “inner Earth.”
The document also states that,
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter….They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without a trace…. The region they come from is NOT the astral plane, but corresponds to the Lakas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
Quite interesting to say the least, isn’t it?
Quantum physics is also starting to contemplate and perhaps even prove the existence of these realms. It wasn’t long ago when the US Secretary of Energy made some very interesting commentsabout doing work in parallel universes.
As far as the UFO/ET Phenomena goes, the global elite will use it like the use everything else, probably to deceive us, but the fact remains apart from that, that the truth really is out there, somewhere. This opens up doors to metaphysical and spiritual realms that still have yet a long way to go to be accepted as real by the masses, but as time goes on and the more we can detect these worlds, the closer we get to usher in the next scientific revolution, which is non-material science.
This article (Declassified FBI Document Suggests “Beings From Other Dimensions” Have Visited Earth) was originally published on Collective Evolution and syndicated by The Event Chronicle.
СДЕЛАЙТЕ ОРГОНИТ) если хотите ♥♥♥
Назначение Оргонита.
Оргонит создает положительно-заряженных частиц Ионов.Он силен и вырабатывает энергию протонов, именно ее мы используем в наших космических кораблях.Ну конечно) у нас технологии более совершенны и энергия помощнее.Вы можете использовать Оргонит для очистки Неба от Облаков, дождя, активаций при ваших духовных практиках и работе.Он нейтрализует отрицательное влияние электрических приборов в помещении и производит чистку Вас и помещения куда вы его поставите.А если поставить под кровать.. то можете спать спокойно ... так как на вас не будет атак и вам перестанут сниться кошмары.
Материалы для изготовления Оргонита :
1) ковши,кастрюли,металлические формы, чтобы растворить воск на плите (лучше всего с антипригарным покрытием)
2) металлический контейнер,пластиковый,стеклянный, алюминиевый (от пудингов,разные пекарные формочки или другие ...уж на выдумки мы богаты, отпустите фантазию в полет) формы,какие вы хотите.Можно Даже картон, но вы сможете использовать его только один раз.
"Расходные материалы"
1) пчелиный воск, однако, можно добавить и ладан (или другие смолы) в фазе плавления воска. Можно использовать эпоксидную смолу, она крепче держит вместе материалы.
2) кусочки металла,нужно сделать смесь металлов (работает только с алюминием, но было бы лучше включить железа и меди или другие металлы по крайней мере). Вы можете использовать всякое металлическое борохло )))☺☺☺ ;-D :чертежные кнопки, скобы т.д. и т.п., вы можете найти металлов , все зависят только от вашей фантазии и желания.
3) минеральные,драгоценный камни или кристалл (все, что вы хотите)
4)можете добавить старые завалявшиеся украшения из золота и серебра.
Растопите воск в кастрюле и добавьте в него, если вы хотите природных смолы ,растопите немного смеси.Налейте немного смеси в форму ,остудите немного и положите на вершину кристалл или другой камень покрупнее для усиления , затем вновь залейте смесью из воска и наложите следующий слой из минералов,металлов и так пока вы не заполните контейнер, в случае необходимости можно добавить немного воска в конце, если немного металла торчит из воска.
Подождите, пока воск остынет и затем извлеките его из контейнера (если его предварительно смазать маслом, то оргинит будет более сияющим).Готово!!!
Оргонит создает положительно-заряженных частиц Ионов.Он силен и вырабатывает энергию протонов, именно ее мы используем в наших космических кораблях.Ну конечно) у нас технологии более совершенны и энергия помощнее.Вы можете использовать Оргонит для очистки Неба от Облаков, дождя, активаций при ваших духовных практиках и работе.Он нейтрализует отрицательное влияние электрических приборов в помещении и производит чистку Вас и помещения куда вы его поставите.А если поставить под кровать.. то можете спать спокойно ... так как на вас не будет атак и вам перестанут сниться кошмары.
Материалы для изготовления Оргонита :
1) ковши,кастрюли,металлические формы, чтобы растворить воск на плите (лучше всего с антипригарным покрытием)
2) металлический контейнер,пластиковый,стеклянный, алюминиевый (от пудингов,разные пекарные формочки или другие ...уж на выдумки мы богаты, отпустите фантазию в полет) формы,какие вы хотите.Можно Даже картон, но вы сможете использовать его только один раз.
"Расходные материалы"
1) пчелиный воск, однако, можно добавить и ладан (или другие смолы) в фазе плавления воска. Можно использовать эпоксидную смолу, она крепче держит вместе материалы.
2) кусочки металла,нужно сделать смесь металлов (работает только с алюминием, но было бы лучше включить железа и меди или другие металлы по крайней мере). Вы можете использовать всякое металлическое борохло )))☺☺☺ ;-D :чертежные кнопки, скобы т.д. и т.п., вы можете найти металлов , все зависят только от вашей фантазии и желания.
3) минеральные,драгоценный камни или кристалл (все, что вы хотите)
4)можете добавить старые завалявшиеся украшения из золота и серебра.
Растопите воск в кастрюле и добавьте в него, если вы хотите природных смолы ,растопите немного смеси.Налейте немного смеси в форму ,остудите немного и положите на вершину кристалл или другой камень покрупнее для усиления , затем вновь залейте смесью из воска и наложите следующий слой из минералов,металлов и так пока вы не заполните контейнер, в случае необходимости можно добавить немного воска в конце, если немного металла торчит из воска.
Подождите, пока воск остынет и затем извлеките его из контейнера (если его предварительно смазать маслом, то оргинит будет более сияющим).Готово!!!
How to make an orgonit -- video
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Monday, August 13, 2018
5 Ways The Money System Keeps You Trapped
By Amara Christi
Money as survival, living off grid and a money free world are terms that are being bandied around more and more as people become aware of the systemic trap we’ve all been indoctrinated into.
When you look at the patterns of how the money-as-survival system plays out, you realize its efficacy lies in how thoroughly it hamstrings you from every angle.
Today we’re going to briefly unpack five of the ways that the money system manages to keep you trapped, even though you may be making moves towards trying to get out of it.
1. A short cycle of 1-month
Time is a very artificial construct, once you get into it.
The only real measure of time we have is a day, and we mark that because we see the sun rise and set. It’s the contrast of the light and darkness that so effectively delineates the measure of time in a day.
There’s no such obvious marker however for weeks and months. Some would argue that you could use the moon and seasonal cycles, but those would vary according to where you are in the world, and if that’s true, then June in the Northern Hemisphere would have to become December in the Southern Hemisphere.
The purpose of that sidetrack is to lay the background for the idea that month-end is an artificially generated construct.
Nothing actually happens if you don’t pay by a specific date – well nothing of cosmic significance anyway. There are no cases of people getting struck by lightning for skipping bill payments… *smiles*
The biggest problem with this artificial cycle that concludes in month end, is that it is really a short cycle.
You quickly fall into the trap of living month-to-month, hand-to-mouth, with the idea that you’ll make it through the end of this month and then start the long-term stuff next month.
But next month never comes, does it?
You just get stuck in this loop of generating just enough money to make it to month-end, so that you can breathe for a day or two, and feel a bit rested before you launch into something bigger that could yield long-term results.
You get focused on completing shorter projects so that you can meet your immediate expenses, because if you don’t meet those then long term doesn’t really matter.
2. You don’t get enough time or rest
And you make it to next month, but when you get there, you’re still tired… and it always seems to be very close to when you have to make sure you can cover the next set of bills that is due.
You decide to rush through a few projects to make time for the long-term project that will yield results, or you spend time on the longer term project first…. either way, when it comes to balancing the other end of the scale, later on, you’re tired, and already starting to feel burnt out, as well as the looming pressure of month end.
And if you can just make it through month end, well then, next month maybe you’ll get time to sort this all out properly?
But you don’t get the time – and you don’t get the time to rest either. You’re running on empty, exhausted, and firing on maybe 40 to 80% of your cylinders… if you’re lucky.
So, even if you do find time to work on “the big thing”, you’re only doing it with half a brain.
The rest of your brain is wrapped in worrying about what you have to get done, how much money you have to generate, and what you can do to get there; so much so, in fact, that you are never truly present when you’re working – or when you’re resting.
It’s that constant inner voice chatter that becomes your worst enemy when you try to rest as well: yes, you take the time and rest your physical body, but your mind just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning, like a broken record.
And because you’re never firing on all cylinders, you never quite reach that great idea that could actually maybe pull you out of this mess.
Or you get the idea and you miss it, or just plain don’t have the energy to actually do anything about realizing it.
3. Constant low-grade stress
All of that inner voice chatter is a constant low-grade buzz – a stressor that eats away at the back of your mind, wearing you down and draining you over the long term.
You get even more tired and feel less inclined to find the time and energy to make that “big thing” happen.
You start feeling powerless to do anything in fact – but that’s okay: you’re usually too tired to notice.
This all-pervading tiredness further reinforces the pattern of “doing enough for month end so that I can rest before the next big surge.”
Over time, “enough to get by” is all you eventually seem to do.
4. Shame and failure
Hopelessness never comes alone: it travels with its friends, shame and failure.
The more and more we feel like we’re failing, the more we keep that information private, to ourselves.
When you do ego mitigation work, one of the powerful realizations you’ll come to is that anything only ever has power over you when you keep it private. You never fear something that is already known – this is why we hide things about ourselves.
Out of shame, people stay private about their money issues: not just you, but also the people around you.
As a result, when we benchmark against others in our minds, we are really benchmarking against our imagination – and our imaginations love to paint a grass-is-greener scenario when we do that.
So on top of the hopelessness and powerlessness that we are already feeling, every time we think about how others are doing, we see ourselves as failures by comparison.
If you repeatedly tell yourself that you are a failure, thousands of times every month, you will eventually feel like a failure. When that happens, you will approach every situation expecting to fail.
When you’re convinced that something is doomed to fail from the start, well why should you even bother putting any effort into it?
5. Bad Habits
If you do anything repeatedly, it will become normal to you, and a habit. This is what we mean by something becoming “subconscious”.
Once you’re stuck in that cycle of “making it to month end,” and you’ve allowed it to become entrenched for a few months, you establish all these patterns as your default habits, your default reactions and behaviours.
From the moment you step onto that “getting by” carousel, it’s almost impossible to step off, and the entire system just repeatedly drags you further and further down, until you just give up hope of ever getting it right.
The question that really stands out for me with the money situation and the 99% is this: the 99% means that the system is guaranteed to fail 99% of those who participate.
Why do we still accept this as the only way to live? Why do we accept a way of life that guarantees that so many of us will become depressed and fail?
This article (5 Ways The Money System Keeps You Trapped) was originally published on Collective Evolution and syndicated by The Event Chronicle.