David Wilcock & Corey Goode: Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016
The following is a series of detailed notes from David Wilcock and Corey Goode’s talk from Friday the 19th of February 2016, History of the Secret Space Program.
Much of the data contained here is a summary of past disclosures, presented by Corey and David via their media outlets. But there are also hitherto unrevealed nuggets of information for those who have been following this unfolding story, several of which I think are of key importance.
This is the most well-rounded presentation of the Secret Space Program and history of the solar system that either of them has ever produced. It is an excellent place to start learning about what has apparently been happening under the cover of secrecy for eons.
Here are some important points to consider.
Full Disclosure is the Only Option
As some know, there has been a debate between various alliances negotiating for the freedom of the planet. Some of these groups want full disclosure and a complete release of advanced technology to all people at the same time, whereas others want a limited or partial disclosure, drawn out over 100 years.David and Corey produced the following presentation in an effort to ‘blow the lid off’ of the partial disclosure agenda. The data presented below is in harmony with a full disclosure effort, which if it is shared virally, could make the partial disclosure agenda impossible to realize. David and Corey are making every effort to ensure full disclosure takes place, encouraging a grassroots effort from within the awakening community.
If you are reading these words, you are part of this grass-roots effort.
Solar Shift Could Be Delayed
In David’s Saturday talk, he mentioned that the Sphere Being Alliance has been holding back the energetic ascension of the solar system to provide humanity more time heal themselves and regain their freedoms, one of the well-known aspects of Corey’s testimony. This is being made possible by thousands of massive spheres, cloaked throughout the solar system, here to dampen galactic energy waves which will one day cause a grand solar shift.Recently, Earth-based alliances have chosen to move forward with a partial disclosure agenda, one that will drag the whole process out over 100 years, as mentioned earlier.
In a shocking revelation, the Sphere Beings recently said that if a grassroots full disclosure effort is not successful in uniting the awakening community to demand the whole truth, then the Sphere Beings will hold back the energetic shift for ‘an age’. David speculated that this delay could be at least 100 years, or that it could be as long as 700, referencing a passage from the Law of One.
To be clear: partial disclosure is not what the SSP Alliance or the Sphere Being Alliance want. And again, David and Corey are doing everything they can to stop this effort and ensure full disclosure takes place; this talk is part of that effort.
The Current State of Affairs
I was personally taken aback by the notion the Sphere Beings would actually allow the partial disclosure plan to go through. But after some quiet contemplation, I realized that these beings are highly conscious of the laws of the universe, chiefly free will and that they cannot avoid humanity’s choice, no matter how much they might want to. The Sphere beings have suggested in the past that full disclosure is the best option to give humanity a real chance at true freedom and prosperity. But the thing that has always held us back, now and in the deep past, is a consciousness of separation, hence their message of love, forgiveness and raising of our vibrations.The reality is, the truther or awakening community is heavily divided, rendered almost completely ineffective insofar as realizing meaningful change for the planet. We’ve allowed ourselves to focus on our differences instead of the common ground we each share. This is no surprise, as there are countless social programs of subliminal influencing, not to mention personality parasites that compel us to choose fear over love, hate over compassion, and half-truths over the whole truth.
The good news is, the truth can be obscured, but never destroyed. We are already one people, we are already a global family, we are already powerful co-creators able to effect great change. We can deny the realities of interconnectedness, but they continue to exist, and we continue to share the burden of this world as one people. We just have to acknowledge these truths and then ask ourselves what are we actually creating with our choices.
Generally speaking, as individuals in the truther community, we’ve been trained through elaborate infiltration efforts, to attack, with prejudice, any point of view that doesn’t agree with our own. In many cases, we agree that the cabal must be stopped, that food is being poisoned, that the environment is being destroyed, and that something needs to change, yet because of one divergent belief or another, one disagreement or another, no lasting cooperation can be realized. I’ve even seen some fight over what words are used to describe our current predicament, with some claiming we’ve been enslaved by evil humans, while others say it was the archons. And these small differences prevents otherwise cooperative people from working together for change.
Oh how powerfully we’ve been duped into choosing separation, fear and disempowerment.
What Can We Do?
What I think we could benefit from is to practice open-mindedness and respect that fact that our knowledge is limited, that we don’t know everything.Our fellows have a different point of view that can provide us insights into the truth, into who we are and what our purpose in life is, but only if we receive what is offered with child-like innocence. An open mind and heart, combined with an honest appraisal of oneself, helps us keep our ‘reality bubbles permeable,’ as Corey has mentioned before.
While I think unity is essential right now, absolute unity is not a realistic goal. Initially, we’ll need to find a way to agree to disagree on any topic that would otherwise prevent cooperation. But common goals are what we can base a foundation of unity on, those being: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; the desire for clean food and water, the desire for a sustainable society, free of toxic pollution, a world free of slavery and oppression, and so on.
I think that all our seeming differences are an illusory slick atop an ocean of unacknowledged commonalities. In addition, we’ve been indoctrinated to believe we are fundamentally separate from each other, the universe and even the creator, all founded on false perspectives of reality. The only way for us to stay divided, to continue to see the world as separate, is if we focus on our differences, if we focus on untruth, instead of the seemingly infinite reasons to focus on what unites us.
Often what holds us back is fear that what matters to us won’t be acknowledged by another, that they won’t care about what we do. And for those lost in separate self-consciousness, this may be true. In many cases, when we see that others believe something that we do not, we immediately feel a barrier go up between us, and then through our choices we reinforce that feeling. But when we bravely pour out kindness and compassion from within, healing is radiated without, helping to create a space for cooperation.
I think learning to develop the ability to listen to others compassionately, entertaining their ideas and beliefs, without feeling the need to defend our own, again with child-like innocence, is essential right now. In this way, a loving, cooperative, and accepting relationship can be developed, one that will allow us to share our most cherished ideas free of defensive reactions that maintain separation.
It is fear, lack of empathy and close-mindedness that has kept humanity divide over the eons, therefore, only love, forgiveness and truth can restore universal consciousness.
I, for one, am not satisfied to wait 100 years for what we could
have right now. If the awakening community truly is the linchpin for
making full disclosure a reality, then let’s stop the infighting, set
aside our differences, and make steps towards a brighter future,
together, as one people.
It’s so simple a child can see the wisdom of it. And perhaps it is a
child-like point of view we need most right now to navigate this
transitional age successfully.
This is a Stillness in the Storm creation. Please share widely.
This is a Stillness in the Storm creation. Please share widely.
Other Information
Note: The images David used throughout the talk were not
captured via screenshot. All the images below were found online or
provided courtesy of gaia.com. In some cases, I was also able to find the images David used online.
Much of the information presented in this talk is also available in Cosmic Disclosure.
Summarized notes will be in black, with additional information, or my commentary, in [green bolded brackets]. I also added additional data points provided from other talks by David and Corey in the past.
I did not offer much commentary below, for ease of absorbing the
overall narrative. More in-depth analysis of this material can be found
embedded within the Summary and Analysis of Cosmic Disclosure series,
available here.
To support Corey and David’s work, subscribe to Gaia TV via blueavians.com.
David Wilcock’s website is divinecosmos.com. Here are David’s three series on gaia.com. His new book, The Ascension Mysteries, is now available for preorder.
Corey Goode’s website is spherebeingalliance.com. Here is Corey’s series on gaia.com.
- Host introduces David and Corey.
- David talks about the huge demand for this talk, and that it will help ensure a full disclosure narrative comes about.
- David reviews his history, books, and experience.
- David talks about a quantum leap in evolution, as covered by his work on Wisdom Teachings and his website divinecosmos.com
- David says Corey got pulled into this unfolding story, back in 2015, which he will cover later.
- David refers to the many massive spheres that have entered the solar system, some the size of Jupiter and Neptune, [controlled by a benevolent group of beings known as the Sphere Being Alliance, more on this later].
- David mentions this time in history is all about a grand consciousness evolution. Refer’s to his books as evidence.
- David mentions Cosmic Disclosure on gaia.com, where much of Corey’s testimony is available.
- David says space and time is an emanation of a geometry.
- Davide says 20% of stars like our sun have Earth-like planets around them.
- David mentions that DNA is a natural emanation of the laws of quantum mechanics. The universe behaves like sacred geometry, began with a vibration, and is teaming with life.
- David mentions there is a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden.
- David says all those who are seeking the truth are essential players in breaking down the walls of secrecy. <crowd goes wild>
- David says what we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. He asks Corey how many trillions of dollars were spent on the SSP.
- Corey says the lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.]
- David says during the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey.
- David mentions gaia.com is hiring to help deliver the truth to the people. Lists a bunch of different jobs saying to go to joingaia.com for more information.
- David says there are ancient ruins in the solar system that are probably 2.6 billion years old. During that time, Earth was swampy, hot, and not too pleasant to live on. But there was a beautiful paradise, called Tiamat, a super-Earth that used to orbit where the asteroid belt is now. [The Ancient Builder race is a group of highly advanced beings from our solar system’s deep past. Ruins of this civilization are found everywhere in the solar system, and in many cases, the technology added a beneficial effect for life there, such as the Great Pyramids of Egypt. In a recent meeting with inner-Earth groups from January of this year, Corey discovered that the Ancient Builder race and the Sphere Beings are actually one and the same. The inner-Earth peoples have long revered the Ancient Builder race, who they call the Guardians. The Sphere Beings have returned to help all life in the solar system prepare for a huge evolutionary shift, made possible via galactic energy waves that have been bathing the solar system for years. These energies will continue to build up until a quantum leap occurs, dramatically altering life as we know it. But in an effort to ensure all beings have a chance to grow through this shift, massive spheres are here to dampen the energy.]
- David mentions how most of his insider’s intel has never been publicly released, [as a method of vetting out new insiders]. When he met Corey in 2009, he was able to tell David data that he never released publicly, which he believes verifies Corey’s authenticity.
- David mentions how one of Richard C. Hoagland’s top insiders told David that they used a highly advanced computer program called Brilliant Pebbles that enabled them to model every object in the solar system to such a degree that they could rewind time using computer models, showing that a super-Earth-sized planet was destroyed about 500,000 years ago.
- David adds that Corey knew the name of the program and many other aspects of Brilliant Pebbles, again vetting Corey as authentic.
- David says the story begins on this super-Earth, Tiamat, that was destroyed long ago. The planet had oceans, breathable atmosphere, and several moons. One of them was Mars, which was also a viable sphere for habitation. Apparently the peoples who lived on Tiamat and Mars were warring with each other.
- David asks Corey how often one would encounter watery moons orbiting planets outside of the solar system.
- Corey says you can find these moons around gas giants and super-Earth type planets fairly regularly.
- David mentions that the destruction of Tiamat, destroyed two highly advanced civilizations, one on Tiamat and one on Mars.
- David mentions a protection grid was active around the solar system before this event and asks Corey to confirm.
- Corey says that he was told by the priestess Kaaree, from his inner-Earth meeting that took place in September 2015, these warring factions gained access to some of the Ancient Build race technology from these ruins left everywhere in the solar system. Part of what they accessed was this security grid or force field, the energy barrier, that was protecting the solar system, [left in place by the Ancient Builder race before they left our frequency]. These two warring groups attempted to use the technology for their own ends, causing a major cataclysm in the process, which not only disturbed the whole solar system, but also brought down this energetic barrier left by the Ancient Build race. This barrier had heretofore protected the solar system from less benevolent races.
- David mentions that in tomorrow night’s talk, he will show slides of moons that, he believes, are ancient outposts and bases from this period, [he also covers this material in his show Wisdom Teachings].
- David mentions that these moons look just like the Deathstar, from the film Star Wars, which were capable of firing particle beam weapons.
- David says before event occurred, it was like the garden of Eden in our solar system.
- David mentions that after this protective barrier went down, service to self-groups came in, which the inner-Earth people refer to as ‘Genetic Farmer Groups or Races’. He says, that the Draco came into the solar system after this barrier when down, and that Corey originally leaked a time frame of 370,000 years ago for when this occurred. [The fall of the outer barrier was a major milestone in the history of the solar system, shaping Earth’s unfolding drama in the process. It was after this point, that the Earth became the setting for several genetic, social and spiritual experiments by groups who did not always have benevolent intentions.]
- Corey says the Draco alliance is made up of a central reptilian group, but also an insectoid race, and some other ‘engineered’ races, [engineered presumably by the Draco, hence their name ‘Genetic Farmer Groups.’]
- David says, this group of reptilian humanoids, became highly advanced but they are very negative, going around the galaxy looking for other groups to twist into their agenda. As an aside, one of the bigger secrets is that the universe is designed to make humanoid life forms, so they are found everywhere, [Corey has confirmed in Cosmic Disclosure that there are humanoid races of every conceivable type in the cosmos, each evolving from an animal species on their home world]. But what these Draco do is find other reptilian type humans, that evolved naturally in their own ‘neighborhoods.’ The Draco then intermingle their DNA into other reptilians they find, and eventually have them join the Draco Alliance, [presumably this process is notsomething that is mutually agreed upon, as in done under duress or via manipulation].
- Corey says, the reptilian recruits, so to speak, have similar behavior and commonalities to with their Draco recruiters, helping to facilitate an alliance.
- David mentions the movie Jupiter Ascending, [which is jam packed with solar system history, the agenda of the Draco group (using humans as a food resource) and their use of human beings for life extension technology, DNA hybridization programs]. Corey and David saw the movie together during last year’s Consciousness Life Expo. Corey’s ‘fricken mind was blown’ by what was revealed in the film.
- David shows slide of a reptilian from the movie, saying that this might have been the reason why Corey was so shocked.
- David says these are the genetic farmers who appear to be ‘in control of the show.’ But they are working with humans.
- Corey says it wasn’t an accurate representation of a Draco, but the relationships shown in the movie were very interesting.
- David suggests that what is depicted in the movie is part of some soft or partial disclosure effort.
- Corey says that he thinks the disclosure in the movie is higher then the secret space program, that it has to do with these 22 genetic, social, and spiritual experiments being conducted on Earth by a super federation of extraterrestrials who have lived within our solar system since the time this outer barrier came down. The movie could be ‘their’ version of the history, from the people behind these 22 programs. [Corey has mentioned in the past that there are up to 60 ET groups that maintain permanent outposts to monitor experiments the are actively being conducted on the Earth. Apparently these groups came in after the fall of the outer barrier and many of them have bases on the Moon.]
- David shows image of a white royal Draco. [The Draco Alliance is made up of many different castes and races, some that are warriers where as others are the ruling elite, like what is presented below.]
- David mentions that the wings are wrong, based on what Corey has said. This was the closest image Corey was able to find online.
- David says Corey had to meet this royal Draco during a meeting, and it was not pleasant. These white royal Dracos were pleading for clemency at a meeting Corey attended in mid 2015, [as a result of the outer barrier going back up after the Cabal attempted to destroy one of the moon-sized spheres close to the Earth using a particle beam weapon that was partially located in Pine Gap Australia. They discuss this in detail in Season 2 Episode 16 of Cosmic Disclosure and further along in this talk. Re-activation of the outer barrier trapped many groups in the solar system that were planning to leave before the solar shift took place. As a result, tenuous alliances that have been in place for thousands of years disintegrated when the White Royal Draco told the SSP Alliance that they would ‘sell out’ the entire Cabal pyramid below them in exchange for passage out of the solar system. When this offer was made, key figures in the Cabal were present. Since that time, a tremendous amount of Cabal infighting has been taking place, as their once well-organized group crumbles into separate factions with competing agendas.]
- David mentions that the ‘meta-message’ for this talk is that there are ‘demonic presences’, that we could think of as these reptilians, but they are not as powerful as the good guys. These guys, the Draco, are actually using the Earth as a fear factory, consuming what they call ‘looshe’. They need humanity to be in fear, stressed out, hating life etc, [and work with the ground based cabal to ensure those conditions are maintained, hence false flags attacks, denatured food, the war on terror, etc. In the below-linked articles, I attempt to discuss the scientific basis for fear foodor looshe and why races that use artificial life extension technology need it to survive.]
- David mentions that one of his insiders said that if people were smiling, happy, and felt joy for even one day, it would be enough to defeat the entire Draco Alliance, [who are totally dependent on looshe for survival].
- Corey says, yes, that Raw-Teir-Eir, [the Blue Avian who is a member of one of the five sphere being races that operates the thousands of massive spheres in the solar system right now,] said that once we get to a high enough energetic point, all these etheric parasites and entity attachments, will go back into the ‘outer realms from whence they came.’ And that people will be going through a type of energetic withdrawal, like someone detoxing from a major drug addiction, [because these parasites do provide some emotional stability to their hosts, which then become dependent on them].
- David mentions there are ways to scientifically prove this. He talks about an experiment where fish eggs at different rates of development are kept close to each other, so they can exchange bio-photons. The older eggs actually draw health out of the younger ones, so long as light can flow between them, and the younger eggs whither and die as a result. This can’t be explained using normal science, one needs to talk about energetics. Eventually one realizes there is a law in the universe that actually allows for an advisory, even though the universe is benevolent and loving. The universe allows evil to exist to inspire spiritual growth, and help us come together, to form unity against the adversary. [This is a rather controversial topic, but it is supported by experience and codified as Divine or Natural Law. Simply put, when we observe harm, hardship or suffering of others, it is an opportunity from the universe to actually become an embodiment of love, healing and forgiveness. In this way, each individual is given a chance to gain wisdom by experiencing the transcendence of hardship. The principle of Causality describes how all causes are sourced from mind via free will, with their effects being balanced by Cosmic Law. This means that free will is the first cause of, not only truth, love and freedom, but also falseness, hate, and slavery. We are co-creatively empowered to participate in the process of spiritualization via our free will endowment from the creator, which also means those on the ‘front-lines’ of the shift are the most empowered to effect change. For more on this see the below-linked article.]
- David says, these guys, the Draco, came into our solar system, splicing their DNA with ours. We have all sorts of genetic anomalies as a result, [see Lloyd Pye’s presentation for more on this]. One of those anomalies is the appendix, which apparently one of his insiders told him, used to be an organ system that would take nutrition from your liver and reintroduce it into the small intestine, processing it twice, allowing someone to live for 900 years. So they, [the Draco presumably], clipped it out. They tried to get rid of the pineal gland too, but that got put back in. He ask Corey for confirmation, which Corey says he has heard of as well. [I just wrote an article covering evidence from recent genetic testing that suggests the human race had multiple genetic contributors, one major one about 15,000 years ago].
- David says the objective for us, today, is to determine how do we recognize that these beings are not all powerful demons, [that can’t be dealt with]. They are ‘in the sandbox’ along with humanity, all for cosmic growth. There was an Edgar Cayce reading, in a room with 35 people, and the entity who was contacted via the mediumship said “you have enough people in this room to end World War II right now.” The answer is pure consciousness. There will be a pure consciousness exercises at the end of the talk, [a guided meditation].
- David says the purity of our hearts, the consciousness of the universe, will bring us one step closer to freedom. <audience cheers>
- David mentions there are 274 slides.
- Corey says many haven’t been seen before, including footage of helicopters flying over his house.