Wednesday, December 24, 2014

No One is Coming to Save You

No One is Coming to Save You
(Earth We Are One) You are 100% responsible for yourself, your actions, and the consequences of those actions – no matter if:
1. your behavior is positive, productive, and progressive toward your goals
2. your behavior is lazy, limiting, self-sabotaging, and stagnation-laden.
You and you alone must decide when, where, and how to act.
Understand that nobody is coming to rescue you.
No one will (or can) force you into action.
You are responsible for your victories as well as your failures.
Nobody can orchestrate said victories or failures in the first place other than you.

How Does The Above Make You Feel?

Does it demotivate you to realize that you and you alone are responsible for how things in your life unfold? Does it make you not want to even try, since you’re already convinced the outcome isn’t worth pushing yourself for? Have you ever considered that this very limiting belief is the reason why you hesitate to push yourself?
Does this statement empower you? Do you feel a surge of positive energy with the recognition that nobody else can create your life for you; you’re the one behind the wheel? Does taking 100% responsibility for your life equate to more freedom than fear for you?
The goal of this article is to get you to stop identifying with the first group, and start identifying with the second.
Let’s explore both of the above paths a bit, and see where our true power lies.

Self-Discipline v.s. Laziness

Take note of how you feel when you decide to be lazy about something. It could be a particular goal you’ve set, a routine you’ve started, or even just your everyday daily actions. When you allow yourself to skimp and slide, how do you usually feel afterwards?
What about those times when you actually discipline yourself to take action? You’ll most likely notice that even though there may be a bit of resistance getting started, once you get moving, you enter a flow state. Acting becomes effortless, and your attention shifts to what you’re doing rather than “Should I do this or not…?”.
The end results of our actions and efforts are nice, but in truth they’re secondary to taking action from a consciously-chosen state of being. That state of being, and the natural, intrinsic state of satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment you get from acting – is the true reward here. Many rob themselves of this pleasure because of limiting beliefs, assumptions, and semi-conscious habits that keep them at arms length from such rewards.

Passion-Driven Goals v.s. Passive-Driven Goals

Further more, who’s deciding what goals you’re setting for yourself in the first place?
Are you setting goals anchored in social conditioning and expectation, more often than not at the expense of what you really desire for yourself? Do you put your true, passion-driven goals on the back burner? Are you carrying the belief that “If I just follow the status quo for x more years, then I’ll have the time and money to do what I really want with my life!”? If so, congratulations! You’re delusional!
I don’t say that to be rude, “elitist”, or any other number of things people will probably insist upon in the comments.
I say it because living a life structured around other people’s goals, while depriving yourself of a life fueled by genuine passion and excitement is to deny courage and embrace cowardice.
When you allow your fear of the unknown to capitalize on your ability to take action, you lose your power.
Instead of putting your energy to use via inspired action, you use that same energy to choose fear, shine a spotlight on it, and feed it until it incapacitates you.
This most often happens when contemplating a big goal that requires serious change on your part.
All good goals do this.
A good rule of thumb is that if it doesn’t require changing something for the better, it probably isn’t a good goal/goal worth investing time and energy into.

Laziness v.s. Ease

Don’t confuse easy with lazy. Another rule of thumb that will keep you in good standing is the conscious recognition that you want neither of those things.
You don’t want easy or lazy.
You want challenge and growth.
The first is a beginner’s trap, much like a lounge or a restaurant where patrons eat and chat. The latter is like the VIP lounge in the back, where all the high-rollers gather because they are on a different wavelength than traditional customers.
Anyone can become a VIP, but very few will make the effort to act outside of their comfort zone.
Talking the talk and walking the walk are two very different things.
Most will choose easy and lazy, and that’s precisely why you shouldn’t.
The sheer fact that most choose easy and lazy should empower you to choose challenge and growth, because there are less people hanging out at the finish line. The more conscious you become, the less competition there actually is. It’s completely backwards from what most would assume and expect, but it’s absolutely true. The room with all the easy, lazy-choosing people is packed to the walls. The challenge and growth room has a few people hanging out wondering where everyone else is.
It would actually be more accurate to say the more conscious you become, the less competition, and more cooperation there is.
Laziness and ease-seeking leads to stagnation and suffering. You already know this. You know that’s not what you want. Use this as a guide stone for empowering yourself toward going beyond the comfort zone of fear-level thinking. You’ve already tried that method hundreds of times, and it’s not for you. Embrace this truth, and use it to catalyze yourself into inspired action whenever worry, fear, and doubt begin rearing their head.

Following Your Path with a Heart

It should be obvious that the truth in “nobody is coming to save you” should empower and excite you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. If it doesn’t, take some time to write out your goals. Analyze them, and think deeply about why you’re choosing to embrace them. Be honest with yourself here. Now is the time to begin consciously shedding excuses and embracing the truth.
The fact that nobody is coming to save you also means that nobody can take your results away from you. Nobody can experience your highs and accomplishments, and nobody else has to withstand and endure your lows and aggravation. It’s all yours for the taking. This is an incredible gift, and the more you discipline yourself to act in alignment with your passion path, the more obvious this is and the more powerful you become.
Admitting that you’re sick of what you’re getting, wishing to strive for more, and aligning your daily actions and behaviors with those new, conscious values is the first step to unlocking your true potential.
Jason Demakis a frequent Expanded Consciousness contributing writer. Read more of Jason’s articles HERE. Jason is best known for his writings of consciousness and meditation, and has profound knowledge in each.
Source: Earth We Are One