Sunday, December 7, 2014

Learning to appreciate the differences and becoming wiser

  There is another you...

Yesterday , when my niece was visiting me....I was sitting and checking some videos to make my mood better, and once...i found a video of a beautiful girl with a kid whom had some genetic modifications and looked not like other kids, because he had some genetic deviations...and my niece came and asked me to let her watch it too...and I did. Then she asked me what it was there that she was seeing and I explained to her that this is also a kid, but this kid is just looking differently, and that sometimes there are kids like that, whom are not like other kids. She was watching it being surprised, she was a bit shocked...and you know what?

I know why it happened that she was not expecting to see anything like that. That is because "smart" parents never show or tell their kids about disabled people or people whom have any health troubles , or the ones with some genetic deviations...They hide information about it from their kids...they reject such people, they are very much afraid of it and of seeing them, they are shocked and by hiding it from people they think that they help their kids to keep a normal mind....

But parents and society ...god..they just dont realize what they are really are usually innocent..and they wouldnt reject such people ...if they were shown to them ......if the kids were told about such people that they exist..and would learn to live all together ..they would actually did that if not parents...because parents were programmed by the do so and to be ashamed...

But if this circle would stop ...IT WOULD STOP ON ME RIGHT NOW....
I find that the wise way is not to teach our kids..please...understand that the only way when parents reject such disabled people is because they were not told about them when were kids...and that the disabled people had to live separated from people whom dont have any genetic deviations or not being disabled...

The way i see instead of being ashamed of the ones who are being disabled...or looking not like "normal" poeple...instead of hiding them and rejecting...
We should learn ..but actually we should remember what its like to live all together, by accepting one another...This Way the World would become much better...much better than its now...That is the World that I want.

Today, my mother used to be angry with me showing it to a niece...and worried of her mind to not be harmed...and i was really surprised about it...i have seen the core..she was very much afraid of it and rejecting it...but I see that if parents would be wiser, they would allow all kids to be and live together since childhood , then "society" would be much happier...and it goes about many types of differences...its very deep if you go into it...

Let's there be peace and ...let's people unite and remember again...for each one is unique and has a place in this World...since was born and came here!!! And living here! Its the right of everyone to be respected for being who they are!))) Instead of turning away from each other..lets learn and try to understand each other....and to live all together. Its our differences which make us very unique...

I will Create the World that I want ...

Page on facebook of this kid