| Your DNA is more valuable than you are told and allowed to know.
Mainstream scientists tell us the lie that only 2 to 5% of the human genome is functional! AND over 90% is ‘junk’. This obvious lie will be exposed today.
The lie began in the seventies by Francis Crick who did not himself understand the pattern of DNA and assumed that since he did not understand it it must be junk.
The world never looked further. Sadly this is the cycle humanity has been stuck in for far too long. In the early 2000's, Geneticists mapped out the genome but still could not ‘make sense’ of 97% of its 3.2 billion bases. Thus the claim of ‘junk’ DNA continued.
In the 1990's, a team of Russian linguists led by Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered the genetic code in this so called ‘junk’ DNA. They discovered it follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human language. It turns out that the ‘junk’ was laden with the intimations of intelligence, purpose and meaning.
His team confirmed also that using correct light and sound frequencies, we can cause jumping DNA or transposon's within the so called ‘junk’ DNA to move from one location to another and re-code the organism at the physical level. Negative words, frequencies, arguments, curse words, and the like leave us feeling bad even after the issue is resolved-for a reason. It contracts the DNA molecule, compressing it. Positive words and love frequencies heal and refresh us-unwinding or decompressing the DNA exposed to them.
It is always nice to hear nice things from people. It is vital to life to feel love. Words and frequencies are so much more important than the meaning of the words spoken. It affects not only our thoughts and emotions, but it affects everything in us down to our very DNA itself. This is what you are NOT told.
While babaric western researchers cut single genes from the DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically worked on devices that can influence the cellular metabolism through suitable modulated radio and light frequencies and thus repair genetic defects. We see the Russians working deeper while the west throws away most of the natural and real product.
Everything is better when its artificial, right?
The moment a sperm cell touches an egg cell there is a spark of light-Frequency. Humans have light in us which is why we have an aura. During 1984, Dr. Peter Gariaev made a startling discovery. He found that an in-vitro DNA sample, in a test tube, had the ability to attract and harness coherent laser light causing it to spiral along the DNA helix. After removing the DNA sample the photons continued to spiral as if the DNA was still there. After blowing the phantom DNA away with gaseous nitrogen, it returns in 5 to 8 minutes. Gariaev also remarked that sound waves radiated by the DNA molecules were registered in these experiments. In every moment DNA harnesses sound and light.
Gariaev and his research group also succeeded in proving that chromosomes damaged by x-rays, for example, can be repaired. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another thus reprogramming cells to another genome. Through the correct vibrations, frequencies, the entire DNA information was transmitted without any of the side effects or dis-harmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA.
DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.
Finally in recent years, another group has exposed the DNA coding. This group, called Encode, has figured out the switches, signals and sign posts embedded throughout the entire length of your DNA - Again, confirming the Russians discoveries. [MORE IN VIDEO]