Monday, November 12, 2018

To be, then to be real, to do, then to do truly

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Being real is always meaningful, wherever you are, whatever you do. First of all for you and for the whole environment as well.

Otherwise what's the point of doing anything and not being real in it? Why to live  live then? Is life being sold to anyone else?

Is life wasted or making a sense?

In the depths of your being you always know where you are real and where you are not.

Previously, I had to pretend and to play people pleasing. Was there any  point? Certainly yes. But this time is now in the past. Now there is no need. Much of the superfluous is alreasy flew off.

Now is another game. Being real and finding a meaning in life. There is still much more to go. But the main meaning will not change.

When you find yourself, your inner essence, your life is changing in a miraculous way. Change: interests, environment, friends, and the whole life in all. All thoughts, actions and words change. If you change.

We are coming to life and feeling this world more deeply. We are Filled with his boundless power of life!

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Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "TO BE TO LIVE TO EXIST"