Friday, August 17, 2018

Understanding the Process of Transformation

I feel a basic knowledge of the process of transformation, regarding our personal and collective growth, needs to be brought to light, as it seems it is being lost within the chaotic distraction that is our everyday life. Now more than ever, we must remain focused in our journey and not allow ourselves to become swept up in the tornado of dis-information and propaganda set to keep us from discovering our true potential. It is time to wake up and take charge, therefore, in the interest of spreading awareness, I would like to lay out a general procedure that, when adhered to, leads to real change, both individually and collectively.
Here are my three steps to transformation (with explanations):

Step 1. STOP – recognise, take responsibility, assess

As the saying goes: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, then you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got!”
We cannot change and stay the same, therefore, the first thing that needs to be done when we come up against discordance in our lives is to STOP! We must assess our lives and identify the areas in which we have become stuck. Recognise that the ways we have been dealing with (or ignoring) these issues is not working, for if it was, then we would not still be suffering them.
To effectively move into the next steps, we must resolve to destroy the patterns that have not worked for us in the past so that we may clear the way for the new tracks to be laid. This begins by becoming aware of them.
An important aspect to this step is in taking responsibility for our own life experience. We must cease blaming others and see that our experience is shaped from within. Only then can we move from a state of victimhood into a space where we may begin to reclaim our power as sovereign beings.
Step one takes a lot of reflection. We must constantly assess where we are operating from and the underlying emotion that is driving our actions. This can be a daunting process as it may reveal to us just how little control we have had in our life. However, it is also very powerful, as in finding where we no longer wish to be, we establish a clear direction for our steps to come.

Step 2. HEAL – allow, acknowledge, feel, forgive, let go

Healing cannot ever be overlooked and is vital to our transformation in that it allows us to fully process the extent of our experiences and their effect on our being, so we may go beyond. As these experiences are processed effectively, we clear our path of any debris that may have caused repeated stumbles down the line.
To heal we must first acknowledge we have been hurt. The origin of this hurt is unimportant when it comes to healing, as whether generated from outside or within, the resulting discomfort is what must be addressed, and this will not be found outside of yourself. The eyes must be turned inward. Our pains, fears, traumas, or whatever is there, must be felt deeply. It is not necessary to understand them, as this is just the left-brain trying to justify and understand what needs to be felt. Emotions are the function of the right-brain and the interference of the thinking mind at this point only serves to perpetuate suffering. Now is not the time to analyse, now is the time to meet the feelings head-on and let that energy begin to disperse. Understanding, when necessary, arrives on its own as insight and knowing as opposed to an intellectualised conclusion.
As we reflect within our healing process, we may realise where we have placed blame or where we have reprimanded ourselves. This presents us with an opportunity to forgive. With the work we have done in step 1, we have hopefully at least begun the process of taking responsibility for our experience. In this light, we may be able to see how the power to heal is born within our own ability to let go of the past, forgive (ourselves and others) and love from a place of unconditional care for our life and the lives of others.
Sometimes a part of healing is in calling ourselves out, stepping into our power and facing what we have allowed to manipulate and control us. This goes hand in hand with step 1, Stopping those old ways, and within these powerful actions of standing up for ourselves, we find the keys to your liberation. “Outside” forces can only have power over us if we give it to them through fear and submission. When we realise that they cannot exist without our participation, we are on our way to breaking through the density of such illusions!

Step 3. CREATE – new patterns, habits & pathways, visualise and ACT!

At this point it might seem that the hard work is done, however, if this last step is not seen through, then we may as well have not even bothered with the precursors. For personal transformation to be allowed to flower and not wilt it must encompass our whole being and become our new way of life.
There are many experiences that may serve as catalysts to transformation, however, the real and lasting transformation rests within an individual’s ability to integrate insights gained into their everyday life as new ways of thinking and being. To help solidify this new way of being in one’s life, new patterns must be established where the old ones are being transcended.
As we uproot the weeds that were previously stunting our growth, we must take care to replenish the soil with loving attention and sow seeds that will nourish and support our journey moving forward. In other words, as we have stoppedthe old habits and patterns, and filled in, or healed, the holes they had left, we have then established a healthy base from which we can create positive new patterns that are in alignment with the higher vision that is coming through to us.
When creating a new reality, it is important to have at least some idea of the direction in which you are travelling. If you are having trouble getting specifics, look at your life up until this point. Look at what has brought you joy, where you find your happiness. When you daydream what are your common fantasies? In your life, have there been signs or experiences that, when viewed together, seem to be pointing in a specific direction? These are your clues. It could be that you have lived through some very traumatic experiences, but that in the process of healing them within your life, you have obtained valuable insight that lends to some sort of humanitarian work in that area. Sometimes it is clear beyond any doubt, and sometimes we must take a leap of faith in the general direction calling us and trust that we will land where we are meant to be.
With clear focus, healthy new patterns and determination to be a living the expression of your inner-most desires, the only thing left to do is to align your actions and live the dream! From one step to the next, you will find that as things are in alignment, the effort required for creation is minimal as the universe mirrors to you that which you are putting out. However, in a world that provides many hurdles, persistence is key. Don’t settle for anything less than what you have chosen for yourself. You are the creator!

So, in a nut shell, that’s it!
There are many areas I could delve into to give more depth to this process (balance, vibration and the process of manifestation would be a good start), but these are the basics that I believe we should all be familiar with. So, there you go. No excuses, no regrets, make for yourself a life you Love to live and together we will thrive beyond the reaches of the controlling and oppressive forces that do their best to blot out the sun and keep us in a morbid state of ignorance.
Now is our time to shine!
Peace, Love and Liberation to ALL!
This article (Understanding the Process of Transformation) was originally published on Prepare for Change and syndicated by The Event Chronicle