Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Intuitive Mind: Eight Steps for Honing Your Psychic Abilities

 The Intuitive Mind: Eight Steps for Honing Your Psychic Abilities
(The Mind Unleashed) As I lay there on a massage table, I began drifting into a deep meditative state. Based on my education and experience with meditation, I knew there was a predominance of theta waves occurring in my brain. It was so peaceful, an almost dream-like state, and I could feel the wonderful effects of endorphins being released in my body. I had just met Brenda, the therapist, and really didn’t know much about her.
Just as a I felt myself drifting off to sleep, I heard “Andy, Andy,” and then I heard “Andy’s sister.” Hearing this pulled me to a slightly higher level of consciousness, which stopped me from falling asleep. I let myself be pleasantly curious about what I was experiencing, and then I heard it again. “Andy, Andy,” and “Andy’s sister.” This voice wasn’t male or female; it was just there, but very adamant. I made a mental note to ask Brenda about Andy once we were done, and then I drifted off to sleep only to be awakened by the sound of my own snoring.
After I got dressed, I met Brenda outside in the waiting room, and I asked her “Do you know a guy named Andy?” Brenda said, “No, but my best girl friend in Maryland is named Andy.” It kind of takes your breath away when you have an experience like that, and then I said, “What’s going on with Andy’s sister?” Brenda responded, “Her sister just entered hospice with breast cancer.”
What I just described is one of many nonlocal intuitive experiences I’ve had in my life. Nonlocal intuition is an unexplained knowing that defies logic and is not explained by pattern recognition or memory retrieval. It’s one of the great mysteries in life that is so unexplainable, professional skeptics weigh in by saying that the possibility doesn’t even exist.
I’m an advocate of healthy skepticism, which is a key part of the scientific method. The truth is that the scientific method is limited by the technology and methods through which it is applied. Just because we don’t have scientific evidence for something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. A lot of skeptics sometimes forget that part of the equation in their quest for truth through a lens of academic arrogance.
As a physician board certified in Internal Medicine who graduated with honors from medical school, I understand and appreciate the scientific method. I also appreciate the great mysteries in life, and am humble enough to admit the possibility something does exist even when I don’t understand it. More important, when I do have an experience that defies logic, I’m going to do my best to try and come up with a rational explanation for how it might have occurred, however silly it may sound.
When someone who is mentally sound has a personal experience that defies logic, they know it happened because it was their experience. So when I hear someone say that the parapsychological phenomenon of nonlocal intuition doesn’t exist, I remind myself that they have either never had the experience, or they had a nonlocal intuitive experience, but the phenomenon is just not part of their belief system.
It’s your choice what to believe, but if you take skepticism to the point of cynicism about nonlocal intuition, it shuts you out of very real experiences that have the potential to empower your life. After all, having powerful intuition lets you become your own authority on many levels.
Nonlocal intuitive experiences happen every day to ordinary people. Research suggests that you can improve your chances of having nonlocal intuitive experiences by honing practices associated with mindfulness and meditation. (McCraty, 2004) Science is finally proving what the ancients taught over a thousand years ago by documenting clairvoyance as described in the Yoga Sutras.
The third book of the Yoga Sutras described siddhis, or supernormal powers, that can be attained through meditation. These powers, such as clairvoyance, are actually normal powers of every human, and can be honed through various mind-body practices.
Most people who have nonlocal intuitive experiences write them off as coincidences, when in fact, those experiences involve simply tapping into an energetic field of information that is available to us all. This energetic field of information that permeates the entire universe is called the unified field, and scientists are struggling to come up with a mathematical model to prove its existence.
The method for tapping into this energetic field of information varies from individual to individual. Some people, such as legitimate psychics, are naturally good at it. Other people have to work at honing this skill, but everyone is capable of it. I don’t consider myself a psychic, but I’ve had multiple experiences like this.
If you want to sharpen your skill of tapping in, I suggest the following:
(1)  First, truly believe this is possible. Belief produces resonance, which facilitates an alignment of energies for an optimal exchange of information to take place.
(2)  Know that you are an energetic being in a universe that is made up of energy, and that all energy contains information.
(3)  Eat healthy and exercise regularly as these practices support the energies of your physical body. Food is energy, and the study of epigenetics shows that the phytonutrients in food literally turn your genes on and off to create wellness or disease.
(4)  Regularly do some type of mind-body practice, such as mindfulness and meditation, as this helps you to focus your energies for tapping in. When you practice mindfulness and meditation, you are creating coherence in your body’s systems and training your consciousness, which is energy, to align. Coherence is like when members of an orchestra play in tune and at the same tempo.
(5)  Set the intention for your Higher Mind, also know as your Higher Self, to align with the layers of consciousness contained in your physical body. The study I cited showed that it is the consciousness of your heart that initially receives the nonlocal intuitive information, even before the consciousness of your brain.
(6)  Get really good at triggering your relaxation response, which is the opposite of your stress response. Triggering your relaxation response with any mind-body practice causes your autonomic nervous system, your autopilot, to go into a state of balance. You can trigger your relaxation response by simply belly breathing instead of chest breathing.
(7)  Set an intention to receive nonlocal intuitive information when you do these practices.
(8)  And finally, practice, practice, practice:)
Belief, intention, and trust are keys to being successful at this. You can do it!
Mccraty R, Atkinson M, Bradley RT. Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 2. A system-wide process?. J Altern Complement Med. 2004;10(2):325-36.
Dr. Keith Holden is a physician who is board certified in Internal Medicine and trained in Functional Medicine. He has a special interest in parapsychology, mind-body medicine, and spirituality in medicine. His popular course on“Power of the Mind in Health and Healing,” teaches how to use the power of your mind to heal your body and maximize your intuition.
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Source: The Mind Unleashed