Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Age Regression & Time Travel in Secret Space Programs

NEW BOOK: Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances by Dr. Michael Salla 

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By Dr. Michael Salla)

In yesterday’s episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Corey Goode described the age regression and time travel technologies used for his “20 [years]and back” tour of duty in several secret space programs. He comprehensively detailed the process used as a standard operating procedure for the many thousands recruited into these programs, and then returned back to ‘normal’ civilian or military life at the time of their initial recruitment, with their memories wiped.
This is not the first time Goode has discussed the physical age regression and time travel used in the secret space programs. In my email interview with him published on April 14, 2015, he first publicly described at length the standard operating procedure used for the “20 and back” tours of duty.”
His account was compared with another alleged secret space program whistleblower, Randy Cramer, who explained an almost identical age regression and time travel process to Goode’s. Cramer, like Goode, claims the processing happened to him in 2007 at a secret base on the Moon, called Lunar Operations Command.

Age Regression & Time Travel in Secret Space Programs
In the highly popular Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances, Goode’s and Cramer’s testimonies are compared with another whistleblower, Michael Relfe, who was the first to claim having an experience of a “20 and back” tour of duty with a secret space program. Relfe described serving from 1976 to 1996, before being age regressed and time traveled back. His testimony first publicly appeared in 2000 in the two volume book, The Mars Records.
Goode’s account of the age regression and time travel process for the “20 and back” program in the March 22 episode of Cosmic Disclosure offers additional information to what has been previously described by him and other whistleblowers. His most recent testimony is therefore very helpful in better understanding what appears to be the standard operating procedure used in secret space programs.
Goode described the process at the end of a 20 year service term, they were first debriefed, made to sign non-disclosure agreements, and given assurances that they would be looked after once they returned. They were also promised many benefits such as scholarships, financial reimbursements, etc. Goode said that none of these promises made to him were kept. This is identical to the claims made by Relfe and Cramer regarding what they were promised before undergoing the age regression process.
Goode described how he was physically immobilized for two weeks, while a variety of pharmaceutical products were used on him. The Cosmic Disclosure episode provided an artistic depiction of how he looked while he was in this immobilized state. At the end of the two weeks, Goode described waking up feeling groggy, but now being 20 years younger.
Significantly, when he awoke, his physical environment was completely different since he had been time traveled back 20 years, to when he first began his secret space program service. He describes then being again debriefed, having his memories wiped for the first time, and finally he had screen memories put in place. Goode was then transported back to only a few minutes after he was first taken in 1986, just before his 17th birthday.
Goode said that people recruited to the “20 and back” tours of duty were either civilians as in his case, or serving members of the U.S. military, who have been covertly recruited during their normal military service. This is consistent with Relfe’s claim that in 1976 he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, and was then covertly recruited into a secret space program.
Upon his return, after serving out his “20 and back” tour of duty, Relfe says that he next completed his six year service in the Navy, and was honorably discharged in 1982. Relfe has documentation to confirm his military service, but has not yet released this into the public arena…
Continue Reading → Dr. Michael E. Salla is an internationally recognized scholar in international politics, conflict resolution and US foreign policy, and is the author/editor of an additional four books including The Hero’s Journey Toward a Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace (Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim Nations and the West (1993).
Source: Exopolitics