Wednesday, November 19, 2014


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A very diverse show, indeed!  Expect wonder, healing, tears, frustration, discernment and triumph. Shall we begin?
The Invocation - Shape-shifting - MerMaids and MerMen? - Achieving your Heart's Desire - Our current level of consciousness/frequency? - We and Prime Creator ask: "No RV?!" -  Our government now under new management.When announced and by whom? - We create new reality now - Prime Creator set movement for RV; Lightworker collective in one accord brings fruition. 
Your Higher Purpose AFTER RV? - Rod's Multiple Myeloma symptoms... GONE! - Free energy devices. Where??  - Released from prison! - Is she trying TOO hard? -  "Thanksgiving 2013 will be your best Thanksgiving ever." What happened?? - Zorra confirms Prosperity Packages follow RV - He suggests a different approach - She gets 98% positive response - Prime Creator's Agreement with Cabal had a fixed period of time THAT HAS NOW EXPIRED. They broke agreement by not quitting. Prime Creator now considering ending Free Will. And yes, we knew Duality was coming to a close, NEVER to exist again. - Today some are exchanging large sums, BUT... their accounts will be frozen! 
Our challenge? BE the Gods/Goddesses we came here to BE!  FEEL the fulfillment of your Desire! - Follow our EXPRESS-YOUR-LOVE campaign using Zorra's LOVE-HEALING-PULSE and QUIET MEADOW VISUALIZATION posted on the Home page of 
As Vivian reminded us, "You volunteered!" - Let's make USE of this last opportunity to BE the Gods and Godesses we came here to BE!