Sunday, January 5, 2014


  • Sunday, January 5, 2014

  • 10:00pm in UTC


  • We are pleased to announce every sunday We will be hosting a 

    Violet Flame event for all GLOBAL HEALING - 

    With Faith Beliew & Bucket Buket Nida AbaciogluBibi Katika Upendo,

    Nilz-Nilam Chohan

    Come and join us globally!! 

    Please feel Free to use whichever Violet Flame Meditation that

     resonates with you. There are plans to make one 

    specifically for this event.

    The Goal is to come together in Spirit with our Hearts and Minds

     and do the Violet Flame of Transmutation 

    together.....from wherever You are on this Planet.

    Below is the count down time to event - just deduct the hours 

    left from your time:

    How the Violet Flame Works

    The electromagnetic spectrum is composed of varying

     frequencies or wavelengths that include radio waves,

     infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays, cosmic 

    rays, as studied in the Rosicrucian cosmic keyboard. 

    The visible sunlight is but a tiny portion of this electromagnetic 

    spectrum. Of this visible light the violet is the 

    highest frequency of shortest wavelength and is at the limit or 

    point of transition to the other “invisible” spectrum of

     spiritual inner divine light and as such it transcends to a 

    spiritual, rather than physical phenomenon. In Rosicrucian 

    teachings the manifestation of this violet light in the aura is

     regarded as a result of high advancement of the student 

    on The Path(1) As the physical sunlight, this divine light is also 

    decomposed or refracts into seven rays, each with 

    its own specific qualities and served by an Ascended Master.

     This divine light, decomposed in the seven rays, is 

    described by esoteric researcher Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

    The Violet Flame when invoked is able to flush out the physical

     body and aura of toxins and chemicals, physical 

    viruses, drugs and pollution. Emotional problems and distressing

     experiences of early childhood or of past lifetimes, 

    scars of old hurts, fear and anxiety, karma, hatred and other 

    negative emotions can be transmuted using properly this 

    technique. This flame works by increasing the vibratory rate at 

    which the electrons move in the atom. As stated in 

    the Rosicrucian teachings all is vibration or frequency and every

     person (or living being) can be defined by a number

     which represents its rate of vibration. By changing the vibration

     of the physical or emotional bodies the other bodies

     by sympathetic actions follow suit. And so the vibrations of the 

    individual as a whole are “raised” or transmuted to 

    a higher state. This technique guards a close similarity to 

    Rosicrucian visualizations to heal others or the planet 

    practiced regularly in lodges and chapters and as such can be 

    rated as a variation of these practices with a different 

    focus or form but with same final aim.

    Atoms have mostly “empty” or “hollow” space between the

     electrons and the nucleus. This space is filled with the 

    pulsating energy of the Holy Spirit that is being constantly 

    qualified and stamped with the impressions of our hearts 

    and minds thus creating a densification of this energy. The lower

     negative emotions and thinking create a substance

     of lower vibratory rate between nucleus and electrons that 

    slows down the free movement of the electrons. Hatred 

    and other negative thoughts and feelings actually create acids 

    (excess amount of phosphoric acid, uric acid and 

    carbonic acid gases) that the body cannot assimilate. Hence the

     density of disease persists within the atomic orbit.

     Humankind has been doing this for hundred of thousands of 

    years. With the practice of visualization on the Violet

     Flame, by energy transmutation, the vibrations of the hallow 

    space increase so that the electrons can move faster.

     This increase of speed at the atomic level is in direct proportion

     to the increase of the interchange of the energy 

    between the Source to the individual and back to the Source, 

    “giving” and the “taking”

    During the meditation and visualization the flame of the

     almighty Mother/Father God I AM Presence wraps each 

    atom individually. Instantaneously, a polarity is set up between

     the white fire core of the atom —which, being matter,

     assumes the negative pole— and the white fire core of the

     flame —which, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole. 

    The dual action of the sacred fire in the center of the atom and

     in the violet flame without establishes a force field that

     causes the untransmuted densities to be dislodged from between

     the electrons. As this substance is loosed, the 

    electrons begin to spin more rapidly in their orbits and by 

    centrifugal force the dross substance is thrown into the 

    violet flame. On contact with this fiery essence, the disqualified

     energy is transmuted into its native purity, its 

    archetypal blueprint.

    The Violet Flame meditation was known to the Egyptian 

    mystery schools and to the Neo-Platonist predecessors of 

    medieval alchemy. According to Neo-Platonist, “the 

    Philosopher’s Stone was a self-transforming fire that would lead 

    their souls upward, by drawing up to the Spirit all qualities which

     dragged downward and opposed the spiritual 

    essence” (2). This was the pursue of the Alchemists of the 


    not just to transmute the base metals into gold, but

     to raise the soul to a pristine state of communion with the 

    Divinity, a state of Oneness and immortality, the gold of 

    the Christ Consciousness.

    Now we will have a healing meditation using the Violet Flame: