Monday, November 11, 2013

Universal Knowledge and a really Good Guide on your Path of the Spiritual Awakening

and this site where you may find even more free useful info, videos, audios and ebooks

"We have been sent as observers from several different free nations in this region of space, to observe the extraterrestrial Intervention that is occurring in the world today, to report on its activities and to reveal its hidden motives and agenda so that the human family might become aware and prepared for the reality of Contact. It is this reality of Contact that is essential for your understanding."
You may read this book in Pdf  on the link below

1. Steps to Knowledge ~~~ A Powerful Guide on Your Life Journey
2. The Great Waves of Change 
3. The Allies of Humanity, Book 1

The Allies of Humanity, Book 2

The Allies of Humanity, Book 3

4. LIFE in the UNIVERSE - you may receive a free ebook by typing your email :)
5.The Sacred Life

6.  Secrets of Heaven
                         Enter the mystery of your life

7. Greater Community Spirituality 
8. Relationships and Higher Purpose
9. Living The Way of Knowledge
10. Wisdom from The Greater Community
Part 1 
Part 2

The Messenger from God

About an author Marshall Vian Summers
Prophet of God, Marshall Vian Summers

11. PDF (Scanned Book) “MAHATMA I & II – THE I AM PRESENCE” by Brian Grattan, 1994. 
What all of mankind have learned in the past about creation is the way that existence isn’t – a paradox! “I, Vywamus, think that this (Mahatma) is the most important thing that’s happened on your earth and for humanity.” Awaken and realize that all of mankind will create their “body for Ascension,” whether they accomplish this now or later, and that this is not the exclusive domain of Christ or Buddha or many others who have ascended – this is your birthright. You are not relegated to worshipping those who have already done this basic initiation called Ascension. Christ and Buddha would be the first to acknowledge that they are just beginners on their eternal journey. When mankind lift the veils of their unworthiness and recognize that they are the Sons of God, that there is divine equality and no one is greater than another, then you will have begun your journey in the way that it was intended. In your near future your Planetary Hierarchy will release the world from theology, ecclesiasticism and the wrathful Jehovah and return humanity to its rightful journey into spiritualizing matter, not worshipping it! The Mahatma is for those who are motivated to search for the answers that can respond to their mental and spiritual bodies. In the past, mankind’s choices of beliefs and religions have supported only the emotional body and the darker, material side of life. And truly, if one is going to remain on Earth, very drastic shifts of consciousness will be required to have mankind remain in Earth’s new fourth-dimensional reality. No matter how contrary to your current beliefs, this book contains methods for creating your spiritual Lightbody for Ascension, and it also explains your eternal journey in a way that was never before available to mankind. $19.95 . Can be free-download at:




EVENT On Earth
If you would like to have all of the information related to The Event at your fingertips during and after the time of The Event you may get a pdf book with all information related to the time before, during and after the Event 


or Read it here :

♥ We are a Whole One♥