Monday, May 27, 2013

Setting A New Vibrational High level today...


"You're just reacting, and as you are reacting, you're setting the vibrational tone for more. And then you react and set the vibrational tone for more.

So prepaving and getting out ahead of the vibration means, 'I care about how I feel so I'm going to get my momentum going.' And we would encourage you to start it when you go to bed the night before. When you go to bed tonight, say consciously to
yourself, 'I'm going to begin a new vibration for tomorrow.' And then do your best to bask as you go to sleep. And when you awaken acknowledge that you're going to begin anew vibrationally. 'This is a day that I'm going to...' It's sort of like saying to a troubling person, 'Hi, what's the good news?'

It doesn't take much of that before you begin to feel that invincibility, that synergy. You begin to feel that you are that spinning wheel and only things that are a vibrational match to the good-feeling, high-flying vibration that is you come in. And everything else just bounces right off." ~Abraham 

♥Whole One♥