Thursday, February 21, 2013

your way it is just your way...

when its time for the way to be are looking around..but the roads dont attract you,as all them are already passed by you..

when you address to people and you see they are helpless to help you on your way, for opening the new road which is not passed by you, when you stop not to stumble and coming to awareness of that is only your way and you are here to go by yourself...but its another way already, the way of co-creation with your spirit..and only you can build your future program and help yourself in it, you think about it and all rethink again, you know your strong and know what to do, without any hopefulness for just do what you have reducing the speed to climb height and advance onward and upward with a powerful push!....loneliness is a helper...Only yourself...not any others helpers ...