Thursday, February 21, 2013


The appointment of Orgonit.

Orgone is  creating  the   positively charged particles ions.Its  strong and produces energy of  protons,which we use in our space ships.But, of course) we have more advanced technology and energy pomoschnee.You can use Orgonit  to clean the Sky  from clouds, rain, for activations in your spiritual practices and work.Orgonit  neutralizes negative impact of electrical appliances in the room and  clean the  room where you will put it . If you put in  under your bed .. you can sleep peacefully ... since you will not be attacked and you no longer have nightmares.



accessories work

1) ladles to dissolve the wax pot on stove (best non-stick)
2) a container like mold, plastic, glass, aluminium (from puddings or pie charts) of the shape that you want. Even    cardboard but you can use it once.

the "consumables"

1) beeswax or natural carnauba, however, perhaps incense reduced in podwer  (or other resin) added to the wax melting phase. You may also use  an epoxy resin, it keeps very good all the materials together.

2) pieces of metal, to do a mix of metals (works only with aluminum but it would be better to include iron and copper at least). You can go from a firm that makes gutters for copper and making frames for aluminum, YOU clean machines and theY thanks ... also a blacksmith. But you can also use many things cooking (baking paper, aluminium, aluminium trays always metal sponges, tacks, drawing pins, Staples etc etc etc to find metals depend only on your imagination.

3) mineral or gemstone or Crystal (whatever you want)

4) you may add some gold or silver


Melt the wax in the saucepan and add us if you want natural resins recedes, bake a little powdered, coli mold leaving a few cm of space if it is less if big is small. We throw into the mix of metals up approximately in half and then we put the Crystal. Continue to throw metals up to cover the Crystal (or mineral) and fill the container, if necessary add a little wax at end if a little metal still comes out of wax.


Wait that cools and then extract the container (if you have anointed within it will be easier and orgonite longer brilliant). The flip out like you've done and ready. There you may support other mineral crystal above or for further energy. Also putting it in a pot with metal or bin it enhances greatly.


How to make an orgonit -- video