Thursday, February 21, 2013

Key management methods by Humanity

 For many people in Russia snd in the World are no longer a secret that all social processes are controlled in nature. War itself did not start, do not break state.

All the world is controlled by someone, just constantly inspire people - all by accident, ghostly, live one day, did not think about the past, did not notice the shortcomings of the present, much less think about the future. For you have already decided everything!

On the importance of management practices on the coolers of information (the famous "Who owns the information, owns the world") and material.

The main priorities, management techniques Humanity:

1. Basic knowledge of the laws of the universe, the universe, the nature of our world and man. This is the most important priority. Unaware of its laws, a person is very vulnerable and weak, they are easily manipulated. Although knowledge of the cosmos and the microcosm (the person) is important in the life of the individual and all humanity. The basic laws of the Universe three: Creation, Creation, Preservation and Destruction. Therefore, man is free to choose which way it goes: Creation and Preservation, by becoming God (remember our ancestors - the sons and grandsons of the gods), or by destroying ourselves and the world. This path is very easy, but it leads to destruction, suffering and death of the Spirit. According to these three basic laws, the Universe consists of three levels: the World Tree of our ancestors, all the white Aryan peoples. Navi is the world (Christians call it "hell," "Underworld," but it's not quite true), Reveal (our world) and right ("Bright World", the Christians' God's kingdom. ") The problem of man and humanity continue to grow, bringing the world Reveal, a sample of "Kitezh-town." But now, in the late 20th - early 21st centuries. The first time in human history the growth stopped, and, as everyone knows, "standing" in one place does not happen at once began a rapid destruction and degradation of humanity. Nature has responded to these processes a sharp increase in accidents, warning that this path leads only to destruction. It is worth adding that "the Co-News" is a universal mechanism of communication with the human world is governed. If a person has lost the human image and degraded to the level of intelligent animal, they say, "you have no conscience."

2. Historical precedence, Facts. With distortion of the past is destroyed the memory of peoples, destroyed the possibility of the individual and entire nations rely on the power source. With the help of a false history of man transformed into a creature with no memory of the homeland and, so very easy to manage. It is easy to incite to their own brothers in a common genus. So, are currently developing an artificial psevdonarod - "Ukrainians" to turn part of the Russian people in a single mutant, the enemy of Russian civilization. Even earlier, in the 10-13 centuries, the same method of part of the Russian world, slavyanorusskogo the union of tribes - the western clearings pomoryan and other Slavic tribes - have created a mutant Catholic Poland. The Vatican has made an enemy of the field in Russia, has been distorted language, history, introduced a foreign religion. And until now, the Poles, by blood and origin of superethnos Rusov, our enemies. With the help of a false history Russian constantly told that they people "fools, drunks and mediocrities." What they have always ruled the "murderous tyrant" and turned them into a nation of "slaves", that depriving them Russes of the Russian spirit, making a disabled people so that they could not at one stroke to sweep evil from the planet.

3. Management by religions and philosophies. Although God is One, and he did not want his children to any victim, nor rites, nor the special buildings for worship. God from man needs only his love and following the Way of the Rules. Almost all religions are created artificially to divert people from the Straight Path. With them it is easy to play off people and nations together, Christians have faced and confronted with the Muslims, pagans, Islam is crushed and forced to kill Sunnis, Shias, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Catholics are confronted and crushed with the Orthodox, Catholics, then Protestants. Religious, fanatical crowd beautiful object of control. What is the religious fanaticism? Open a history book: the Inquisition, the Crusades, witch hunts, slavery obedience, stop the development of science, zombies and so on. Various schools of philosophy also gone from a simple human truth: the link with the higher world is through his conscience. The vast majority of philosophical trends - it is just verbiage.

4. Distortion of Language, science, and art. Simplifying the language, distorting it, manipulators reduce the overall level of human thinking, as many people. That is why English is introduced as a world language of communication. He has completely lost touch with the people, a purely synthetic language. A mixture of Anglo-Saxon, Latin (the language too synthetic), the French, the artificial mutant. It destroys the creative thinking of man, especially harmful to young children. Takes root mat, he takes human energy to the lower energy centers (chakras), its chronic use leads to complete degradation of the human psyche. Our ancestors used it only in death-battle, when there was almost no chance to survive, mate woke tribal force. Classical science limited dogmas and tenets, development, able to Humankind to a new stage of development, to solve the bulk of global problems: food, energy, environment, etc., put "under the carpet." Art debilizirovano, priority is given to primitivism, people deliberately "omitted" to the level of intelligent animal.

5. Management by supranational institutions. Created all sorts of masonic lodges, secret orders (such as "Skull and Bones"), clubs, multinational companies and banks. The Trilateral Commission, Committee 300, Bilderberg, Davos and weight of similar organizations, where behind the scenes, determined the basic outlines of the future of humanity.

6. Government agencies. Most states today have become a fiction, the political elites are not "autocratic", they perform mostly unstructured way will "behind the scenes." Those states are trying to conduct nationally oriented policy "punished", as Libya now. Almost all public officials have "leverage": children who have overseas accounts, any sins. Honest just killed, but usually they do not rise, their "weed out" the initial stages. Parties, including the "opposition" are artificially created and perform a role. They dismember the nation to the Communists, liberals, patriots, monarchists and right-wing nationalists, etc.

7. The system of education and training. This system is aimed at raising idiots, "Plankton", all interests - football, women (men), beer, summer vacation. All the best moments that were in the Soviet system, almost destroyed, children make fools deliberately cultivated sexual promiscuity, are false values - the cult of the golden calf. Are introduced artificially created flow-type youth punks, Goths, skinheads, this creative energy of youth, "Channeling".

8. Media. The constant lies, concealment of truth, distortion of facts, a lot of non-relevant information. The imposition of cultural destruction through the images of heroes movie, show: the promotion of smoking, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, swearing, rudeness. Instead of continuing work to improve the individual and society are busy these few, the society is decomposed.

9. Economy and finance. Created a cult of the "golden calf" of people turned into consumers' economic men. " Sold everything: people, secret, life, relationships and loyalty. With the dollar and the euro partly Controllers have created a virtual machine when the paper sold for real resources. With the help of credit into the financial dependence were entire states and hundreds of millions of people, they are slaves to masters of the American Federal Reserve and several other multinational banks.

10. Deliberate destruction of the normal system of interaction of man and nature. People created consumer attitude to Nature, created barbaric plunder of natural resources economics. Man deliberately separated from nature, creating a giant metropolis, where it is impossible a normal, healthy life. Person deprived of the powerful protectors: Sun, Water, Earth, Air, and all of Mother Nature as a whole.

11. Degradation of leisure. The man is practically deprived of a normal pastime, even under Stalin, was given the task to a person working 4-5 hours a day, and the rest of the time devoted to physical training, self-education, proper rest - in nature, without drugs. And now the average person works 8 o'clock, an hour or two on the road, sleep 8 hours and hours "zomboyaschika." At the weekend - the further destruction, alcohol, night parties, television, doing nothing.

12. Degradation of health and medicine. The total use of drugs led to the development of mass forms of disease mutation and degradation of the human immune system. The health system treats the consequences, and is not engaged in prevention, instead of the widespread introduction of systems of healthy lifestyles (such as "Kids" Ivanova, "Common Slavic"). Mass abortions, vaccinations, replanting of people on drugs - all this leads to the degradation of humanity.

13. Weapon of genocide. People kill and suppress their consciousness with alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, junk food, GMO.

14. Material weapons. People are being killed and intimidated by the threat of death - terrorism, war, revolution, crime of murder. All of this causes fear and terror among people, reduces the ability to think clearly, which makes people controllable.

Covetuem read:

Bogolyubov, Secret Societies of the XX century.
Kara-Murza B. Manipulation of consciousness.
The concept of Public Safety.
Petukhov, Yu D. The history of Rus.
Sorochenko B. Encyclopedia of methods of propaganda.