Sunday, May 10, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020

Corey Goode & James Gilliland QnA - Accelerating Ascension Wk 4

Red Pill Posters
Opening Meditation (First 10 Min) Ending Meditation (Last 10 min). Much more content at Corey & Stacy Goode with James Gilliland! Bonus content for the Accelerating Ascension Online Course.

The Harvesting of Souls and True Ascension

The Harvesting of Souls and True Ascension - YouTube

Paris brings together ancient mysticism and modern holidays, focusing on Easter and Passover, to illustrate how souls are released and/or harvested. For Tosen's books visit, Handmade copper and crystal devices, Subscribe to (probably) the most wonderful channel around, and if it's not the most wonderful it's pretty close to wonderful, at least it has a lot of wonder and a bit of joy, but not too much because this knowledge is pretty heavy, and he's not my brother.

Документальный фильм «Из тени» демонстрирует то, как основные СМИ и Голливуд манипулируют массами и контролируют их, распространяя пропаганду по всему своему содержимому.

«Почему вы верите в то, во что вы верите? В течение своей жизни вы доверяли информации, которую кто-то вам давал. Если бы вас обманывали СМИ, смогли бы вы отличить ложь от правды?» Авторы фильма, профессиональные каскадёры с огромным опытом, Майк Смит и Брэд Мартин, рассказывают о коррупции Голливуда, которую они смогли заметить изнутри, и которая побудила их начать тщательное расследование. В подтверждение их рассказа приводятся многочисленные документы и видеозаписи. Кроме того, многие подсказки о том, на что стоит обратить внимание, даются Кевином Шиппом, бывшим разведчиком, осведомителем из ЦРУ. Журналистка Лиз Крокин рассказывает про Пиццагейт – использование Хиллари Клинтон и Джоном Подестой кодовых слов педофилов в переписке. Именно тех слов, которые уже позволили раскрыть и арестовать многих других педофилов. Накопилось много свидетельств, что очень многие успешные и влиятельные люди входят в организацию, которые занимаются не только педофилией, но также работорговлей, каннибализмом, жертвоприношениями и другими зловещими вещами. И всё чаще сами показывают это, пытаясь обратить это в шутку. Описание авторов фильма: Документальный фильм «Из тени» демонстрирует то, как основные СМИ и Голливуд манипулируют массами и контролируют их, распространяя пропаганду по всему своему содержимому. Наша цель — разбудить широкую общественность, проливая свет на то, как нас всех обманывал и промывал мозги скрытый враг со зловещей целью. Этот проект является результатом двух лет крови, пота и слёз команды опытных специалистов. Он был создан и профинансирован независимо, и доступен на многих различных платформах бесплатно для всех желающих. Патриоты сняли этот документальный фильм с единственной целью – выпустить правду. Если вам понравился этот фильм, пожалуйста, поделитесь им. Оригинал (на английском языке) Приветствую вас на моем канале. Здесь я выкладываю видео из свободных источников, а также свои оригинальные материалы. Я хочу поделиться с вами важной информацией о нашем мире. Словами и творениями, несущими в себе истину. Да пребудет с вами сила вдохновения и просветления.

The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.

Friday, May 1, 2020

ALTERNATIVE NEWS Indigenous Elders Share Stories About “Star People” Living Inside The Earth


  • The Facts:
    Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw has been researching the Star People, and collecting encounters between them and Native Indians for many years. This article shares one of many.
  • Reflect On:
    Are we alone? If not, what are the implications when the public becomes fully aware of this? How will it change the way we look at reality? Science? Technology? History?
Belief in subterranean worlds has been handed down as myths or legends among generations of people from all over the world. For example, Socrates spoke of huge hollows within the Earth that were inhabited and vast caverns where rivers flowed. The Cherokee Indians tell that when they first came to the southeastern United States, they found many well-tended gardens but not the people who cared for them. Eventually, they discovered a group of people who lived underground and came out only at night to tend the gardens. They harvested the food and took it underground to their cities.These people were small, had blue skin and large black eyes. The sun rays were too harsh for them so they built their cities underground and only came out at night using the light of the moon. The Cherokee called them the “Moon People.”
The quote above comes from Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw and has been researching the Star People for many years, collecting encounters between them and Native Indians. I recently published two articles detailing indigenous stories of encounters with the “Star People.” One was regarding an indigenous elder who shared a story about the “Star People” that crashed on his reservation, which you can read here. The second article, published a few days ago, was about an elder who showed Dr. Clarke a petrified alien heart, which he claimed belonged to the Star People, and you can read that here.
These people were also mentioned in a 1797 book by Benjamin Smith Barton, who explains that they are called “moon-eyed” because they saw poorly during the day. Later variants add additional details, claiming the people had white skin and that they created the area’s pre-Columbian ruins. Barton cited his source as a conversation with Colonel Leonard Marbury.
In her book, Clarke recounts a story told to her by an 84 year-old elder, who she called “Uncle Beau.” According to him, “The old ones tell stories about people from the stars who lived underground near Tanana. There are many stories the old ones told about the Star People who live among them and went underground near Tanana. The Inupiat believe they came to Earth on a spaceship.”
Clarke then asked him if he’d ever seen a spaceship, to which he replied:
Plenty of times. I was born here in Athabaskan territory. I was here before Alaska became a state and my people lived here for thousands of years before any white man ever came here. There were spacecrafts visiting Alaska when it was called Alaxsxaq, and they will be visiting long after there is no more Alaska. I think they have always been here, just as the old ones said. The government knows about it, but there is little they can do. They were here long before there was a government. I think at this point, the military just tries to contain them and keep it quiet. They don’t want us to know about it.

Read a fUll Article here: