Monday, January 30, 2017

The Fake News Business Exposed: Reporters Tell the Truth Off Record

Reporters tell me the truth off the record: the fake news business

And it burns.

By Jon Rappoport
During my 34 years of working as a reporter, I’ve had many informal conversations with mainstream journalists. They were illuminating.
Here, from my notes (1982-2011), taken after the conversations, are what these guardians on the watchtower revealed:
ONE: “Investigative reporting has been dying. There’s no money for it. If I work on a piece for three months, while my paper is paying me, suppose at the end I come up dry? It happens. I can’t make my case. I’ve got nothing to show for it, and my paper is out whatever they’ve been paying me. They don’t like that. The other thing is, investigative work makes my bosses nervous. They don’t know where it’ll lead. Worst case, I might come up with something that’ll put the paper in a bad light. It’s like an intelligence agent in the field who wanders off the reservation. He’s got an assignment, but he sees something better, more important, and that’s where he goes. He ends up finding out something about his own agency. Something bad. I’ve seen that happen. A reporter finds out his own paper has been covering up a heavy scandal. It’s an intrinsic part of the story. What’s he going to do now? Go to his editor and tell him what’s going on? Chances are, his editor already knows. Now the reporter’s jammed up. He’s in a bad spot. A guy I know came to me with that exact problem. You know what I told him? Burn your notes. That’s what I said.”
TWO: “Most reporters who cover major issues are de facto intelligence assets. Some know it, most don’t. They’re all taking their information from controlled sources. It’s like somebody giving you talking points as if they’re the honest truth. In these talking points, you’re told who the players are in a story and what they’re doing. But they aren’t the important players, and what they’re doing is just a cover for what’s really going on. It’s all about misdirection. I’ve managed to get a few stories published about illusion vs. reality. But the thing is, no one follows up on that. It’s in print, and then it dies. One night, I had a little heart to heart with my editor. I told him it would be a lot easier if I just had a desk at the CIA in Langley. He agreed. He said we could move the whole paper there. But then the spooks would realize they didn’t need us at all. They could put out the paper themselves.”
THREE: “We’re in a business. We’re selling a product. That’s our role. If our bosses don’t like what we’re submitting to them, they let us know we’re giving them the wrong product. Our company makes product A and we’re giving them product B. Most reporters wouldn’t even understand what I’m saying, because they’re mentally in the camp of product A. That’s where they live. So as far as they’re concerned, they have lots of leeway. I don’t like talking to those guys. They’re dumb.”
FOUR: “I can write an article that’s critical of what a drug company is specifically doing, but I can’t criticize the company. If I did, my editor would read me the riot act. He knows if he published that article, his boss would get a visit from the company. They would threaten to pull their advertising. Everybody would be in serious trouble. There is a fine line. Sometimes, the evidence against a drug company is huge, and we can get away with a critical article. But most of the time, it’s a no-go area. I could lose my job. If I did, I would have a hell of a time trying to find another position on the same level. I might be subject to an industry-wide demotion.”
FIVE: “I thought I could quit working for my paper and get hired by somebody else, who would give me more freedom to write the stories I wanted to. I made a few quiet inquiries. Turned out I was wrong. They’re all pretty much the same. I could get hired by some small paper and write whatever I wanted to, but I would make very little money. I’d be screwed. They don’t cover this in journalism school.”
SIX: “Sometimes an order comes down. By the time I get it, it isn’t sounding exactly like an order. It’s more like ‘this is what we’re doing’. We need to go after a politician and bury him. That kind of thing. Nobody is complicit. You can’t find somebody and blame him for issuing the order. It’s vague enough that everyone escapes blame. And you don’t want to talk to your colleagues too much about it. You don’t want to be seen as making waves. It’s sort of like a game plan in football. You’re going to execute the plan. You’re not going to start talking about what a lousy plan it is.”
SEVEN: “I’m a guy who’s expected to put out baloney for our audience. I can slice it a few different ways, but it’s the same basic thing. After a few years, I can do it in my sleep. I know the routine.”
EIGHT: “You talk about who’s really running things behind the scene. I know something about that. But I can’t write it in a story. That would be called original research. I’m not allowed to do that. I can only quote authorities on two sides of an issue. And the guy I quote first—he carries the point of view of the story. The other guy is the doubter. I place him in the weaker position. I get to choose, but I already know what’s needed and required.”
NINE: “Reporters in my business have two choices. They can lower their IQs and become cynics, or they can maintain their intelligence and get booted out. That’s what it comes down to. Anybody with an IQ over 90 can see we have agendas. The whole business is agenda-driven. The main job of a reporter who wants to keep working is developing a cover—pretending he’s speaking the truth. This is a cover for his real identity. A guy who pleases his bosses. Several of us had the whole Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky story before it was published. We wanted to go with it, but we were told to sit on it. So it was our job to agree with that assessment. We had to pretend we didn’t have enough proof yet. We had the proof, but we had to make it seem like we were responsible journalists and needed more. That was a bunch of crap. The agenda was to protect ourselves from the wrath of the White House. That’s what the editors and the publishers were talking about among themselves. Sure—protect the president. But the real thing was the fear that he and his people would strike back at us and do us damage.”
TEN: “My decision to get out of the news business was pretty easy. I wanted to write a story about the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations on government policy, since World War Two. The way I was told to forget about it was like a cop talking to a drug dealer. All of a sudden, I was the bad guy. I really got into it with my editor. I saw what a phony he was. The thing is, I knew he had a cozy thing going with the CIA. Several people knew it. In my years in the business, I got a first-hand education in what selling out means. I came pretty close to the edge. There’s a weird adrenaline kick to it. You see your whole future laid out in front of you. It’s very rewarding, in terms of money and status. If you just play ball, it’ll be a smooth ride.”
ELEVEN: “What the teachers told me in journalism school was a load. All I needed was one honest talk with a professor, and I never would have bothered with the whole thing. I was naïve. During my career, there were days I thought we were really on the right track. Somebody wrote a great piece, and it was published. But then we fell back. We put out provable lies. And they were big ones. It was like being psychologically whipsawed. A few great days, and a lot of bad ones. The worst thing for me was government sources. I was like a horse with a feed bag on, and they were filling it up with rotten food. They knew it, I knew it, and we just kept doing it.”
TWELVE: “I saw what I called ‘the inch-below’ thing. An inch below what we were reporting was the real story. It was about power players and what they were doing to make profit for major corporations. It kept coming up. Crimes. People should have been arrested. I could have written great stories. But nobody wanted them. I would have proved intent. I’m talking about wars. Not little stuff. Whole wars, and the money. The profits. In court, a lawyer could have taken what I had and made a great circumstantial case. The jury would have been convinced. When you can’t publish these stories, you sink into boredom after a while. Tremendous boredom. That’s why some reporters become drunks.”
To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrixclick here.
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
Source: Jon Rappoport

Friday, January 13, 2017

Meditation Literally Alters Your Brain Matter  
Scientists have begun to uncover the changes in neurobiology and brain structure underlying the cognitive improvements linked with meditation.

By Scott Kaufman, Carolyn Gregoire
The following is an excerpt from the new book Wired to Create by Scott Barry Kaufman & Carolyn Gregoire (Perigee, 2015):
Being mindful alters the very structure and function of the brain, supporting executive functions like attention and self-regulation, both of which are valuable assets to creativity–especially when it comes to motivating ourselves to sit down and focus on a challenging creative task for extended periods of time.
A significant body of research has found mindfulness training to improve key executive attention skills.[i] One of its most valuable benefits of mindfulness training is that it boosts cognitive control, the ability to focus on an important decision while avoiding distractions and impulses. A 2014 study published in Clinical Neurophysiology found that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy was effective in increasing cognitive control among adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), leading to reductions in impulsivity and inattention.[ii] Of course, we don’t want to throw out the baby without the bathwater: People with ADHD also tend to show an overactive imagination network.[iii] The key is helping them learn the crucial skills of flexible attention, so that they can pay attention to the outside world when they want or need to, while also helping them put their overactive imagination to good use.[iv]
Mindfulness training can lead to measurable improvements in the ability to focus and to regulate emotions and behavior even in those who do not suffer from attentional disorders. A 2013 study published in the journal Psychological Science showed that a brief mindfulness exercise before an exam helped students identify distracting thoughts, which lead to improvements in reading comprehension and working memory.[v] Overall, the exercise led to a sixteen-point average boost on the GRE exam, largely by reducing disruptive mind wandering.
Clearly, you don’t have to be an experienced meditator to benefit from mindfulness. As little as a single, short meditation session can have a positive impact on mental functioning.
More extensive research conducted on novice meditators who completed an eight-week MBSR course and on experienced meditators who underwent a month-long meditation retreat showed significant improvements in three aspects of attention: alerting (the maintenance of an alert state of mind), orienting (directing and limiting one’s attention to a targeted set of stimuli) and conflict monitoring (the ability to prioritize competing responses).[vi]
So what’s going on neurologically when we’re sitting silently and focusing on the breath or a mantra? Scientists have begun to uncover the changes in neurobiology and brain structure underlying the cognitive improvements linked with meditation. A 2011 Harvard study identified some of the main neural correlates of the positive changes brought about by mindfulness training programs. The study found that just eight weeks of MBSR led to increased grey matter density in areas of the brain associated with executive function—specifically, attention, and emotion regulation.
First, the researchers saw that grey matter density increased in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a brain region located in the frontal lobe that’s associated with self-regulation, thinking, emotion, rational deliberation, and problem solving. (Interestingly, high levels of media multitasking have been linked with reduced density in the ACC.[vii]) The research team also saw increases in grey matter in the hippocampus, a small region within the limbic system that governs memory, learning, and emotion (and plays a crucial role in the imagination network). Increased activity in the ACC and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex—which is involved in processing risk and fear as well as inhibiting emotional responses—have been implicated in the reduction of anxiety, a well-known creativity blocker.[viii] Greater activation in both of these brain areas has been shown to lead to substantial feelings of anxiety relief after a twenty-minute meditation.
In another study, the same group of Harvard researchers later found that eight weeks of MBSR also led to measurable changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress. A 2014 review of twenty-one neuroimaging studies that examined the brains of over three hundred meditators reinforced these findings, identifying eight key parts of the brain (including the ACC and the hippocampus) that were consistently affected by mindfulness training. The studies reviewed showed that meditation training consistently altered key brain areas, including the frontopolar cortex (involved in meta-awareness), the sensory cortices and insula, the hippocampus (involved in memory formation and consolidation, and learning), and the anterior and mid-cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex (involved in self and emotion regulation).
In these brain regions, the researchers observed increased white and grey matter volume,[ix] an indication that the region may have more power to impact overall brain function.[x] Although we’re beginning to get a better picture of the neurobiological bases of meditation’s many positive psychological and cognitive effects, this research is in early stages. What this emerging research does suggest, however, is that meditation produces measurable changes in brain structure, effectively rebuilding the brain matter in regions important for cognition and behavior.
[i] Heeren, A., Van Broeck, N., & Philippot, P. (2009). The effects of mindfulness on executive processes and autobiographical memory specificity. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, 403–409.
[ii] Schoenberg, P. L. A., Hepark, S., Kan, C. C., Barendregt, H. P., Buitelaar, J. K., & Speckens, A. E. M. (2014). Effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on neurophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(7), 1407–1416.
[iii] Fassbender, C., Zhang, H., Buzy, W. M., Cortes, C. R., Mizuiri, D., Beckett, L., & Schweitzer, J. B. (2009). A lack of default network suppression is linked to increased distractibility in ADHD. Brain Research, 1273, 114–128.
[iv] Kaufman, S. B. (2014, October 21). The creative gifts of ADHD. [Blog post.] Scientific American. Kaufman, S. B. (2014, November 11). Resources to help your child with ADHD flourish. [Blog post.] Scientific American.
[v] Brief mindfulness training may boost test scores, working memory. (2013, March 26). Associatin for Psychological Science.
[vi] Jha, A. P., Krompinger, J., & Baime, M. J. (2007). Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attrition. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 7(2), 109–119.
[vii] Loh, K. K., & Kanai, R. (2014). Higher media multi-tasking activity is associated with smaller gray-matter density in the anterior cingulate cortex. PLoS ONE, 9(9).
[viii] Zeidan, F., Martucci, K. T., Kraft, R. A., McHaffie, J. G., & Coghill, R. C. (2014). Neural correlates of mindfulness meditation-related anxiety relief. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(6), 751-759.
[ix] Fox, K. C. R., Nijeboer, S., Dixon, M. L., Floman, J. L., Ellamil, M., Rumak, S. P., . . . Christoff, Ket al. (2014). Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 43, 48–73. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2014.03.016
[x] DeYoung, C., personal communication, January 29, 2015.
Source: AlterNet

Antarctica Disclosure Continues – Antarctica Was A Tropical Paradise

H.P. Lovecraft Secret Knowledge, Insider Discloses High Level Masonic Friends Secrets

By Enerchi
AscensionWithEarth blog recently found some interesting  disclosures about Antarctica and thought it would be appropriate to share.  Some of the information presented are science articles that were publish a few years ago in which scientists confirm that Antarctica was actually a tropical paradise before it was flash frozen, next I share a find about the strange foreknowledge by a beloved sci-fi author that writes about an ancient civilization discovered beneath the ice in Antarctica dating back to the early 1930s, and finally another interesting piece is about a supposed ‘insider’ that started posting some Antarctica secrets that was told to him by a high ranking Freemason.

Science Journals and News Articles – Antarctica Had Mountains, Rivers, and Tropical Environments

Chinese radar survey shows continent (Antarctica) peppered with rivers, mountains (June 2009)
Here is the research paper link about the Chinese radar survey of Antarctica (June 2009): 
Palm trees in Antarctica? Scientists reveal continent’s lush, green past (August 2012)–warn-return.html

H.P Lovecraft & His Secret Knowledge about Antarctica

H.P. Lovecraft’s novel about an ancient civilization discovered in Antarctica is called At the Mountains of Madness and was written in 1931 and published in 1936.  There are rumors that Lovecraft may have had secret knowledge of an ancient civilization located in Antarctica and decided to write about the discoveries in guise of a Sci-Fi horror story.   Lovecraft was said to have a big fascination of Antarctica ever since he was a young child and even followed the adventures of Admiral Byrd who is also known for his famous expeditions to Antarctica. Admiral Byrd’s most famous trip to Antarctica is known as Operation High Jump.
“In 1947 Admiral Richard E. Byrd commanded 4000 troops and a fleet of war ships and airplanes on the legendary “Operation Highjump” expedition to the South Pole. What was supposed to be an eight month mission was cut short after only eight weeks. Stories of underground Nazi bases, Alien UFOs and an occult race to find a secret passage to a hidden Atlantis realm beneath the ice are all explored in detail in this fascinating fact-filled program. The final conclusions are both shocking and amazing.”

H.P Lovecraft
Is it mere coincidence that Lovecraft writes about an ancient civilization discovered in Antarctica, and then a decade later Admiral Byrd leads a military campaign and discovers a secret Nazi base who is in an alliance with extraterrestrials?  Now over 60 years later we have Corey Goode and David Wilcock leaking info about the coming disclosure of ancient life in Antarctica, as stated in their ground breaking intel report titled “Endgame Part II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins”.  Read or listen to Corey Goode’s intel report of Atlantis and the coming disclosure of ancient civilizations and E.T.s at this link here.
You can also read H.P. Lovecraft’s novel about an ancient civilization discovered in Antarctica at this link here or download below from the links provided. This book is listed as open source, so sharing is permitted.


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Here is a short synopsis of H.P. Lovecraft’s book:

At the Mountains of Madness is a novella by horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. The story is told in first-person perspective by the geologist William Dyer, a professor at Miskatonic University. He writes to disclose hitherto unknown and closely kept secrets in the hope that he can deter a planned and much publicized scientific expedition to Antarctica. On a previous expedition there, scholars from Miskatonic University led by Dyer discovered fantastic and horrific ruins and a dangerous secret beyond a range of mountains higher than the Himalayas. A smaller advance group, led by Professor Lake, discovered and crossed the mountains and found the remains of fourteen ancient life forms, completely unknown to science and unidentifiable as either plants or animals. Six of the specimens are badly damaged and the others uncannily pristine. Their highly evolved features are problematic: their stratum location puts them at a point on the geologic time scale much too early for such features to have naturally evolved. (
Here is an audio book replay on YouTube or you can watch a short animated film by some Lovecraft fans at this link here.

4CHAN Bulletin Board – Insider Talks About Antarctica –  December 10, 2016

In related news their was a 4chan thread discussing all the recent Antarctica news coming out in December 2016.  It was started to by a poster who described the 4Chan thread as “a place where we discuss what our politicians have been doing behind our backs on this so-called barren wasteland of a continent the size of the continental United States since the 1940s”. Apparently an Anonymous poster started to spill some secrets he heard from his high ranking 31st degree masonic friend.  The archived discussion can be read at this link here or you can read a screenshot posting of the main discussion from the Anonymous poster in the image presented below or directly at this link here.
It should be noted that this 4Chan posting may be part of a disinformation campaign to create division in the alternative media about the secrets of Antarctica, or maybe it is a troll who just wants to create confusion, possibly a true story passed on by a friend of a 31st degree mason.  It is presented for your awareness, do what you will.

Click to Enlarge


This was a short compilation of some interesting links and observations just recently discovered about Antarctica.  The AscensionWithEarth blog will keep its eye on this topic as the disclosure continues to unfold in 2017.  Hope you enjoyed some of these data points and it helps you continue to uncover more strange relationships and information as we get closer to the Antarctica disclosure of the ancient civilization that is said to be coming to global public awareness very soon.
My best as always,

Source: Ascension with Earth

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This man is closer than ever to building the world’s first time machine

‘Time travel is possible’

By Hugh Langley
It was a personal tragedy that started the timeline. After Boyd Mallett died of a sudden heart attack in 1955, his 10 year old son, Ronald, made a promise: he would find a way to travel back in time to warn his father of what was going to happen. It was a mission inspired partly by a copy of H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, which Ron discovered a year after his father’s passing.
The story follows the narrator’s journey into the future, but one line in particular struck Ron: “Scientific people know very well that time is just a kind of space and we can move forward and backward in time just as we can in space.” He believed that he could build a fully working time machine to go back in time and so he dedicated his future to proving it.
“For me the sun rose and set on him,” says Mallett about his father, a television repairman who was just 33 when he died. Ron kept his research into time travel a secret for many years for fear he might damage his credibility. Sadly, that prevented him from reaching out to people who might have been able to help him.
Now aged 69, Ron Mallett, a physics professor at the University of Connecticut, is totally candid about his research, but he still hasn’t reunited with his father and most likely never will. But he has an equation that he believes holds the key to building the first time machine and he might be close to a breakthrough.

A theory of flying clocks

Like most time travel theorists – Kip Thorne and his wormholes being one of the best known – Mallett anchors his idea in Einstein’s theory of relativity. If you’re not already familiar with it, there are two parts you need to know about. The first is called special relativity, which says that the speed of light is constant for everybody. By the theory of special relativity, time will pass slower the faster a person moves. If you alone could travel fast enough to a distant star, you would age slower than everyone else on Earth, arriving back home in a younger state – essentially travelling through time.
“This form of time travel has been actually been achieved on a limited scale using fast-moving planes and hi-speed subatomic particles,” says Mallett, referring to an experiment carried out by the US Naval Observatory in 1971. Four clocks were flown twice around the world – eastward and then westward – at the speed of sound. When they were observed on return it was found the airborne clocks had lost a small amount of time compared to the ones that were kept on the ground. Were the clocks put in a rocket flying closer to the speed of light, the effects would be more dramatic.
The second part of Einstein’s theory is called general relativity – if you’ve ever used a GPS unit in your car then you’ve (possibly unknowingly) experienced its effects. General relativity says that gravity can slow down time – meaning a clock on a satellite runs faster than one on Earth – which is why the frequency standard on each satellite is offset to make it run slower before being launched into space (in fact, satellites have to account for both special and general relativity due to the speed they’re moving at, but the magnitudes aren’t equal and therefore don’t cancel each other out, hence the need for them to be altered before launch).
If you’ve seen the film Interstellar, you’ll recall how it portrayed the effects of gravitational time dilation on a dramatic scale as the characters’ ages fell out of sync with one another.

Einstein believed that light and matter could create gravity. Mallett’s breakthrough was a theory that claims if gravity can alter time and light, and light can create gravity, then light can also alter time. So he designed a machine that would use lasers to twist time and bend it back on itself to form a loop. By Einstein’s theories, time and space are linked – and so if you affect space you will eventually affect time.
“By using a circulating beam of laser light, I have been able to mathematically show that this can lead to a twisting of space and time,” says Ron. “By twisting time into a loop. It could be possible to travel back in time.”
It all comes down to this one equation
It all comes down to this one equation
Ron’s time machine would look like a circulating tunnel of light through which information could be sent into the past in the form of neutrons. The subatomic particles can only spin in two directions: up and down. “By assigning a 1 to the ‘spin up’ direction and a 0 to the ‘spin down’ direction then [a person]could send a binary code with a stream of neutron spins,” he tells us. “For example, neutrons with ‘spin up’, ‘spin down’, ‘spin down’ would represent a binary code100 which is the number 4.”
If Mallett’s theory was proven to be a success, it would be a bittersweet moment. He would have proven that his theory was correct but it would mean the timeline would begin at that moment. The machine could theoretically receive messages from the future, but only to as far back as the point it was switched on; Ron would not be able to travel back to 1955 and see his father.
“When the first time machine is turned on it will be possible for our descendants to contact us but we will not be able to contact our ancestors,” he says. Theoretically, this would explain why we haven’t experienced time travel (or its effects) yet, because the first human scale time machine hasn’t been created.
Sending humans through time would be another matter, but even the ability to channel information from the future would (beyond being a scientific breakthrough of unimaginable importance) have significant effects. “Imagine if we were able to send information back to the past to warn ourselves of natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes. We would then be able to save thousands of lives”. If Ron is correct, the machine could start receiving these messages the moment it is switched on – our future selves will already know the exact date and time the tunnel ‘came alive’.

Some say it’s not possible

So why the holdup? Mallett’s machine would require $250,000 in funding to be built, and that’s just for the scale model. “The experimental side of scientific research requires funding which can be very expensive,” he says. “For example, the Large Hadron Collider cost close to $10 billion.” But Ron is adamant that “time travel is possible if adequate funding is obtained.”
“The total estimated time for the first phase would be about five years. If the predicted gravitational frame dragging or space twisting by light is seen then we would go on to the second phase which would be to experimentally show that this twisting of space leads to a twisting of time which would lead to time travel. It is not possible at this point to estimate cost of the second stage.”
As you might expect, his theory has come under criticism from some members of the physics community. Professor Brian Greene at the University of Columbia, for example, tells us that he doesn’t believe Mallett’s theory would work in practice.
“There are technical reasons for this,” he says, “The time loops he hopes to make, starting in our ordinary region of the universe, seem incompatible with valid solutions of Einstein’s equations or would require spatial expanses far greater than the size of the observable universe.”
“Having said that, I can help but add that I hope he – or someone – succeeds. But that’s not going to happen anytime soon, if ever.”
Ron with his mother Dorothy, father Boyd and baby brother Jason at Bronx Park
Ron with his mother Dorothy, father Boyd and baby brother Jason at Bronx Park
Ron has managed to find solutions to some of his critics, including Ken Olum, Research Professor at the Institute of Cosmology at Tufts University. Ron does, however, agree that one of Olem’s criticisms might still stand: the time travel machine could only be built with more advanced technology. “I agree with this statement and the conclusions in the 2011 paper,” says Ron. “The main point is that even though the math and physics are correct, it may or may not be technologically possible to achieve the results I predicted.”
Regardless, Ron’s story has attracted a lot of attention both inside and outside the science community; Spike Lee has finished a script based on Mallett’s book ‘Time Traveler: A Scientist’s Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality.’ “Spike and his script co-writer Ian Harnarine are currently in negotiations regarding how to proceed,” says Ron.
And even if Ron doesn’t live to see his prediction realised, his research would have undoubtedly made his father proud. “Even after all these years I still think about him every day. He is the reason that I am what I am. That is, a theoretical physicist who would like to give to the world the possibility of determining our destiny through time travel.”
Time will tell. The history of scientific research has been filled with naysayers, which is why we won’t know if Ron is correct until his theory is put into practice. In 1902, influential physicist Simon Newcomb said “Flight by machines heavier than air is impractical, if not utterly impossible.” A year later, Orville and Wilbur Wright took to the skies.
Source: Tech Radar

Scalar energy – The next major healing discovery

By Jonathan Landsman

As of 2012, about 117 million Americans had one or more chronic health conditions, with the CDC estimating that 25 percent of them suffered from two or more. With chronic and degenerative diseases becoming almost endemic in the United States – and with the failure of Western medicine to effectively treat these conditions – it is certainly time to look at new and innovative systems of healing.

Discover the great effect that scalar energy has on the immune system and its ability to stimulate the self-healing response.  Based on quantum physics and scalar waves – discovered by physicist Nikola Tesla – this relatively unknown form of medicine is the future of healing.  On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Gerald Smith, an integrative physician, talk about the revolutionary science behind scalar energy. {Every doctor should NOT miss this program}
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Conventional medicine fails to fully recognize or address real threats to human health

According to Dr. Smith, Western medicine – with its conventional laboratory testing and arsenal of  pharmaceutical drugs – is ill-equipped to treat modern-day diseases because its practitioners don’t grasp the severity of the relentless threats bombarding our immune systems.
For example, extreme nutrient deficiency of the soils results in poor-quality food that is lacking in vitamins and essential minerals, while genetically modified foods and heavy metal toxicity can cause “leaky gut syndrome” – which gives rise to a laundry list of harmful conditions and diseases.

Of course, we cannot ignore the dangers of chemical-laced processed foods, chemtrails bombarding the environment with aluminum, barium, strontium and toxins pumped into the drinking water like chlorine and fluoride.  This is just a small sampling of the many poisons which tax the immune system and increase our risk of disease.

Naturally, we ought to avoid these toxins – as much as we can.  But, Dr. Smith adds that, we can use scalar energy to correct the energy field distortions around the cells of the body, allowing the cells and organs to work normally again. If you suffer with any chronic disease condition – the next NaturalNews Talk Hour will be of great interest to you.
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Non-invasive, drug-free scalar energy stimulates the immune system

Scalar waves, also called longitudinal waves and Tesla waves, can travel faster than the speed of light, with the ability to penetrate solid objects.  The CyberScan Biofeedback System uses a proprietary scalar wave energy technology to determine past and present health conditions, and can help the immune system combat stress arising from environmental toxins, heavy metals, infections and EMFs. Dr. Smith reports that the device can reduce depression and anxiety, improve sleep and mental clarity, enhance physical performance, slow aging, ease digestive disorders and promote detoxification.

The second period of treatment (the Theraphi system) focuses on regeneration, with the use of the scalar waves to correct abnormal energy fields around cells, thereby reprogramming them to work normally and restore optimal body function.

During a Theraphi session, a glass tube filled with inert gases allows the carrier wave to transmit 18 different healing frequencies, causing a plasma field to envelop the patient and affect every cell of the body. Dr. Smith maintains that these healing frequencies can bring together raw materials in the body for healing, while also destroying toxins, viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, vaccines and chemicals.

Join us for a revolutionary program that explores this non-invasive and innovative healing system of the future.  We’ll reveal many incredible stories of recovery and dive deep into the healing benefits of scalar energy.
This week’s guest: Dr. Gerald Smith, an integrative physician and expert on chronic pain solutions

Discover how to heal the body with scalar energy

Dr. Gerald Smith, a functional orthodontist, speaker and author, is one of the world’s foremost authorities on cranio-mandibular somatic disorders, with emphasis on resolving chronic pain and dental issues. The president and CEO of the International Center for Nutritional Research and a past president of The Holistic Dental Association, Dr. Smith has lectured at the National Academy of General Dentistry and at Walter Reed Hospital.

Dr. Smith is the author of two professional textbooks: Cranial-Dental-Sacral Complex and Dental Orthogonal Radiographic Analysis.  He also contributed to Reversing Cancer: A Survivor’s Guide for Understanding the Nature of CancerHeadaches Aren’t Forever, and Alternative Treatments for Conquering Chronic Pain.
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Source: Veterans Today