Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It?

(In5D) The ego is a third dimensional tool our human body uses for and identity and protection. As we move toward the fifth dimension, some say we need to get rid of it, some say we need to tame it, and some say we should love it. What actually is our ego and what should we do with it?

Why do we have an ego?

The ego’s job is to protect us and to keep us from knowing who we are in the veiled experience of third dimensional incarnation. It has been termed the “lower self” compared to aspects of our oversoul that exist in higher vibrational dimensions. As multidimensional selves, when we came into this body we knew that we would forget who we were as part of the experience of lower dimensional existence.
The ego is not who you really are. It is your self image and is not even the image that others may see.
It is a mask of approval, it wants to be in control, and it is driven by fear. It is partially responsible for not allowing you to love yourself 100% because it hides who you are.
Identifying why we have this lower self and the aspects of it is essential in the awakening process of ascension. Removing this veil sheds more light upon areas of ourselves that need healing. In order to get to the core of the self, we have to begin peeling the layers of the mask to reveal what lies beneath.

The Shadow Self

A shadow self is part of the “alter ego” and facing it is called going throughthe dark night of the soul. Part of the ego’s job is to allow other parts of your soul to come forward to be healed in this reality because we cannot take this part of with us into the higher dimensions due to the Law of Vibrational Attainment. The goal is to heal all of our lower energies and become whole again in a higher vibrational existence.
Facing our shadow self can be a frightening experience, and is probably the number one fear of an individual. When you are ready, the third eye mirror mediation is a good way to see the different multidimensional aspects of yourself. Just by acknowledging that they are a part of you but intending that they be healed and integrated into your heart space, light is shed on the shadows and a new way of being can finally be achieved.
Our subconscious mind is connected to Source. Our conscious mind (ego) sometimes feels the opposite. For example, if a person has a life threatening illness, the ego may be in fear of dying, whereas the subconscious mind or higher self knows that there is no real death of the energy that is your soul.

Awakening to Who We Really Are

As we planned, at a trigger point in our life we begin to awaken to the fact that we are multidimensional souls having a physical human experience. When we realize that there is a higher aspect of us that we are tethered to, the ego begins to fear that it will lose its identity. Part of the ascension up the spiritual ladder is to “lose” the ego and expand your consciousness to focus on a higher aspect of yourself.
Eventually as we strengthen this connection with our higher selves and our oversoul, we will not need the ego’s identity or the third dimensional experience anymore. However to completely lose it would defeat the purpose of living in physicality right now. Instead, we can work with the ego to help it lessen its hold on the veil that shelters the truth from us as we continue to move toward being able to handle the truth.

How to Work with the Ego

In order to “lose” the ego it is important to first recognize that is was a very necessary component of our spiritual awakening process. Having an identity other than what we really are sparked a deep withdrawal into needing something more in order to fulfill ourselves. This led to trying to fulfill ourselves with many things over and over until we realized that there was nothing that would fulfill us but love for ourselves.
At this point we owe our ego a big round of applause for getting us to the breaking point from searching for answers outside of ourselves. Gratitude is necessary in order to release the ego of its job that it was created for.
In order to work with the ego in releasing it of its duty, thank your ego out loud for the stellar job it did of providing identity during the veiled aspect of your consciousness in the third density expression. Let it know that now you wish to explore the higher aspects of yourself and that you need to work together to allow this to come forth in your reality, even if that means it will need to eventually step aside in order to let your higher self take the wheel.

Becoming Aware of Programming

Part of the “taming” of the ego involves reversing the programming we have received as a part of societal living. If the ego is the lower aspect computer, then programming is the software. It is time to uninstall the software that keeps us in the illusional lower vibrational reality.

Here are a few programs that can be reversed with awareness and intentional thought:

  • Stop being offended. As Don Miguel Ruiz says, do not take anything personally. What others say or do is a projection of their own reality through their own false self. Often people consciously say the opposite of what their subconscious is thinking. Our subconscious follows the golden rule, and as we let more of our subconscious or higher self in our reality, we begin to refrain from saying things to others that may offend them as well.thought:
  • Let go of the need to win. Although games and challenges can sometimes have a positive influence on our advancement, we are in the process of letting go of third dimensional games as we move toward a higher way of living where there is no competition.
  • Let go of the need to be right. One person’s right is not necessarily another person’s right, as we all see things differently. When you let go of the need to prove that you are right, you reduce the opportunity for friction and argument. This is not meant to become passive or to stop standing up for your truth. Rather it is better to walk away from lower vibrational situations and instead focus on keeping your vibration up by standing in your truth by example. Choosing your battles wisely this time around is the key to advancement.
  • Let go of the need to be superior. We are all a spark of the one Creator having an individual experience. While some are on a faster track to enlightenment than others, we should not judge thosewho take a different path as all paths converge to one. In the higher dimensions, we still retain our individuality but we know that we are all swimming in the sea of love that makes up the whole. Superiority is often confused with having knowledge or experience, and is one of the things that cause the patterns of falling civilizations over time.
  • Let go of the need to have more. Ego driven materialism is the downfall of humanity and is fueled by those who wish to keep us indebted as slaves to an economic system. Once you realize that these things do not fulfill the black holewithin, you begin to let the need for them to fall away. A balance of having things that are necessary for comfort while losing the obsession or emotional attachment to them is the higher path. By getting rid of the unnecessary clutter in your life you make space within yourself for expansion.
  • Let go of identifying yourself by your achievements. Many people fear looking within themselves to find out who they really are apart from their title from a job or family status. This leads to crisis in life when it comes time for retirement or when the kids go off to college. There is no college degree, job title, social status, or award that will serve you in the ascension process.
  • Let go of your reputation. What other people think of you is none of your business. Some peopleget so obsessed with how they are seen by others that they lose themselves in false identities. It becomes a chore to try to remember who they are with one person or another. Being your true, authentic self is the best way to show love for yourself. Some people have much they could share with others about their awakening process or extraterrestrial contact but their ego will not allow them to share for fear of ruining their reputation.

Some people need more ego than others

Determining how much ego you wish to allow to shape your identity is still a personal choice. For example, there are great spiritual teachers that speak in front of thousands of people that need to have some ego in order to give themselves the self confidence needed to be in the public eye. Many musicians need some ego to be able to perform time and time again in front of people. This is why it is better to work with the ego rather than to tell it to take a hike, and each day may require more or less ego than the next.
Getting to know yourself involves getting to know all lower and higher aspects of yourself. In order to keep yourself anchored in a physical body, some lower aspect might need to be retained until our bodies take on light body forms. It is good for the shadow self to emerge and be present so that you can transmute any energies that will not pass through the eye of the needle as our cells change from carbon based to crystalline based.
The gradual process of holistic integration involves awareness and recognition of the tools that our bodies have gifted us with in order to complete our job of ascension. Our egos can be seen as a tool in awakening to what we are here to do as it presents us with the opportunity to see what we are not. Ultimately, by forgiving ourselves, loving ourselves, and letting go of judgment of ourselves, the ego naturally bows out and the higher aspects of ourselves naturally shine through.
About the Author
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for  Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in 2014-2015 in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. Michelle Walling’s cosmic writing website is Counseling sessions can be booked on the website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.
Source: In5D

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Free Energy Live In Action! This Is Breathtaking As Science Is Being Re-Written

Free Energy: Quantum Energy Generator in Morocco
(Collective Evolution) Watching this video was quite an experience. It’s perhaps because I’ve been following this topic for so many years now and amidst all the doubt and negativity from mainstream science, amazing scientists have put together devices that time and time again show that our current understandings of science and physics can use some updating.
To begin, I want to define what I mean when I say ‘free energy.’ I refer to it as getting more energy out than you put in and/or not requiring input and having energy be produced perpetually. To answer the question, yes this device will need part replacement, bearing, belts etc. at some point in its lifespan. Minimal costs involved there.
For a moment, forget about suppression of these technologies and simply focus on the fact that they are here, working and will eventually hit the mainstream for people to build and purchase themselves.
If you haven’t heard of the QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) then this is going to be a nice surprise for you. This device is based off of Tesla’s work where he built a resonance generator that required 1KW input to produce 10KW output. This device works in the same way and was built after his patents were released into the public domain. Years of testing and adjusting was done to make the device possible and available for others to build. This new device will require 1KW of input power to get the core resonance up and then after it is producing 10KW it can be unplugged and an inverter is attached so no input power will be required.
qeg2Yes, this means what it is saying, after a short period of input power, NO INPUT will be needed to supply 10KW of power. As stated by HopeGirl who released the plans open source to the public “The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.” Beautiful words as this world doesn’t need to be built off of money, greed, patents, ownership and power. These are archaic egoic concepts that we can evolve out of quite effortlessly.
Have a look at the moving video below as this community in Morocco built the working device in only 3 days. This video is of them turning on the device for the first time. You are seeing just the beginning of this device as more tweaks will be made in the coming days to increase the output power.
Message to the World: “If we can get a QEG up and running in Morocco, we can do it anywhere!”— Tomas Qubeck, New Earth Heartbeat
This device has also been built in Taiwan and more teams are building them in other areas of the world.
Editor’s Note: You can read more about the QEG deployment in Morocco on D’s Blog Removing the ShacklesCongratulations, you guys!! :) 

Read more about the QEG Overunity Device in the links below:



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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How Biophotons Show That We Are Made of Light

We Are Made of Light
(Spirit Science) A biophoton or Ultra-weak Photon Emission, (UPE) is a kind of light particle that is emitted by all living things.  Though it exists in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum, in order for us to see it, our eyes would have to be about 1,000 times more sensitive.
While we can’t see them with our eyes alone,  technology has given us a glimpse and what it’s shown us may have a profound impact on us all.
Biophotons were first thought to be merely the byproduct of metabolic chemical reactions.  That idea is being challenged with an exciting theory that claims biophotons have a much larger role to play when it comes to our physiology and quite possibly our consciousness as well.
Experiments are showing that biophotons (UPEs) can be captured and stored inside of cells and  can even travel through our nervous system; suggesting that biophotons might provide a way for cells to transfer energy and communicate information.  It’s has also been suggested that UPEs might even have properties which help us to visualize images. 
This makes sense considering how we’re creating computers. All computers are is silicon crystal chips which we pass light through to relay 0′s and 1′s. (Light on, Light Off). The first computer was literally built with a lightbulb and these punch-cards which had holes in them, which is how we would program computers.
Today, our computers are far more advanced, and yet at the core, the electrical information we are passing through computers today is still a form of light. Now our sciences are revealing humans work the same way, and Light carries information through our brain, nervous system, and even our DNA.
thYep! Scientists are finding that our DNA is a strong source of UPEs, it communicates with and is created from light itself!   It’s been observed that DNA produces extremely high biophoton emissions and has excimer laser-like properties.   Excimer lasers (or exciplex lasers)  are special lasers consisting pseudo-molecules that only exist in a highly excited state and emit light in the ultraviolet range.
If that wasn’t cool enough already, scientists have also discovered that not only do we emit light, we have the ability to effect it with our thoughts alone.   In a recent study, participants were placed in a darkened room and asked to visualize a bright light.  When they did this, they were able to increase their levels of biophoton emissions significantly, showing that our intentions have an influence on light itself!
In conclusion, Light appears to be a fundamental part of our being. It’s hard-coded into our very bodies to function directly with, and through – light. On top of that, the fact that we can affect light with our intentions alone… outstanding!  It would appear those new age hippies are right when they say we are all beings of light. ;)

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Beyond Science: How to Talk to Your DNA

How to Talk to Your DNA
(In5D) Our DNA holds the secrets of immortality and wellness. Within it lies the wisdom of not only our genetic ancestors but our past and future life experiences as well. We have been told that we will be activating ten strands of dormant ‘junk’ DNA that are overlaid in the two active strands of DNA that we currently operate with. How can we activate this extra DNA in order to access the wisdom needed to move forward?

What is DNA?

DNA lies in the nucleus of each cell in our body except for red blood cells. The blood in the body carries DNA but only in the white blood cells of the blood since red blood cells do not have nuclei. The instructions for the blueprint of our human body is replicated in full in each nucleus. In essence our body is one large hologram with each cell containing a complete pattern of DNA and all cells make up the whole of our physical existence.
Besides serving as a template, DNA serves as a place to store records of experience and wisdom and also allows for communication to deeper aspects of ourselves. Scientists today are aware that we have two active intertwining strands of DNA that carry the codes for our characteristics and interaction as human beings. Within these two strands lies the genetic imprint of our other, father, grandparents, and so on for our physical embodiment.
The other strands of DNA have been labeled inactive by science. Beyond science, this mysterious DNA is the magical doorway to a new kingdom. The exciting news is that the other strands are slowly awakening and merging with our two strand DNA in expansion as we raise our vibration in concert with the planet.

What affects our DNA?

The diminishing magnetic field and the increasing Solar Flare activity is part of what will cause our other strands of DNA to be “activated” or to merge into our existence as our vibration continues to rise. This would allow a shift in consciousness as the higher wisdom of our DNA is accessible within the physical body.

Why would I want to talk to my DNA?

Every cell in our DNA has consciousness that is linked to the higher self. The higher self is the conscious mind of our soul, which is the larger essence of who we are as a spiritual being. We are a finger of consciousness from our soul sent down onto the lower dimensions, as our soul is so big that it cannot fit into the compact denseness of the third dimension. As our Universe, galaxy, and planet expands, it allows the space for us to expand as well. This will allow for more access to our soul particles and we are choosing to bring them into this reality of living in a human body. In order to do this we must change from a carbon blueprint to one of a lighter density.

By communicating to our DNA, we can accomplish many things including:

  1. Healing — By sending love and light consciously into our cells, we have the power to heal the body.
  2. Nutrition — By asking your body what it would like to eat, it can tell you the optimal food it requires based on its genetic code.
  3. Wisdom — The process of remembrance involves gaining access to Akashic records through our DNA.
  4. Ascension — When we expand each cell in our body with light, we become crystalline based beings vibrating at a higher frequency of love where we cannot be interfered with by lower vibrational beings. Manifestation of this into our reality can be achieved by verbally intending what we wish to manifest in our reality.
Because our bodies are holograms, we only need to speak to one of the cells in our body in order to communicate to all of the cells. They are interconnected and function as a whole being. They are the blueprint for what humanity is striving to be as a macrocosm. However, it is acceptable to talk to cells of a particular organ such as the kidney or liver if you want to specifically send healing to those cells. They will in kind send healing to all of the other cells in the body.

How to talk to your DNA

Communication with your DNA is not a difficult process and can be as personal and unique as you would like for it to be. You can try different methods and choose what feels best to your body.
In order to have the highest intentions it would be a good idea to set up a miniature ritual before you begin to communicate with your body the first time. If you are going to be indoors, this would include setting the energy in the room and making yourself comfortable. If you would prefer to be outside, nature can provide the life force needed to serve as a bridge to you and your higher self through your cells. Once you make initial contact with a cell or cells in your body, you can simply pick up this conversation anytime you wish, anywhere you are.
Talking to your cells is a mixture between meditation and prayer.

The following is an example of how you can talk to your DNA

  1. Find a comfortable position that works for you. You can sit in a lotus position, lie down, sit in a comfortable chair, sit on the couch, or even sit in a warm bath.
  2. Close your eyes and relax.
  3. Take a few slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm area. Bring your attention and awareness into your heart chakra. Take another deep breath as you focus on sitting within the energy of your heart center. Imagination goes a long way when intending within mediation. What you are doing in your heart center is sitting with yourself in the highest vibration of your body which is love.
  4. Next think of a section of your body. Choose the first section that comes to your mind. Do not second guess your first intuitive response.
  5. Within that section of your body, narrow your focus now to a smaller section of your body, then go further and further within your body, deeper, and deeper, until you lock focus on one cell of your body.
  6. Speak softly to your cell and let it know how happy you are to make contact with it. Let it know your intentions. This could be healing, having a conversation with it, or intending that your cell be filled with light in the process of ascension. Whatever your reason for contact is, your cell will be ecstatic that you have finally realized that you could communicate with it. As you practice sitting in communion with your own cells, you can pause and listen for an answer. It is important to pay attention to the first thing that comes into your mind. Many times we tend to think we are just communicating with our own imagination, however we are indeed in contact with a portion of ourselves.
Meditative communication is a great way to get to know your body’s needs. Since all cells are in communication with each other, you can ask this one cell if there is another cell that needs attention. Do not worry of you cannot receive any answers from your cells “verbally” or mentally in your head. Manypeople are able to feel the way our cells communicate with us. Some people have chills up and down the body in response to truth. You could ask yes or no questions to your cell and wait for an answer, where yes could be established as chills, and no would be absence of chills.

The end result of talking with your cells

As we talk to our cells we bring love into them. Love is light and as we bring light in we raise our vibration. As we expand our cells to receive more light, we create an  environment for more of our soul light to join us within our body. Eventually we will all be able to communicate freely with our higher selves which are tied to our souls. Our souls are tied to our monads, which are simply a finger of consciousness of our creator.
This gives a new definition of what it means to “go within” in order to have all of the answers we could want. Our cells are all connected to each other and further they are connected to all of the wisdom we could need, from our higher self to our soul which has access to all of the experiences of everything that ever was recorded in theAkashic Records. Your soul may or may not have access to certain things now, but eventually as we learn how to maneuver our consciousness up the ladder of connection to Creator, this wisdom is indeed ours just as it is our Creator’s.

When we heal our DNA we help others too

Until the shift into the Age of Aquarius, the door had been closed to this wisdom by those who wished to control and dominate humanity upon earth for approximately thirty thousand years. A massive amount of dissonance has been carried in our DNA from generation to generation and from lifetime to lifetime. When we clear this dissonance in our DNA in our physical body today, it also
clears all of our blood ancestors’ dissonance as well. It is an exciting and beautiful reminder that there is more happening to us than just ascending; we are rewriting the past and creating a new future in an expanded consciousness like no other.
When the first person expands the light within their cells to a maximum potential while still existing in a physical body, the doorway will be open for this person to shift their consciousness to a fifth dimensional perspective. Once a body is filled with light, there is no concern of turning back or slipping back into a lower vibration. This is the purpose and explanation of what we understand is the ascension process. Most of have already ascended before in other lifetimes, however we have shed our physical bodies in the past and returned to moving our consciousness into a light body. This is truly a learn-as-you-go process and we have a lot of help from our guides, angels, higher self, and soul.
Once the first person on earth prepares completely for ascension, it provides a template for others to quickly follow. Our bodies must be cleared of lower vibrational energies and the space where those energies were can be filled with light. Once the majority of cells are filled with light, it will spark the rest of the cells to burst forth with light. The more people that prepare for shifting their conciousness to a higher dimension, the faster we will be able to move larger portions of the human consciousness to a higher dimension. Eventually this consciousness will become whole again.
The veil is lifting and knowledge is pouring in which blesses us with wisdom. Within this wisdom we may find that there are an infinite number of strands of DNA instead of just twelve. Creation is infinite and we are microcosms of the macrocosm. Activation of our strands of DNA will bring a clear connection with our higher self which will be the foundation for the Golden Age. Talking to our DNA is a powerful tool of creation which allows for the manifestation of this transformation into our reality. These are the secrets that have been hidden from us for many years. Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom brings peace.
About the author: 
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for  Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in 2014-2015 in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. Michelle Walling’s cosmic writing website is Counseling sessions can be booked on the website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.
Source: In5D
Image: Steve Jurvetson
Source: Waking Times

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